Alumni Narrow Results
resources to create or strengthen partnerships with previous students
Application of a New Conception of Research in a University Educational Institution TertiaryAn action plan is presented for the organization and development of research in the School of Health Sciences of the Adventist University of La Plata. The articulation of research with undergraduate and graduate studies with existing means, undergraduate chair... -
Conversations of Importance Tertiary-LifelongAdventist colleges and universities must create an environment where conversations between older and younger Adventists can occur, creating an sense of community and a safety. Gordon Bietz addresses the threats to balanced conversations between these two groups, and suggests that revisiting the schools' vision in the areas of a Christ-centered campus, academic excellence, a distinct Seventh-day Adventist environment, an ethic of service, caring hospitality, and affordable education, will help establish a bond of mutual love and trust. -
Relationships - Staying Connected With Alumni Kindergarten-LifelongReasons to carry on a systematic program of planned, personal, and continual contact with alumni include the opportunities that such a program provides for inviting them to attend annual alumni reunions, for advancing them in their careers, and for encouraging them in their personal relationship with Christ. -
The demographics, psychographics, reasons for giving, and reasons for not giving of alumni donors and nondonors to two Seventh-day Adventist universities TertiaryThe discovery of predictors of Adventist alumni giving behavior will assist university personnel both in identifying alumni who are potential donors and preparing effective funding proposals to optimize philanthropic education and resource acquisition. Additional study of the relationships between the various predictors of Adventist alumni giving behavior is recommended. Encouraging philanthropy, in general, by alumni appears to enhance alumni-giving behavior to their Adventist alma mater. -
What Alumni Can Do For Their School Tertiary-LifelongThis article from the JAE special higher education issue suggests what alumni can do to increase the viability of their alma mater. -
What is BECA? Alumni Giving Program Benefits Adventist Schools Tertiary-LifelongBECA is the Business Executives Challenge to Alumni program. This program has increased unrestricted giving to annual fundraising campaigns through challenge grants that require matched giving. Moyers shares how this program benefits Adventist schools. -
What is the Church's Commitment to Academe? Tertiary-LifelongThis article details the appropriations from the General Conference and other entities to education, and explains how this shows the value that the church places on education.