Multicultural Studies Narrow Results
resources building knowledge, respect and appreciation of differences in age, gender, religion, culture, language, race, socio-economic status, and exceptionality of any other kind
A Star Gives Light Kindergarten-Grade 12A Star Gives Light: Seventh-day Adventist African American Heritage is the first resource of its kind designed to introduce K-12 schools to the very important role played by Blacks in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Realizing the magnitude... -
Adventist Colleges Abroad: Notes From a Recent Itinerary TertiaryOpportunities for study, the excitement of travel, and the challenge of immersing oneself in another culture are realities for students who study with Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA). U.S. and Canadian Adventist colleges, through the North American Division... -
Affective Response as a Catalyst for Reimagining Curriculum and Pedagogy for Teaching of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Cross-Curriculum Priority in Christian Education Kindergarten-Grade 12"In 2018, Australians Together commissioned research on a trial program designed to improve teachers' confidence in relation to teaching the Australian Curriculum's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority.... -
An Ethnography of an Urban Black Adventist School Tertiary-LifelongAn ethnographic study was conducted in order to explore the world of a separatist, black, Seventh-day Adventist school, to better understand broad segregation/integration issues within the text of a single school community. The study addressed the concern... -
Better Vision in the Body of Christ Grade 9-LifelongThe church benefits from eyes that are young, old, and different shaped and colored, to creatively respond to the near, the culturally specific, and the contemporary issues of our day. Like corrective lenses, vision is further sharpened by sound theology that... -
Beyond Study Units and Artifacts Kindergarten-Grade 12How do educators help students feel comfortable about cultural differences? In this article, the concept of effectively planning for and integrating cultural education into the classroom and beyond is developed through discussion of Eisner's Formula of Description,... -
Bridging the Gaps: The Need for Multicultural Education Kindergarten-TertiaryMulticultural education serves to make students aware of their own culture as well as that of the culture of others so as to interact effectively with others. Culture consists of one's ways of living, values, beliefs, patterns of thinking, behaviors, communication... -
Building Community Out of Diversity Tertiary-LifelongThis article confronts the need for teachers and administrators to embrace and plan for diversity training in their school curricula. The author states that as a core part of God's design, diversity should lead to unity, not mere co-existence. Additional issues... -
Catering for international students - The experiences of first year Asian and North American students at Rural University TertiaryInternational students currently make up almost one fifth of students in Australia, and at Rural University. Because they are living and studying in a new and different culture, these students experience certain difficulties both socially and academically.... -
Communicating in Today's Classroom Kindergarten-LifelongCross-cultural misunderstandings are a fact that teachers must recognize. Aspects of culture are more than just language. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and Edward Hall's theory are important. Teachers should assume that students want to cooperate to make clear responses,... -
Creating an Atmosphere for Tolerance and Understanding Kindergarten-Grade 12Bob Egbert's article presents 13 classroom activities schools and teachers can use to help students develop attitudes of tolerance, while diffusing intolerance, prejudice, negative attitudes and stereotypes often demonstrated toward each other. The article... -
Culturally Relevant Approaches to Classroom Management Kindergarten-Grade 12"Students from various cultural backgrounds may experience cultural dissonance when teachers and educational administrators from the mainstream culture misconstrue, misinterpret or simply disregard their cultural patterns of learning, behavior and communication.... -
Culturally Relevant Approaches to Classroom Management - Adapted for JAE Kindergarten-Grade 12Classroom management is one of the most challenging issues in multicultural education. Techniques and approaches to classroom management must be modified to meet the academic, sociocultural, developmental, moral, and ethical needs of ever-increasingly ethnically... -
Diversity With Inclusion: The Future of Seventh-day Adventist Education Kindergarten-LifelongAdventist educators can neither ignore nor escape the inevitability of the effects of the significant and dramatic demographic, cultural, and ethnic shifts on their educational mission and practice, institutional culture, pedagogy, and curriculum. Diversity... -
Early is Better: The Case for Foreign Language Study in Adventist Elementary Schools Kindergarten-Grade 8Research shows that children exposed to two languages as early as birth experience greater "cognitive gains", and demonstrate higher levels of linguistic flexibility, creativity, and cognitive development in understanding language. The author presents... -
Educating Academy Students for Multicultural Society Grade 9-Grade 12What can a school and its faculty do to create an atmosphere that goes beyond tolerance to acceptance and close fellowship among different races and cultures? It requires careful planning by administration and faculty, a philosophy that all have been created... -
Field Experience: A Hands-on Approach to Multicultural Education Grade 9-TertiaryField experience is part of building Christ-centered multicultural awareness. A program should fulfil the objectives of the mission of a school. Study and experience should be integrated. Attitude is the core of the 'hidden curriculum'. Opportunities for learning... -
Gender Sensitivity for Adventist Teachers Kindergarten-LifelongRegardless of whether a school system offers formal training in gender sensitivity, gender-role training will occur at some level through the informal communication of experiences, attitudes, and assumptions. This article demonstrates how teachers at all levels,... -
Hearing the Silence Tertiary-LifelongAdding women's and black studies to the college curriculum helps to fill in the gaps in the traditional curriculum. These studies ask questions such as what is the nature of artistic 'greatness'? What social conditions have enabled artists to pursue their... -
Hesban 02: Environmental Foundations Tertiary-Lifelong"This volume provides an introduction to the climate and landscape to which successive generations of Hesbanites have had to adapt. Includes 26 figures, 42 plates, and 9 tables." -
Hesban 03: Historical Foundations Tertiary-Lifelong"Historical contextualization is vitally important in attaining a view of Tell Hesban as its contemporaries described it. A spectrum of periods are analyzed from their contemporary literary sources: pre-classical and classical sources (Werner K. Vyhmeister),... -
Hesban 10: The Necropolis of Hesban Tertiary-Lifelong"This volume provides thorough description and classification of the tombs found near Hesban and excavated by the Heshbon Expedition. Careful analysis and interesting bio-cultural interpretation of the skeletal remains found in the tombs is provided by... -
Imagine, Interrupt, Innovate - Internationalising Teaching and Learning Practice Tertiary"Internationalisation of the curriculum is a key research area at the intersection of teaching and learning...this research project identified key discipline areas at Avondale College of Higher Education in which to perform pedagogical intervention... -
Implementing Christian Multicultural Education Grade 1-TertiaryMulticultural education needs to be more comprehensive than merely including racial/ethnic content in school curricula. The article discusses six types of interventions that can be instituted at all levels in order to overcome social, instructional, student,... -
JAE Editorial: Challenging Cultural Concepts Kindergarten-Grade 12Beverly Rumble's editorial notes that the Christian school system is the ideal place to begin teaching tolerance since at its core rests the commission to carry the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. As the Adventist church becomes more diverse,... -
JAE Editorial: Of Many -- One People Kindergarten-LifelongThe vision of a 'finished work' shaped the early church's growing consciousness that its task embraced the variety of cultures and the world family. In 1985, the NAD curriculum committee adopted guidelines on multicultural awareness, which are featured in... -
Journey to Excellence Overview Text - J2E Kindergarten-Grade 12The Journey to Excellence initiative provided a framework guiding Adventist education in North America into the 21st century. The outcomes are worth considering still in strategic planning. A pdf version is also available. -
Making International Students Feel at Home on Your Campus Tertiary-LifelongInternational students can greatly enrich a school's student body. Topics discussed in this article are the benefits of diversity, government regulations, Andrews University services for international students, adapting to life in a new country, and impacting... -
Managing Cultural Differences in Christian Schools: A Religious-Psychological-Social Approach Kindergarten-LifelongUnderstanding how to manage cultural differences is necessary for success in today's diverse, multicultural schools. Understanding the central traits of culture is imperative for all educators, from the school secretary to the board chairperson. Observations... -
Multicultural Education - A Curriculum for Every Student Kindergarten-Grade 12How can busy teachers integrate multicultural instruction into an already packed classroom curriculum? Janet Mallery suggests creative ways of broadening scope, highlighting linguistic similarities, using primary sources, enhancing the classroom environment,... -
Multicultural Education for Elementary Students Kindergarten-Grade 8This article offers some practical examples of multicultural learning strategies for elementary and middle-school levels. The elementary school experience is largely practical, hands-on, and sight-based. The example of the words and actions of teachers become... -
Multicultural Education: A Spiritual Imperative Kindergarten-LifelongBecause the Adventist church and school system is worldwide, Adventist educators need to be sensitive to the needs of students from multicultural and multi-ethnic origins. This article includes several universal rules for multicultural relations: smile; look... -
Multicultural Teachers: Stories in Instructing Diverse Students Kindergarten-Grade 12Demographics changes have created dynamic, culturally diverse classrooms across North America, including the Adventist K-8 system. Many teachers often feel ill prepared to face the daily challenges that come with instructing a diverse group of learners. In... -
On Becoming a Global Village Kindergarten-Grade 12Multicultural curriculum in Adventist schools. Multicultural education is crucial for social and spiritual development. Classroom planning, the curriculum, and criteria for textbooks are key issues. Helping teachers to learn the skills of becoming more sensitive... -
People of Color in the Bible Grade 1-LifelongWritten for adolescents and adults, this book uses maps, charts, scripture quotations, genealogies, geography and historical documentation to identify numerous people of color in the Bible. Quiz questions are included for each chapter. Additional resources... -
Predicting seminary faculty engagement with multicultural education TertiaryMost multicultural theological education research has focused on theoretical or historical pieces and only on a few institutions. This study explored the personal, professional, institutional, and interactional predictors of seminary faculty engagement with... -
Preparing Students from a Different Culture for Examinations - A Pastoral Care Investment with Costs and Benefits Kindergarten-LifelongThis TEACH Journal article reviews teacher action research that examined student study skills needs in a Solomon Islands secondary college. The study focused on three areas: prior study habits; existing, ineffective study habits; and the impact of a study... -
Spirit Warrior Grade 7-LifelongKee's story is a fascinating journey into the world of the Navajo People. Their cultural richness. Their struggles to rise above a negative historical backdrop. The ongoing spiritual battles with the darkest side of "bad medicine." The difficulties... -
Teaching International Students - An Exploratory View Tertiary"This paper examines the reasons for expanded international enrolment and the ways Australian universities are taking their education product to other locations. It next examines the potential conflict that arises when international students, particularly... -
The Culturally Sensitive Classroom Preschool-LifelongIn today's highly diverse world, understanding how various cultural groups within our organization's environment function, think and act is highly significant for leadership success. This 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation alerts the participant to... -
The Ombudsperson's Role in Higher Education Tertiary-LifelongThe role of ombudsperson in Adventist colleges and universities is very recent. An Andrews University's ombudsperson explains the role of the position and its importance in the college and university community. -
The Stranger Within Your Gates - Muslim Students in Adventist Schools and Islam in the Curriculum Kindergarten-LifelongWhat do Adventist educational administrators and teachers need to know to deal with Muslim students in Adventist schools and Islam in the curriculum? Topics discussed: God and Allah; Jesus and Mohammed; the Bible, the Koran, and the Hadiths; sin and forgetfulness;... -
The Summer Olympics - A Multidisciplinary Unit Grade 3-Grade 8"The purpose of this unit is to explore the diversity of our global culture through the eyes of sports. The Summer Olympics provides a great opportunity to study social studies, language arts, health, art, music, religion, and physical education all in... -
Toward a Christian Understanding of Students With Disabilities Preschool-LifelongThis article briefly outlines the history of Special Education and the issues faced by people with disabilities, especially within education. It also addresses issues relative to categorical assumptions, appropriate education and funding. -
Understanding Other Cultures - A Necessity for Adventism Today Tertiary-LifelongCharles Tidwell notes that classrooms worldwide have become less homogenous, increasing the need for instruction on how to cope with cultural misunderstandings. This article discusses the following subtopics: Assessing False Assumptions and Withheld Information,... -
What Makes a School Multicultural? Kindergarten-LifelongCross-cultural understanding and respect for diversity are no longer optional in the Adventist classroom, curriculum, or in program planning, but a necessity. Rosado states that a new model of education is needed to prepare young Christians for the 21st century....