Psychology Narrow Results
resources for the study of human mental processes and behavior
A Biblical and Psychological Comparative Study of Self-Concept LifelongReinecke endeavors "to use psychological and Biblical definitions and understandings of the self-concept in an attempt to suggest possible ways to the Christian teacher to better understand and aid himself and his students in developing healthy self-concepts,... -
Altered Consciousness - Near-Death Episodes, and Mystical Experiences Tertiary-LifelongWhat are we to make of the claims of altered consciousness, near-death episodes, and after-death experiences? A current survey and a biblical critique. -
An Adventist Approach to Teaching Psychology Tertiary-LifelongThis article explores why and how psychology should be taught in Adventist higher education. "The ultimate goal is to help students develop a character that reflects the humility, kindness, and love of Jesus" (p39). Guiding principles for the teaching... -
An Attitude - Which One Would You Like? Kindergarten-Lifelong"It’s encouraging to know that we don’t have to be victims of circumstance. We have a choice of our attitude responses, and it truly is a benefit to us that we do." -
Andrews University - Educational and Counseling Psychology Tertiary-LifelongRudi Bailey's unofficial course outlines for Andrews University Educational & Counseling Psychology courses, as well as additional resources for all students. -
B F Skinner's Theory and Education - A Christian Critique Tertiary-LifelongTayo looks at the life of behavioral psychologist Skinner and the circumstances that shaped his idea. Tayo goes on to examine Skinners' theoretical framework as it relates to education. Lastly, Tayo sets forth a "Christian response to the theory as it... -
Carl Roger's View of Personal Wholeness - An Evaluation and Critique from a Christian Perspective Tertiary-LifelongLamberton identifies and compares Christianity and humanistic psychology, which are "two conceptions of meaning that have been especially influential in contemporary culture." This paper was presented at the 10th Institute of Christian Teaching. -
Construction and validation of a scale for the evaluation of children's social desirability (EDESI) Tertiary-LifelongVerbal personality assessment tests are usually considered objective because of the standardized nature of the verbal stimuli used and the response options, the transformation of scores into typical scores, and also because of the objective assessment of the... -
Construction of a Questionnaire of Positive Emotions in the Population of Entre Ríos TertiaryIn the present research, the Positive Emotions Questionnaire (CEP) was constructed. It was administered to a sample of 287 adolescent students between 14 and 19 years old, belonging to the middle class of Entre Ríos, Argentina. Exploratory factor analyses... -
Construction of an Instrument to Assess Prosocial Reasoning in 7 and 8 Year Old Children - A Pictorial Version Grade 2-Grade 3The aim of this study was to develop an instrument to assess prosocial reasoning in 7- and 8-year-old children. In this work, the procedures followed and psychometric results of a version with pictographic support are presented. Consistency was observed... -
Created in the Image of God - A Christian View of Human Personality Tertiary-LifelongHuges explores some of the areas of contact between human personality theory and the Christian understanding of the image of God. This paper was presented at the 2nd Institute of Christian Teaching. -
Emotional Intelligence - A Biblical Understanding Tertiary"Those who are ultimately successful will not only tell each other the truth, but they will also be telling themselves the truth." -
Human Nature and the Human Predicament - A Comparison of Views of Modern Psychologies and Biblical Faith Tertiary-LifelongThis paper gives an overview of several historical trends in psychology and provides an evaluation and critique from a Biblical perspective. Topics include: The centrality of values in the practice of psychotherapy; Psychological perspectives of human nature... -
Influence of Self-Concept, Learning Strategies and Perception about the Teacher on the Academic Performance of Psychology Students. Tertiary-LifelongThe aim of this study was to establish the relationship between selfconcept, learning strategies and perceptions about teachers’ performance on academic performance of psychology students at UPeU. Design: non experimental, multivariate correlation type.... -
Locus of Control - Evolution of Its Concept and Operationalization TertiaryThe study of locus of control, an important coping resource that has great relevance as a predictor of other attitudinal, affective and behavioral variables, began many years ago. Over time, the understanding of this construct has been refined and increasingly... -
Narramore Christian Foundation Psychology for Christian Living Tertiary-LifelongFind practical articles for classes on marriage and family, children, relationships, emotions, disorders, and counseling. "Psychology for Living is the website of the Narramore Christian Foundation, a Christian mental health organization dedicated to... -
Phineas Gage - A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science - Daily Lesson Guide and Trade Book Grade 7-Grade 8NAD Pathways Grade 8 selection for Theme 3: Living Things. Science writer John Fleischman uses a clipped, engaging expository style to tell the incredible story of Phineas Gage, a railroad construction foreman, who survived eleven years after an accident in... -
Possibilities or Potentialities - The Piagetian Posture in Genetic Epistemology on the Genesis of Intelligence TertiaryThe objective of this study is to contribute to a clearer understanding of the genesis of intelligence, according to Piaget, whether it is considered as a set of potentialities or as a set of possibilities. Based on authors that deal with the genesis of intelligence,... -
Psychological Contracts and Commitment - Cognitive Mapping of the Constructs with HR Professionals TertiaryThis article uses cognitive content maps to assess, among HR professionals, their understanding of two theories with the greatest impact on people management today: psychological psychological contracts and organizational commitment. To this end, psychologists... -
Psychological Theories of Religious Development - A Seventh-day Adventist Perspective Tertiary-Lifelong"This paper summarizes some stage theories of religious development which are rooted in the Piagetian tradition. Some of the assumptions and presuppositions of R. Goldman, D. Elkind, J. Fowler, F. Oser are discussed. On the basis of exploratory studies... -
Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith Grade 11-LifelongDiscover the links with faith and the science of psychology in this dialogue between Christianity and psychology. Christian psychologists, professors and authors Myers and Jeeves discuss major findings of current psychology with both theological and psychological... -
Scientific Production on Cognitive Styles TertiaryThe present research analyzed and compared the works obtained in two databases using as keywords: cognitive styles. The first study analyzed the Brazilian production in the Capes Database of Dissertations and Theses, between 1990-2008, which resulted in 19... -
Seven Secrets of Mental Power in the Writings of Ellen G. White Tertiary-Lifelong"The examination of the 'seven secrets' has shown that the revelations given to Ellen White regarding the concept of mental power are practical, scientifically reasonable, and, in general, ahead of her time." -
Shattered by Death, Strengthened by Hope - A Christian Perspective of Grief Tertiary-LifelongRoberts reminds that grief is necessary for mental well-being. For Christians "the resurrection provides an ending point for grief" because Christ is the one who holds the keys of death and the grave. "Christian health care workers need to understand... -
Sociobiology - Why Do Humans Behave as They Do? Grade 11-TertiaryThe Bible and evolutionary biology differ in their answers to this question. In sociobiology theory, right or wrong behavior doesn't exist in a moral sense, only behavioral strategies with differing effects on inclusive fitness. Sociobiology may be considered... -
Taming Children's Terror 0-2 years-Grade 8Kay Kuzma presents 10 practical ways parents and teachers can address the fear children experience during times of terror, tragedy, or uncertainty. This is a helpful resource article published by Signs of the Times after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. -
The Bible and Psychology Tertiary-Lifelong"Psychology gets into trouble, from a Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) viewpoint, when it attempts to explain why humans develop and change as they do. Evolution undergirds the focus of mainstream psychology. The sin problem does not figure in any explanations... -
Toward An Integrated Philosophy of Student Counseling in Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and Universities Tertiary-LifelongBrown offers "a philosophy counseling that will guide both those who teach and those who practice counseling in Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities." This paper was presented at the 14th Institute of Christian Teaching. -
Towards an Adventist Paradigm in Psychology Tertiary-LifelongOuro looks at constructing an Adventist psychology which takes "the best of Adventist thought and contemporary psychology, without sacrificing either good science or what God has revealed about human beings and the ways He would have us relate to Him... -
Understanding Your Temperament - A Self-Analysis with a Christian Viewpoint Grade 11-Lifelong"This booklet discusses temperament--the inherited part of personality--and the role it plays in an individual's moral and spiritual development, academic performance, vocational choice, popularity, memory, and ability to concentrate. The four temperament...