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resources for Christian education in information science
A Quick Guide to Adventist Resources on the Internet Grade 7-LifelongThis article aims to direct teachers to Seventh-day Adventist resources to use for their courses, lectures, or devotionals. Brief descriptions are paired with website links on various topics -
Adventist Elementary School Libraries: A Model Kindergarten-Grade 8This JAE article presents a library model, ANGEL, for elementary schools. Libraries are not perceived as a high priority area, resulting in students not gaining access to enrichment or remedial information and not learning how to use a library. Southern Adventist... -
Adventist Librarianship Accesses the Electronic Future Tertiary-LifelongThis JAE article describes the journey Adventist librarians are taking into technology by sharing their activities in planning for the future. Adventist librarians meet every year to plan how to provide for the quick and efficient delivery of information. -
Adventist Library Information Cooperative - ALICE Kindergarten-LifelongThe Adventist Library Information Cooperative (ALICE) is a consortium of Adventist institutional libraries operating under the umbrella of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians (ASDAL). A volunteer organization, managed by a council consisting... -
ALICE - A Wonderland for Librarians TertiaryMost academic institutions have found it necessary to participate in several library consortia to deal with the increasing strain on the library budget. The Adventist Virtual Library (AVL) is an example of regional Seventh-day Adventist library consortia,... -
ANGEL and the Well-Stocked Library Kindergarten-Grade 12The Adventist Network of General Educational Libraries (ANGEL) was developed to improve the quality of church school libraries in the Southern Union Conference. The services it offers include selection and purchase of books appropriate to student age level,... -
ANGEL and the Well-stocked Library Kindergarten-Grade 12"Quality education requires wellstocked and well-balanced libraries. Seventh-day Adventist schools also need materials that support our distinctive denominational ethic. Selecting and buying library books, and then preparing them for use are specialized... -
Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians - ASDAL Tertiary-LifelongThis website includes information about association laws, committees, the ALICE consortium, an ASDAL member list, and Adventist resource links of interest to Adventist librarians. -
Automating the K-12 Library Kindergarten-Grade 12A school librarian tells of her experience in automating a school library. A list of the features that are common to the majority of library management systems software and another list of school library automation systems, with company name and contact information,... -
Benefits, Challenges and Strategies of OA and Repository Implementation in Seventh-day Adventist University Libraries: An International Perspective TertiaryOpen Access and institutional repositories are rapidly making their way into the scientific communications pipe line. Many universities are implementing their own intellectual production repositories using open access strategy and technology as a means for... -
Bibliotherapy in Seventh-day Adventist Education - Using the Information Media for Character Development Tertiary-LifelongBibliotherapy is the use of literature and other forms of media "to solve an individual's personal or emotional problems." Cronje points out "that when bibliotherapy is applied, it can be of benefit to students in our educational institutions... -
Cataloging and Classification Kindergarten-LifelongThis article explains the processes of cataloging and classification of library materials. A library catalog is an organized set of bibliographic records. Cataloging has two phases: descriptive and subject cataloging. The two most commonly used methods for... -
Classroom Libraries - The Experience of Village Adventist Elementary School in Berrien Springs, Michigan Kindergarten-Grade 8The objectives of this paper are to: 1. have a historical overview of school libraries 2. view Village Adventist Elementary School in general and its classroom libraries in particular 3. investigate how teachers and students perceive the classroom... -
Collaborative Ideas for a School Library Kindergarten-Grade 12Students’ educational development will be enhanced when principals, teachers, and librarians collaborate in learning, teaching, and implementing critical-thinking skills. Collaboration by every member of the school staff is necessary in this information... -
Comparative Analysis of Students' Information Seeking Behaviour in Adventist Universities - A Survey of Babcock and Solusi Universities TertiaryThis study examined the information seeking behaviour of undergraduate students in two Seventh-day Adventist institutions. The population was made up of 4,741 students from three faculties registered during the first semester of 2009/2010 academic session.... -
Cost-Effective Collection Development in the Digital Age - Considerations for Academic Libraries Grade 9-Tertiary"Are print or electronic books the most economical option for academic libraries? Given the different qualities associated with print and electronic books and the varied processes involved in making them available to readers, college and university librarian... -
Creating a Good Library Web Site Kindergarten-LifelongThis article focuses on the experience of Southern Adventist University (SAU) Library's experience in web site design and provides a step-by-step guide to the process followed. A well-designed web site is one of the best ways for a library to communicate to... -
Cruden's Complete Concordance Grade 1-LifelongCompact and easy to use, this concordance is a "practical, convenient, eminently useful companion to the King James Version and other classic translations of the Bible." Includes more than 200,000 references to both the King James Version and the... -
Design for the Establishment of School Libraries in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Mexico TertiaryThe school library is conceived as a dynamic resource center and an active information service that plays an essential role in relation to student learning, teaching tasks and the social and cultural environment of the school. The school library in Mexico... -
Dewey Decimal System Teaching Method Grade 1-Grade 4This unit teaches finger motions that will help students learn where things are located in libraries using the Dewey Decimal System. -
Disaster Control in Libraries: A Lesson from the Los Angeles Central Library Fire Tertiary-LifelongAn examination of the April 29, 1986, Los Angeles Central Library fire. Recovery methods are described. Elements of disaster control are prevention, preparedness, and response. These should be included in a written disaster plan, formulated by a committee... -
Distance Learners: Teaching and Assessing Information Literacy Tertiary-LifelongThis article discusses distance learners and teaching and assessing information literacy. Library support for these learners must follow learning outcomes assessment programs. It must emphasize the development of critical thinking skills and support culturally... -
Evaluating Information in Religious Communication: Information Literacy Applied in a Seminary Course on World Religions Tertiary-LifelongIn Library Science, a core pedagogical outcome in higher education is “information literacy.” One component of this competency is the ability to evaluate information. In applying this ability to Seminary education, specifically to student academic... -
Growing a University Library in Africa TertiaryThis paper presents the story of the establishment of the Judith Thomas Library, Adventist University of Africa. -
Holding The Fort - The Service-Oriented Leadership of Librarians TertiaryFocusing on six librarians in the Philippines, this “ethnographic study highlights the values and shared culture of librarians of a Christian institution of higher education.” -
How Library Volunteers Can Help Your Small School Kindergarten-Grade 8"Because a teacher’s schedule is packed, one of the best decisions regarding the library might be to find a volunteer who loves books and children. Many retirees enjoy having time to contribute to their community and can be a valuable resource for... -
Ideas for Organizing a Small Library Kindergarten-Grade 12This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation is excellent if you need to get your small library organized and/or automated. You will find some great ideas on how to do this quickly and easily even if you don’t know how to catalog like a librarian. -
Intellectual freedom - Challenges and responsibilities of Seventh-day Adventist academic libraries TertiaryA survey was conducted among Library Directors in Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) colleges and universities around the world to learn how SDA librarians view and define intellectual freedom, whether SDA libraries are having censorship challenges to library materials,... -
JAE Editorial: The 21st-Century Library - A Critical Component of Our Educational Mission Kindergarten-TertiaryIn this special issue on Adventist school libraries, Malcolm Russell discusses the transformation of libraries in the 21st-century and the importance of libraries to the accomplishment of the educational mission. Articles in this issue include: -
JAE Editorial: The Heart of the Institution Kindergarten-LifelongWhat does it mean for the library to be the heart of an institution? This JAE special issue on school libraries attempts to help educators and administrators gain new insights about the value of a vibrant library. Articles in this issue include: -
JAE: Of Interest to Teachers Kindergarten-LifelongThis Journal of Adventist Education column features current news, reports, and updates of interest to educators. In this issue: SDA Library Resources Expanding; Monitoring the Internet; Home Study International Offers Free Stamps; Who Earns College... -
JAE: Of Interest to Teachers Kindergarten-LifelongThis Journal of Adventist Education column features current news, reports, and updates of interest to educators. In this issue: 'New Agenda' on Womens Issues Needed; Student Loan Defaulters; Accidents Are Leading Killer of Children; Academic Libraries... -
James White Library Celebrates Its 85th Anniversary Tertiary"The 85th anniversary of the James White Library (JWL) and the current building’s 60th are significant achievements and milestones for the Andrews University community and the global Seventh-day Adventist higher-education system. A summary of the... -
Library Management for the Small School in Four Steps - Evaluating, Planning, Purchasing, and Organizing Kindergarten-Grade 8“For teachers without formal training in library science, the process of creating, maintaining, or using a currently existing library may feel daunting. However, the process can be broken down into four basic repeatable concepts—evaluation, planning,... -
Literary Clubs - Promoting Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing Skills TertiaryA brief history and current practices of the Oakwood University Literary Guild provides a case study for the importance of literary guilds in a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education. One benefit is that by focusing on student-centered goals... -
Managing Resource Sharing in Selected Seventh-day Adventist Tertiary Institutions in Sub-saharan Africa - Problems and Prospects Tertiary-LifelongUniversities in Sub-Saharan Africa are challenged to transform learning so as to produce graduates who have both knowledge and competencies in the new millennium. This study examines the practice, problems and prospects of resource-sharing in selected Seventh-day... -
McKee Library - Thriving After a Mid-life Crisis TertiaryWhat do libraries do when their facilities or services encounter a midlife crisis? Is there life after 40 for libraries that were built long before the Internet, social networking applications, eBook readers, and other high-tech devices? How can library facilities... -
Partnering for Success With Information Literacy Kindergarten-LifelongEducators and students need to be information literate to effectively navigate today's information overload. How can classroom teachers and librarians equip students with these skills? The school librarian can help the teacher incorporate technology and multiple resources into the curriculum; teach course-related information skills; and promote a climate of cooperation. -
Pulling Together to Build a Good Collection Kindergarten-LifelongThis article suggests ways the librarian can facilitate collaboration in collection development. Librarians must take the initiative in planning and working with teachers. The librarian must draw up a Collection Development Plan that includes the mission,... -
Revitalizing the Academy Library Grade 9-Grade 12This JAE article points to the rapidly changing ways we receive information, and states that the academy library must adapt to the new technology. There are four characteristics of the contemporary library: 1) Clear materials selection policy; 2) Good recent... -
Small Schools and Libraries - A Combination for Success Kindergarten-Grade 8Libraries provide early positive experiences with reading and consistently support student learning. Through partnerships with public libraries, use of qualified volunteers, and library training for classroom teachers, even small schools can offer students... -
Teaching Information Literacy Using Freely Available Digital Collections Kindergarten-TertiaryInformation literacy is a vital part of 21st-century education and should be embedded at all educational levels. There are a number of freely available digital libraries and child-friendly search engines that can be used to teach information literacy. This... -
The 21st-Century Library - Where Resource-Based Learning Happens Kindergarten-TertiaryIn addition to providing excellent collections, librarians increasingly play an instructional role, guiding students to appropriate resources and teaching them how to evaluate those sources to deal with today’s complex milieu of Internet and library... -
The Impact of Computer Literacy and Library Anxiety on Students' Library Experience TertiaryDespite growing up with technology, are college freshmen well prepared for library research, or does their computer savvy actually put them at a disadvantage? Do other factors such as library anxiety affect students’ research experience? How can secondary educators better prepare their students for the leap from a small school library to a large college or university library? How can college librarians make new students’ first library experience a positive one? These questions are addressed in this article. -
The Library of Faith TertiaryTraditionally, Adventist college libraries have received little attention in the discussion on the integration of faith and learning. However, this article argues that librarians are a vital part of the integration process. The library should provide access... -
The Library of Faith - An Exploration of the Role of the Library in a Seventh-day Adventist College Tertiary-LifelongClouten explores "the role and particular features which should characterize the library of a four-year Seventh-day Adventist liberal arts college." This paper was presented at the 7th Institute of Christian Teaching. -
The Library: A Window of Opportunity Kindergarten-LifelongHow does the school library contribute to the mission of the school and open windows to a world of ideas, culture, dreams, and faith? Annette Melgosa shows how the library supports the philosophy of Adventist education. -
The Online Library: A Professor's Personal Experience Tertiary-LifelongAccording to the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), members of distance-learning communities should have access to the same library services and resources provided for students and faculty on-campus. Ann Greer shares how Southern Adventist University (SAU) was able to secure and provide access to quality electronic library resources with assistance from services such as the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians (ASDAL) and the Adventist Library Information Cooperative (ALICE). -
The Rest of the Story - Why and How to Teach Research Skills Grade 6-TertiaryThe importance of checking the facts, evaluating truthfulness, learning research skills and critical thinking skills are basic to being an educated Christian. Library instruction helps to develop the strategies of research. Instructors should cooperate with... -
Weeding Lessons Tertiary-Lifelong“Left unattended, a library collection quickly becomes cluttered, outdated, and useless to its patrons. Gardens, lawns, and library collections all benefit from weeding. And so do our characters.” -
What Do I Do With All These Books?! Tips for Organizing a Small School Library Kindergarten-Grade 8The library at your school desperately needs to be organized, and you’ve been assigned to do the job. Here are some ideas to help get you started. Ideally you would have a trained or paid librarian at your school to do this; however, many Seventh-day...