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Instructional Strategies Narrow Results

resources helping teachers apply instructional design, models and teaching strategies

  • Christian Resource
    101 Quick Attention-Getters for Children's Ministry Kindergarten-Grade 5
    These fidget busters are designed for the squirmers in your class! You can energize students with innovative activities and then return to your planned lesson.

  • Adventist Resource
    A grounded-theory study of the teaching methods of Jesus: An emergent instructional model Kindergarten-Tertiary
    Problem: While models of teaching and teaching methods have manifested themselves in the wake of most major world philosophies and thus are accessible to present-day educators, a defined model of teaching based on the Christian worldview is harder to...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Motivation Scaffold to Improve the Learning Engagement of Students Grade 7-Grade 12
    "This study seeks to address [student engagement] and is an examination of the use of a motivational scaffold to assist a cohort of Year Nine students to take greater responsibility for their learning through direct and authentic learning experiences...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Reflective Teaching Model - An Adventist Assessment Tertiary-Lifelong
    Poblete poses these questions and attempts to answer them: What is reflective teaching as conceptualized in related literature and studies? How consistent is the concept of reflective teaching to Adventist worldview? This paper was presented at the 24th Institute...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Writer is Someone Who Writes -- And So is a Writing Teacher! Kindergarten-Tertiary
    An examination of the 1984 North Pacific Union Conference-sponsored writing program for elementary, secondary, and college teachers. Central to the workshop was a resource center, which facilitated the blending of theory with practice. The workshop's organizing...

  • Adventist Resource
    ABCs, 1,2,3s and PE - Using Physical Activity to Teach Curriculum Kindergarten-Grade 6
    This NAD session highlights current research linking physical fitness to academic performance in youth. Morgan demonstrates how core curricular topics can be taught to K-4 elementary students using movement activities in a kinesthetic learning style.

  • Adventist Resource
    Addressing TV Violence in the Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Alice Evans shares Susan Colonna's model for teaching second grade students to look critically at the content of their favorite television programs. The process of creating the model, implementing the model, and collecting data is shared. Finally, as students...

  • Adventist Resource
    Are Your Students Scared to Death of Mathematics? Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the JAE special math issue deals with how to help students overcome their fear of math, in particular problem solving. Suggestions for how to teach problem solving include teachers preparing themselves to teach, helping students develop a...

  • Adventist Resource
    Beyond Cooperative Learning: Building a Learning Community Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning states that a classroom needs to become a Christian learning community where students are involved together in learning and developing character. The author shares how this can be achieved by...

  • Adventist Resource
    Book Review - A Place Called School Grade 9-Grade 12
    Hilde analyzes John Goodlad's classic on school improvement and change, A Place Called School, from an Adventist perspective. Hilde comments on many aspects of Goodlad's book such as recommendations for curriculum improvement and back to basics versus...

  • Adventist Resource
    Brain-friendly Teacher - How to Create Lasting Learning through Classroom Design & Instruction Preschool-Grade 12
    Why do my students forget what I teach when class is done? How do I know if a trend on social media really works or if it is just a fun thing to try? How do I bring information to my students’ long-term memory? Does the way I decorate...

  • Adventist Resource
    Bringing Powerful Teaching to the Small School Kindergarten-Grade 10
    Larry Burton shares his experiences in using many instructional strategies in a one-room school. Implementing these strategies can lead to what the author calls "instructional empowerment." Models of Teaching (MOT) strategies discussed include: Synetics;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Build Integrated Christ-Centered Units that STREAM Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This breakout session handout from the 2018 NAD convention provides the STR(3)EAMS Framework. Learn how to provide your students with "the benefits of faith-based units, STEM, flipped learning, brain-based learning, hands-on learning, and literacy theory....

  • Adventist Resource
    Classroom Discussion in Southeast Asia - Concerns in Thai Classrooms Tertiary
    "This article defines the concept of classroom discussion as well as the benefits of discussion in the classroom. In addition, barriers to classroom discussion that are common to classrooms are discussed with a focus on problems unique to classroom discussion...

  • Adventist Resource
    Classrooms Alive! Using Integrated Thematic Teaching Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This article shares the excitement that comes with trying new teaching strategies. Bored with the same old lesson plans, worksheet, and rote learning, Tom and Kathy Roosma found themselves ready to leave teaching. However, after attending a Whole Language...

  • Adventist Resource
    Competency-based Education Grade 10-Tertiary
    Competencies tend to convey what the person is capable of or competent to perform, the degree of preparation, and sufficiency or responsibility for certain tasks. It tries to follow an integrative approach, considering capabilities as a dynamic combination...

  • Adventist Resource
    Cooperation - The Only Way to Go in Small Schools Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning states that multigrade classrooms provide the perfect climate for practicing cooperative learning skills. The author gives suggestions for the different subject areas as well as catchy getting-started...

  • Adventist Resource
    Cooperative Learning Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article defines cooperative learning, what makes it an effective teaching strategy, and how suitable it is for the Christian classroom. The author supports his discussion with current research on cooperative learning, and provides suggestions on how to...

  • Adventist Resource
    Cooperative Learning - An Alternative to Lecturing in College Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning shows how cooperative learning can be used effectively in college. The author gives practical suggestions on getting started and along with a sample class period outline, explains several simple...

  • Adventist Resource
    Creating Peaceable Schools - Instructional and Management Strategies Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Peace education is a process of reducing or eliminating conflicts, disruptions, and violent confrontations in homes, schools, churches, and communities through nonviolent and humane actions. A primary objective of peace education is the creation of caring...

  • Adventist Resource
    Developing Literacy Skills with Graphic Organisers Grade 1-Grade 12
    This article explores the implementation and usefulness of graphic organizers, mental maps, and other visual guides to help students sort and retain new information.

  • Adventist Resource
    Dissecting and Experiencing the Reading workshop for Teachers and Administrators Kindergarten-Grade 6
    Learn how to use the reading workshop strategy, as part of the Pathways reading program, from this presentation by Martha Havens and Lynal Ingham, NAD Pacific Union education leaders. This powerpoint was presented...

  • Adventist Resource
    Do They Understand What I Just Taught? Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This 2012 NAD presentation focuses on formative assessment ideas and techniques to assist teachers in determining if their students understand a developing concept. An assessment technique can cue the instructor to adjust, reteach, or enrich a given lesson...

  • Adventist Resource
    Doing Twice as Much Maths in Half the Time - Implementing Scrum Methodology in a Year 7 Mathematics Classroom Grade 5-Grade 12
    Originally used by software companies, the Scrum project management model is a way of thinking designed to increase team and individual productivity. Kingston describes his method and results after adapting the model for his middle school math class.

  • Adventist Resource
    Effective Teaching Techniques for College Classes Tertiary-Lifelong
    Gail T. Rice shares effective strategies for teaching college level classes. Rice emphasizes that, in addition to mastery of content material, teachers need to be aware of the process of teaching and learning. Strategies include: improve class discussions,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Effects of Teaching Methods and Students' Attitude on Academic Performance Tertiary
    "This study explored the effects of teaching methods in business instruction and students’ attitude toward the class on students’ academic performance. The respondents were 135 college students from an Indonesian university. Both the experimental...

  • Adventist Resource
    Eleven Suggestions for Improving Discipline in the Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The number one problem facing classrooms today is discipline. In addressing this issue, the author presents eleven suggestions, in the area of classroom management, that teachers should consider. Sub-headings include: Show Genuine Love and Concern; Help Students...

  • Adventist Resource
    Encouraging Active Learning Kindergarten-Lifelong
    The question 'What is Active Teaching and Active Learning?' is asked and answered in this article. Active teaching engages the students in learning. Five techniques are discussed: Inductive Reasoning (List, Group, Label); Think, Pair-Share; Write, Pair-Share;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Evaluation of Competencies with Objective Tests - Multiple-choice Questions Grade 1-Lifelong
    According to Backhoff, Peon and Sanchez (2005) multiple-choice items can be used in different contexts and for different purposes. They are used to evaluate factual knowledge, higher-order intellectual skills, or attitudinal and evaluative dispositions. With...

  • Adventist Resource
    Factors that Characterize the Reality of Lasallian Association in Latin America and Spain Grade 7-Tertiary
    This research is framed within the broad current that the Lasallian world is experiencing around the concept and the experience of association. The study focuses its attention on some indicators that can classify Lasallians into groups, according to their...

  • Adventist Resource
    First Steps in Cooperative Learning Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning shares how teachers acquire knowledge about and implement cooperative learning techniques in their classrooms. In addition to being trained by competent instructors, teachers interested in cooperative...

  • Adventist Resource
    Flipped Classrooms Improve Reading Comprehension of Science Textbooks Grade 9-Grade 12
    Faced with a class failing to understand their biology textbooks, this teacher looked for a new strategy. “A review of relevant literature and dialogue with other educators suggested that implementing a variation of the flipped classroom might alleviate...

  • Adventist Resource
    Forum Theatre and Parables - A Qualitative Field Experiment in a Seventh-Day Adventist Academy Grade 9-Grade 12
    "In this article, the author describes a qualitative field study designed to test the effectiveness of Forum Theatre (FT) as a cross-disciplinary approach to Biblical parabolic literature analysis for students enrolled in a Seventh-day Adventist (SDA)...

  • Adventist Resource
    Getting Students to Think - Using Questions Effectively Kindergarten-Grade 12
    How can educators help students learn to think? Larry Burton and Donna Habenicht address effective ways of using questions to enhance the thinking capabilities of students. The authors state that students need guidance toward using higher level thinking skills....

  • Adventist Resource
    Great Teaching Must Inspire Great Thinking Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article addresses some of the perennial issues that arise when schools attempt to teach students to think. Teaching critical and independent thinking does not appear to hinge on the controversy between the merits of teacher-centered or student-centered...

  • Christian Resource
    Group Publishing Preschool-Tertiary
    Group's mission is to encourage Christian growth in children, youth, and adults. Group offers books, curriculum, CDs, videos, and other resources for ministry with children, youth, adults, and families. Group's award-winning Bible curriculum is designed for...

  • Adventist Resource
    Grouping Students for Reading Instruction Kindergarten-Grade 8
    Ideas for teaching reading more effectively in small schools. Reading instruction provides unusual challenges because students must be taught at a mastery level and provided with enrichment and reinforcement. Suggestions dealing with general group management...

  • Christian Resource
    How to Evaluate School Coexistence - The Students' Point of View Grade 1-Grade 12
    This article argues for the need to complement the traditional way of measuring educational quality. For this purpose, some Chilean educational policies are reviewed and some ideas are put forward to evaluate school coexistence. An instrument is offered to...

  • Adventist Resource
    How to Use Retrieval Practice to Improve Learning Preschool-Grade 12
    Read the presentation from this 2018 NAD convention breakout session to learn what retrieval practice is and how to use it, as well as six strategies to try.

  • Adventist Resource
    I Didn't Even Know I Liked You - Elementary Students Learn People Skills and Subject Matter Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning shows how students involved with cooperative learning not only master subject matter, but also learn social skills. One of the first steps the classroom teacher must take is to provide opportunities...

  • Adventist Resource
    In Search of a Superman, Reflections on the Purpose of Education Grade 10-Tertiary
    Taking as an example the education that Nazism imposed on the German youth of the 20th century, this article attempts to show how the inļ¬‚uence of both Charles Darwin and Friedrich Nietzsche gave shape and meaning to such education, making it useful, but...

  • Adventist Resource
    In the Image of God - The Creative Act in Teaching and Learning Tertiary-Lifelong
    Spring hypotheses that "successful teaching consists of establishing a dynamic relationship between the student and the subject matter." In the paper he goes on to discuss what the nature of the "dynamic relationship" is and how the teacher...

  • Adventist Resource
    Inspired Instruction - Data-Driven Differentiation in the Adventist Classroom Preschool-Grade 12
    In this 2018 NAD convention workshop, attendees developed "a method to track and monitor student progress utilizing data on a consistent basis" and were introduced to the "benefits of RTI (Response-to-Intervention), implementation of a balanced...

  • Adventist Resource
    Instructional Strategies for Integrating Faith and Learning Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Taylor addresses how teachers can authentically integrate faith into the classroom learning experience of various academic disciplines. He also addresses the challenges of making the transition from theory to practice when seeking to create a Christian instructional...

  • Adventist Resource
    Instructional Strategies for the Integration of Faith and Learning Tertiary-Lifelong
    Taylor discusses methods of integrating faith and learning in all classes at a Christian school. This paper was presented at the 27th Institute of Christian Teaching.

  • Adventist Resource
    Integrating Collaborative Web 2.0 Tools into the Curriculum Preschool-Tertiary
    Our students must learn to communicate and collaborate using a variety of digital media and environments. Group collaboration in the classroom can become Web 2.0 collaboration using appropriate tools. Many Web 2.0 links will be available online to view later....

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: Ways to Enliven Your Teaching Kindergarten-Grade 12
    If you are looking for new ways to approach your curriculum, this editorial for the special issue on instructional issues has useful suggestions. Articles in this issue include: Overview of Instructional...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: The Deeper Magic Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Jim Roy compares William Glasser's Choice Theory to Scripture and Ellen White's writings concerning the principles and resulting practices of Adventist education. Articles in this themed issue include: The...

  • Adventist Resource
    Jesus Christ, Master Teacher - His Focus, Strategies, and Results Preschool-Lifelong
    Taylor establishes principles for Christian teachers through a constructive review of the focus of Jesus' teaching, the way He taught, His example or model, and the impact of His teaching.

  • Adventist Resource
    Just in Time Teaching in the Sciences or Other Subjects Grade 7-Tertiary
    See the presentation from this 2018 NAD convention breakout session to learn about Just in Time Teaching, in which "students are introduced to class concepts through online and reading activities and the completion of a pre-class assignment. This pre-class...

  • Adventist Resource
    Learning During Stressful Situations - Optimizing Evidence-based Learning Strategies Kindergarten-Grade 12
    “How can teachers help students as they go back to school? What strategies can they use to help students catch up for the ‘learning loss’ during the pandemic?5 How can educators help students learn during stressful situations, in general?”

  • Adventist Resource
    Learning Strategies Grade 10-Tertiary
    Conceptually, learning styles are understood as personal variables that, halfway between intelligence and personality, explain the different ways of approaching, planning and responding to the demands of learning. There are social models, information processing...

  • Adventist Resource
    Learning Styles of Students at Corporación Universitaria Adventista de Colombia and Their Relationship with Academic Performance in the Area of Mathematics Grade 9-Tertiary
    This study deals with the problem of academic achievement in the area of mathematics at the university level and the need to know the relationship between it and the students' learning style. The research was quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental and...

  • Adventist Resource
    Learning to Read English with Predefined Versus Student-selected Readings Tertiary
    This research considers four groups of university students enrolled in a remedial English as a foreign language course at Montemorelos University, NL, Mexico. The reading comprehension and vocabulary development of these 55 students were compared when the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Let Me Do It and I Will Learn - Investigating Three Models of Student-Centred Learning Grade 5-Grade 12
    The Socratic Seminar, the Graffiti Model and the Pirozzo Matrix were trialed in high school English and history classes, and it was found that “each of these methods created discussion, involvement, cooperation and learning at many levels.”

  • Adventist Resource
    Lively Math Teaching-- What is it? How is it Done? Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article in the JAE special math issue introduces elements that teachers must have and what they must do to have successful and lively math classes. Teachers must compile concise yearly goals for their pupils; inspect the textbook and select supplementary...

  • Adventist Resource
    Lively Science Teaching for Multigrade Classrooms Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the JAE special science issue suggests that teachers who are responsible for science instruction of several or all grades should develop a program that meets the needs of the students without exceeding the teacher's energy. Teachers should...

  • Adventist Resource
    Making Science a Delight Grade 3-Grade 8
    Sally Dillon writes about a dynamic science teacher, Lowell Russell Litton, and the timeless techniques he has used to captivate and motivate his students at Shenandoah Valley Academy Elementary School. In an innovative way Litton makes sure his lessons allow...

  • Adventist Resource
    Matching Your Teaching to the Dyslexic's Learning Style Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Reshaping attitudes is an important factor in a successful educational treatment of dyslexia. Different learners have subtle difficulties in certain aspects of oral language that affect their written language skills. The article discusses language elements...

  • Adventist Resource
    Maximizing Learning, Implementation, and Reflection with Creative Professional Learning Models Kindergarten-Tertiary
    Topics at this 2018 NAD breakout session included "mentoring, blended learning, just-in-time learning, personalized learning, personal learning networks, xMOOCs, cMOOCs, LOOCs, collaborative projects, and more!" See the copy of the presentation for...

  • Adventist Resource
    Mindful Teaching for Brain Compatibility Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Unravel the mystery of subject matter organization so students can learn it more efficiently and effectively. Students who practice being more thoughtful about their schoolwork become more efficient learners and increase their capacity to learn additional...

  • Adventist Resource
    Models of Religious Instruction - A Biblical Perspective Tertiary-Lifelong
    Luna looks at four models of religious education as they are outlines in Scripture. His aim is to "identify as far as possible the nature and methodologies involved in the description" of events and experiences in both the Old and New Testaments....

  • Adventist Resource
    Moving to Learn - Steps to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Learning at School Preschool-Grade 12
    This 2018 NAD convention breakout session looks at "current research on both the benefits of physical activity on learning, and effective implementation of programs to increase physical activity during the day for all students." See the presentation...

  • Adventist Resource
    Multicultural Education for Elementary Students Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This article offers some practical examples of multicultural learning strategies for elementary and middle-school levels. The elementary school experience is largely practical, hands-on, and sight-based. The example of the words and actions of teachers become...

  • Adventist Resource
    Multigrade Reality Check in Mathematics in 5th Grade Primary Classrooms Grade 4-Grade 6
    This study analyzed two fifth grade classrooms in order to prove that in each classroom there is a muliple grade levels, since in the same classroom there are students with different levels that would place most of them in different grades, others in the corresponding...

  • Adventist Resource
    NAPLAN Gains and Explicit Instruction Kindergarten-Grade 6
    K-6 teachers at an Australian school have implemented a specific, intentional form of teaching and learning, resulting in significant growth in student achievement.

  • Adventist Resource
    Number Sense and Literacy in Motion Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Reach the whole child through multiple ways of teaching physical literacy and fitness concepts through rhythm and rhyme, and technology... Students are on the move while literacy and number sense in the classroom come together." In addition to the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Out on a Lim Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Find resources for online teaching, technology column articles, and other teaching and learning resources from Janine Lim's personal webpage.

  • Adventist Resource
    Outdoor Pedagogy Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article explores various methodologies used in Outdoor Education, and discusses the importance of hands-on activities in stimulating learning and self-awareness. Topics include: Importance of Outdoor Education; Emotional Response; Using Fear for Self-Awareness;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Overcoming Five Challenges of Teaching in a Hybrid Classroom Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "In collaboration and peer support, classroom teachers and administrators at all levels, along with education technology specialists, have shared with each other a myriad of simple and cost-effective tech tips and teaching strategies via blog posts and...

  • Adventist Resource
    Overview of Instructional Methods Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Green reviews what teachers should know when dealing with changing educational trends in the areas of management, instruction, content, and teaching skills. Four teaching models (Information-Processing Models, Behavioral Models, Personal Models, and Social...

  • Adventist Resource
    Pedagogical Application of the Seventh-day Adventist Philosophy of Education Kindergarten-Lifelong
    James Tucker shares insights on the pedagogical application of a Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of education. Tucker notes that 'The planet is ripe for a demonstration of excellence. If we will just do it, everyone will be talking about it, and the philosophy...

  • Adventist Resource
    Physical Activity and Academic Achievement Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation includes research regarding physical activity and academic achievement. Discussion includes the impact of physical activity on student attention and behavior. Information on practical ways that teachers can incorporate...

  • Adventist Resource
    Potentials Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Faith development resources to help administrators and teachers assess their endeavors to nurture the faith of their students. These concise documents provide practical, step by step methods to establish, support and deepen specific areas of faith maturity....

  • Adventist Resource
    Preparing for the Beginning - The First Days of School Experience Tertiary-Lifelong
    The First Days of School Pre-Service Training Program at Andrews University has been recognized by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education as being exemplary and worthy of emulation. The program successfully prepares pre-service teachers...

  • Adventist Resource
    Problem-solving Skills and Their Relationship to Academic Performance Grade 10-Tertiary
    Problem solving is an activity in which one participates daily and in various ways. The way in which mathematical problems are faced requires strategies to solve them satisfactorily.

  • Adventist Resource
    Proficiency-Based Education - Shifting from the Factory Model of Schooling Kindergarten-Grade 8
    As described at this 2018 NAD convention breakout session, students in student-centered schools demonstrate proficiency before moving on, rather than being placed in age-based grade levels. The handout is a starter kit list of proficiency education references...

  • Christian Resource
    Psychometric Analysis of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory in University Psychology Students in Metropolitan Lima Grade 10-Tertiary
    A methodological investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (IEAE), also known as LASSI, was carried out. The applied design corresponded to the simple descriptive one and was carried out on a sample of 566...

  • Adventist Resource
    Relearning How to Learn Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article shows how the Carolina Conference uses study groups to help train teachers in different methods of teaching. Includes examples of teachers learning and using Models of Teaching strategies such as concept attainment and cooperative learning.

  • Adventist Resource
    Scaffolding Critical Thinking Using Inductive Lessons in Science Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation presents four examples of inductive teaching strategies. These lessons use concrete or pictorial materials to scaffold the analytical process as students explore science concepts. Each lesson offers the opportunity...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Year Plan Physics III Grade 10-Grade 11
    Course plan in which different strategies are used, including self-learning, critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation, normativity, entrepreneurship and others, with an Adventist worldview that will help students understand that physics can help us understand...

  • Adventist Resource
    Simulations – A Very Powerful Teaching Strategy Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Simulations are powerful tools you can use in the classroom. Students experience working collaboratively, role playing, sharing ideas, and creating exciting authentic situations. Students learn how to develop leadership responsibilities and use information...

  • Adventist Resource
    Small Group Resources Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The resources on this list provide several strategies for small group learning, as well as activities, ice breakers, and assessment ideas.

  • Adventist Resource
    Some Reflections on the Deficiencies in Second Language Learning 0-2 years-Lifelong
    There are many reasons why a person would want to learn a second language. Undoubtedly expanding one's knowledge to other languages will bring many beneļ¬ts. As with any type of learning, it is important to find the learning methodology that is best for the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Still Teaching After Two Millennia - What Can We Learn From the Master Teacher? Kindergarten-Lifelong
    What can contemporary teachers learn from the master teacher? Bertram Melbourne shares how emulating Jesus' teaching methods have revolutionized his teaching experience. Melbourne shows how illustrations and rhetorical devices - hyperbole, pun, simile, metaphor,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Strategies for Making Any Classroom Extraordinary Kindergarten-Grade 12
    While all children may not be gifted, in the strict sense of the word, gifted education may be good for all children. Taylor shares ten hallmarks of successful gifted education programs that can make any school extraordinary. Topics include: Curriculum Compacting;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Strategies for Seventh-day Adventist Theological Education in the South Pacific Islands Tertiary
    Problem: Theological education is an important concern of the Seventh day Adventist Church in the South Pacific Islands. Current concerns include ascertaining the best type of theological education for the Adventist Church in this Region; determining...

  • Adventist Resource
    Students as Teachers! Let's Make our Students Work! Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Read the presentation from this 2018 NAD convention workshop to see how "students become teachers by learning how to plan their topics, take notes, utilize Google slides for presentations, teach/present, give quizzes, and evaluate each other."

  • Adventist Resource
    Students' perceptions of integration of faith and learning and intentional teaching strategies at a Christian university Tertiary
    Purpose: This study examined Christian graduate students' perceptions of integration of faith and learning (IFL) in an instructional context where intentional integrative strategies were used to enable IFL for students. Method: This...

  • Adventist Resource
    Take 10 For Science - Integrating Writing and Science in the Multigrade Classroom Grade 5-Grade 8
    In order for students to master the art of scientific inquiry and understand the scientific process, they must first master basic skills. This article demonstrates how writing can be integrated into the science classroom. Techniques shared include: Observation...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teach All, Reach All - Create Inclusive & Engaging Learning Environments Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The presentation from this 2018 NAD convention breakout session will teach you to "create inclusive and engaging learning environments through Universal Design to meet the learning needs of your students" using a "variety of Instructional, Social/Emotional/Behavioral,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teacher Track Grade 1-Grade 8
    From this website, Sandra Doran provides "a wide range of products and services for parents and teachers, including workshops, seminars, teaching tools, product links, books, articles, DVDs, training modules and more."

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching a Thematic Unit Using Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligence Theory Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the special JAE issue on cooperative learning discusses combining cooperative learning with thematic teaching. The specific types of thematic teaching discussed are Group Investigation and Literature-Based Instruction.

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching Deep Learning in Asia Tertiary
    "A concern of educators today is the achievement of high quality learning outcomes in academic courses. These learning outcomes include, among other attributes and competencies, good technical, analytical, communicative, evaluative, problem solving, life-long...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching Ethics Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article from the JAE special higher education issue addresses why teaching ethics is important and how it should be done. Religion and morality have been separated from the realities of life. Ethical dimensions should be integrated within the context...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching Outside the Walls Kindergarten-Grade 8
    The flipped classroom, a schedule “in which students watch a video or study a lesson prior to discussing the topic in class the following day” can work well with field trips, or what one educator refers to as “being there experiences.”...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching Principles of Jesus, Part 1, An Introduction Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article presents Jesus' life and ministry as an ideal model for Christian educators, and seeks to identify and examine the teaching principles that guided His life. Principles discussed include: meditation, personalized instruction, inquiry, teaching...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching Religion versus Teaching Theology - An Unbalanced Emphasis? Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article offers a distinction between religion and theology and seeks to show why Adventist educators need to rethink the need for religious instruction in our schools and colleges. It outlines what religious education should attempt to accomplish, the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching strategies and adaptations of teachers in multiculturally diverse classrooms in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 schools in North America Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Problem: The rapid growth of diverse populations is affecting the educational system, and teachers often have not received training in multicultural education. The goal of this study is to document the multicultural teaching experiences of elementary...

  • Adventist Resource
    Teaching strategies and adaptations of teachers in multiculturally diverse classrooms in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 schools in North America Kindergarten-Grade 8
    The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of Adventist teachers - their training, their use of instructional strategies, and the challenges they encounter when teaching students of different cultures. Banks' multicultural pradigms was the theoretical...

  • Christian Resource
    Technologies and Teaching in Higher Education - The Case of USINA as an Authoring Tool Grade 10-Lifelong
    In the current context, didactic innovation at the higher education level is associated with the creation of author tools, that is, original digital applications that allow the enhancement of teaching practices considering the interrelation between disciplinary...

  • Christian Resource
    The Assessment of Learning of Young People and Adults Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article begins with an overview of recent developments in adult learning assessment. Assuming that this is a field that requires its own concepts and methodologies, the reflection focuses on three central issues: what specific aspects should be considered...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Burden of the Teacher Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "The burden of the teacher is to show students how ideas are connected to each other. This is more necessary than ever in today’s digital world. Teaching connectedness requires personal revelation as to values, priorities, and experiences on the...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Centrality of the Person in Ellen White's Concept of Education Grade 1-Tertiary
    In this paper we intend to present the reasons that allow us to believe that Ellen White's educational concept implies that the development of the person must have a central place by harmonizing and balancing education as socialization and as transfer and...

  • Christian Resource
    The Effectiveness and Efficacy of Standardized Measurements and Evaluations in Education Grade 1-Lifelong
    The article begins by defining standardized measurement and assessment in education and describing the state of its global situation at present, particularly as it relates to international performance assessment studies. It explores the relationship between...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Effectiveness of the Methods of Reciprocal Teaching - As Applied within the NSW Primary Subject Human Society and Its Environment - An Exploratory Study Grade 1-Grade 8
    This TEACH journal article examines reciprocal teaching (RT), "a process involving four distinct activities (questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting) employed in a student-led, team approach to develop reading comprehension skills among primary...

  • Christian Resource
    The Evaluation of Civic and Ethics Education in Mexico - A Journey Through 3rd Year of Primary and 3rd Year of Secondary School Grade 3-Grade 9
    Evaluate to transform. This is the ethical purpose of all macro-level evaluation. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the Mexican Educational System is a task that has begun to be important in order to contribute to democratic life in Mexico and to comply...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Fun Factor: How Active Enjoyment Impacts Learning Kindergarten-Grade 12
    In the prevailing atmosphere of testing, standards, and benchmarks, have educators lost sight of the objective of making learning fun? Morelan addresses the challenge of meeting the standards, yet still creating an environment where learning is enjoyable and...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Gateway to Learning Grade 1-Grade 12
    In this TEACH Journal article, an account of and reasons for establishing a composite class with a different learning culture is discussed; "one that emphasises independence, academic success, responsibility, organisational and social skills, and community...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Human Person as the Object of Education - The Balance of Educational Approaches Grade 1-Tertiary
    The historically most important function of educational work has been to prepare children and young people to face the challenges that life has in store for them; to produce mature and wise men and women who understand the importance of using wisely the time...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Impact of Integrated Movement-Based Activities on Primary School Aged Students in the Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This study "found that, when a supporting and structured classroom environment is established, [integrated movement-based activities] impact positively on students’ concentration, enjoyment of learning, engagement in learning and interpersonal relationships."

  • Adventist Resource
    The Myth of the Average Learner and the Absence of the Individual in the Educational Process Grade 5-Grade 12
    The purpose of this study is to verify the degree of assimilation of mathematical knowledge and skills that a group of fifty 5th grade students have regarding the topics they should have known and mastered in 4th grade, the degree of skill they show towards...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Promise is in the Practice: Professional Imperatives Kindergarten-Grade 12
    What should Adventist teachers know and understand about current research in education? How will knowledge of current research improve teaching practice? Green cites 9 educational theories worth knowing: Dimensions of Learning; Models of Teaching; Cooperative...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Quest For Integrity - Facing the Key Challenge of Postmodernism Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Bruinsma discusses four implications of postmodern thinking on Adventist campuses: truth is relational; spirituality is in, institutional loyalty is out; consistent stewardship is important; as is integrity. He concludes, "Young postmoderns will grow...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Small-Group Approach in the Teaching Process Tertiary-Lifelong
    Stele investigates the efficiency of the small-group approach in the teaching process and to share some details on how it to make it work. This paper was presented at the 21st Institute of Christian Teaching.

  • Christian Resource
    The Systematization of Evaluation in a Learning Process Based On Shared Work Strategies Grade 7-Lifelong
    Immersed in the demand emanating from the incorporation of the Spanish university in the process of European convergence, where the training processes are focused on the development of academic and professional skills and where it is necessary to design innovative...

  • Adventist Resource
    Tips - Teaching Thinking Skills Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Students need to understand why it is important to ask questions. Here are five discussion-starter questions that are sure to spawn a lively classroom give-and-take."

  • Adventist Resource
    Tips - The Enlightened Teacher Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "The intent of this article is to affirm those who are already trying innovative ideas and to encourage teachers who have not as yet embraced more effective teaching procedures. As educators, it is vital to remember that we are living in a world where...

  • Adventist Resource
    Tips for Motivating the Under-Achieving Student Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The best way for teachers to motivate their students is by being accepting, respecting, and genuinely caring, coupled with a program that teaches how to organize and persevere. A definition of underachievement, characteristics, and identification of underachievers,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Tips to Starting a Blended Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Blended Learning, which is on the rise in K-12 education, concerns mindset and pedagogy more than it does technology." Participants at this 2018 NAD convention breakout session learned "how to create a blended classroom, how to integrate technology...

  • Adventist Resource
    To the Seafloor in a Cardboard Box! Teaching through Simulations Grade 7-Grade 12
    This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation shows that simulations are powerful teaching devices that can activate all learning domains and integrate content areas through very active learning. See the model, a simulation the author developed with his academy...

  • Adventist Resource
    Using a Direct-Instruction Approach With the Life Series Readers Kindergarten-Grade 8
    In this article, Shirley Freed interviews a teacher who uses the Direct-Instruction approach to teaching in her third and fourth grade classroom. She shares her strategy for incorporating the Seventh-day Adventist Life Series Readers, and using a system of...

  • Adventist Resource
    Using the Word - Studying Biblical References in Poetry Grade 11-Tertiary
    Poetry provides excellent opportunities for teaching students how to apply scriptures to their daily lives, thereby enhancing students' faith in the word of God and their appreciation for biblical principles. This is the goal of integrating faith with learning...

  • Adventist Resource
    Validation of the Honey Alonso Questionnaire on Learning Styles in University Students Tertiary
    The validation of the Honey Alonso Questionnaire on Learning Styles (CHAEA) is based on a sample of 1,391 undergraduate students, taken from six universities in the city of Monterrey (Table 3). The statistical process used to determine the validity of the...

  • Adventist Resource
    WAD: How Do Children Learn? Preschool-Grade 2
    How do children learn? What are the most effective ways of helping them develop their knowledge? When are they most receptive to teaching? The author addresses these questions by presenting the theories of early childhood experts such as Maria Montessori,...

  • Christian Resource
    WebQuest Grade 10-Tertiary
    The Webquest model was developed by Bernie Dodge in 1995 who defined it as a research-oriented activity where all or almost all of the information used comes from Web resources.

  • Adventist Resource
    Why Study Literature? Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Ideas for how English teachers can respond to the question, Why study literature? Theories about the teaching of literature should be reviewed; students must be provided with opportunities to read and respond in both speech and writing to a variety...

  • Adventist Resource
    You Will Learn It or I Will Teach You Tertiary
    "Higher education has experienced a paradigm shift away from teaching and toward learning. This focuses on students, and defines learning as 'significant long-term changes in knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes or beliefs.' This focus calls...

  • Adventist Resource
    You’ve Got to Move to Learn Preschool-Grade 2
    This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation explores the importance of movement to enhance learning and prevent many behavioral issues. Many practical ideas and strategies to use with your children are included.