Trans-European (TED) Narrow Results
resources developed by and for Seventh-day Adventist educators or offices of education in the Trans-European Division
Trans-European Division Education webpage Preschool-LifelongLearn about Adventist education in the Trans-European countries from this regional administration webpage. -
A study of Seventh-day Adventist education in Denmark Kindergarten-LifelongThe purpose of this study was to determine attitudes toward SDA education among ministers, educators, and other SDA church members in Denmark. Questionnaires were mailed to all ministers and educators and a random sample of lay members in the Seventh-day Adventist... -
Adventist Education Today: Northern European Division Kindergarten-LifelongThis article from the 1985 General Conference issue of JAE reports on Adventist education in the Northern European Division, 1980-1985. -
Breaking New Ground Kindergarten-LifelongThe 2000-2005 Education Report from the Trans-European Division (TED) presented at the Adventist General Conference Session. Challenges, new buildings, enrollment gains, higher education achievements, in-service for educators, and winning students for Christ... -
Celebrating a Century of Adventist Education Kindergarten-LifelongThe 1985-1990 Education Report from the Trans-European Division (TED) presented at the Adventist General Conference Session. 1990 marked the 100th anniversary of church school operation in the division. The report discusses new buildings, doubling the enrollment,... -
Encouraging News from Difficult Places Kindergarten-LifelongThe 2010-2015 Education Report from the Trans-European Division (TED) presented at the Adventist General Conference Session 2015. In spite of challenges, God has been blessing in this division with enrollment gains and baptisms as a direct result of Adventist... -
Good News in Difficult Places Kindergarten-LifelongThe 2005-2010 Education Report from the Trans-European Division (TED) presented at the Adventist General Conference Session 2010. Director Duda reports on the difficulties faces in the division, the enrollment gains, achievements in higher education, in-service... -
Growing Up in Affiliation with a Religious Community: A Case Study of Seventh-day Adventist Youth in Finland Grade 9-Grade 12How does the religious affiliation of the family affect the growing up process of young people? Religious minority as a socialization context is a scarcely researched topic. However, as a case study setting for examining the experiences of growing up—and... -
Growing Up Within a Religious Community - A Case Study of Finnish Adventist Youth Grade 9-Grade 12Utilising an ecological framework, this study presents a meta-analysis of four sub-studies investigating the socialisation experiences of young people affiliated with a religious minority community. More precisely, it is a study of how this particular socialisation... -
Ikke like, men likevel Kindergarten-Grade 8ADRA-musikalen Ikke like, Men likevel består av følgende: 1. CD med syv sanger, sunget av en barnegruppe, inkludert singback til alle sangene. CD-coveret er en liten bok som inneholder en fortelling til hver av sangene, sangtekster... -
Inspiring News From Challenging Places Preschool-TertiaryThe 2015-2020 Education Report from the Trans-European Division (TED) presented at the Adventist General Conference Session. While membership is small, this division is very diverse. Director Duda reports on challenges, enrollment gains, higher education achievements,... -
Intergenerational Transfer of Sabbath Observance - How is Religious Tradition Transferred to Children among Finnish Seventh-day Adventists? Grade 9-LifelongThis study examined religious home education in educational, psychological, and sociological context. Growing up within a religious denomination is a process of learning the rules, norms, opinions, and attitudes, which serve to make the individual an active... -
Middle East Union: Education Through Sacrifice Kindergarten-LifelongThis article from the 1995 General Conference issue of JAE is a report from the Middle East Union. -
Nurture, Commitment, and Excellence Kindergarten-LifelongThe 1995-2000 Education Report from the Trans-European Division (TED) presented at the Adventist General Conference Session. The TED is comprised of the following regions: Kosovo, Croatia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Pakistan. The report discusses the advancements... -
Trans-European Division - Energy, Vision, and a Sense of Mission Kindergarten-LifelongThis article from the 1995 General Conference issue of JAE is a report from the Trans-European Division. -
VG Europe: Survey Questions Young Adventists on Family, Church, Society Grade 7-Lifelong"What do young people in the Seventh-day Adventist church need to grow and maintain a close relationship with Christ? Adventists in Europe are hoping to find the answer through an extensive study that will mine the thoughts of young Adventists living...