Bible & Religion Narrow Results
resources for the study of the Bible, Christianity and other systems of belief and worship
Don’t Just Read Your Bible—Study It! Kindergarten-LifelongThis is a 2012 NAD convention presentation on Bible study. We all believe that Bible study is a necessity for spiritual growth, but no one teaches us how to do it. In this breakout you’ll learn at least 10 different ways to make the Scriptures come alive... -
Teacher Bulletin Kindergarten-Grade 12Prepared by the NAD Atlantic Union, Teacher Bulletin provides busy teachers with creative units for multi-grade/multi-age elementary classes. -
'I Used to Be Perfect' - An Ex-Legalist Reflects on Law, Perfection, and Adventism TertiaryIn this article, the author recounts his personal experience in a search for perfection, previously understood by him as a meticulous fulfillment of innumerable behavioral rules. In a creative and humorous way, he demonstrates the incoherence of the perfectionist... -
A Biblical Foundation for Small Groups Tertiary"Since a few decades ago until the present time, Small Groups have taken an important roll in the growth and development of churches around the world. This growth, declared as a phenomenon by various authors, also bring considerable challenges for... -
A Biblical Theology of the Flood Tertiary-LifelongDavidson shows that there is much evidence to show unity in the Genesis flood account. "A close reading of the Flood narrative as a coherent whole, with particular attention to the chiastic structure, resolves apparent discrepancies in the Genesis account."... -
A Creationist View of Education Tertiary"This article presents creationism as the main difference between Christian and secular education. The author defines the objectives and methods of Christian teaching, relating Bible texts and passages from Ellen G. White’s writings to the etimological... -
A Study of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 Grade 8-LifelongIn the cathedral of Strasbourg there is an enormous clock that, at 12 o'clock, makes the twelve apostles parade in front of the Lord. On the base of such a clock appear in four parts the four ferocious animals of Daniel 7, with the inscription: Babylon, Medo-Persia,... -
A T Jones - The Decline of a Leader Tertiary"This article presents a detailed analysis of the personality and trajectory of A. T. Jones, one of the most important characters in the 1888 General Conference session. According to the author, Jones always had tendencies to auto-sufficiency and superiority... -
A Wonderful Person Called the Holy Spirit TertiaryThe Holy Spirit is revealed in Scripture as a divine Person similar to the Father and the Son, and at the same time distinct from both. But dissenting groups of Adventism insist that the Holy Spirit is merely an expendable energy coming from God. In response... -
Academia, the Sabbath, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Tertiary-Lifelong“As we look forward to the world of digital revolution, the world that moves at unprecedented speed, the theology of the Sabbath invites us to pause and reflect on what it means to be human, created in God's image, in the world where our identity and... -
Agape - Love of Neighbor in the Perspective of John's Writings TertiaryThis paper, beginning with an introductory consideration of the question of unity in John's writings, seeks to present a basis for a broad understanding of love of neighbor. It considers agape love as a link between the spiritual and material worlds, projecting... -
American Bible Society Grade 1-LifelongThe American Bible Society seeks to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so all people may experience its life-changing message. -
An Attack on the Adventist Doctrine of the Trinity Grade 7-LifelongTime after time I have been consulted about what is circulating on the Internet and other media about the uprising of some brethren who believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has fallen into apostasy by adopting the belief in the Trinity. -
An Evaluation of the Attitude of Some Independent Ministries Towards the Church TertiaryThis document is an adapted summary of a study done at the request of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with the purpose of clarifying the church's relationship with some particular organizations (ministries). Some of these... -
Ancient Customs, Modern Principles - 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 Grade 8-LifelongPaul wrote that women should cover their heads in church (1 Cor. 11:2-16). Why don't we comply with that command? The passage you refer to is difficult to interpret, mostly because we are not as well informed about this subject as Paul's original readers were.... -
Angels Kindergarten-LifelongLink to books available through the Adventist Book Center on the topic of angels. Titles may include: An Angel's Touch; Angels Among Us; Angels in the Bible: God's Friends Watching Over You; Battle of the Spirits: Supernatural Forces are Mustering for Earth's... -
Antitrinitarianism or Antitrinitarianisms? TertiaryThis paper begins with an overview of the various forms of historical anti-trinitarianism, in order to demonstrate that this plurality is currently reflected in the thinking of Adventist dissenters opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity. Comparing texts published... -
Authority, Bible, and Christian Ethics Tertiary-LifelongKis "attempts to show what happens when Scripture is invested with trustworthiness as an infallible authority in the ream of moral life and ethical reflection and discourse." He asks: How much can we trust the Bible to be our Guide? Why should we... -
Before and After Minneapolis Tertiary"The sermon reproduced below was originally presented by its author at Unasp church, campus Engenheiro Coelho (São Paulo Adventist University College), in June 7, 2008. After demonstrating that many Adventists are confused about justification... -
Biblical Authority & Biblical Foundations for Ethics Tertiary-LifelongThe Bible has lost its place as the basis for ethical authority in many Christian circles. "Acknowledging this 'demise of authority,' J. I. Packer suggests the need for a 'strategy for restoring the authority of Christian faith and morals.'" Du Preez... -
Biblical Foundation for a Modern Prophet Tertiary-LifelongThe prophetic gift is founded on the basic need for the communication that must exist between Deity and the fallen human family. Occultism and the sphere of false prophets are two systems that have operated throughout human history to deceive and mislead the... -
Building Faith in the College Religion Class Tertiary-LifelongReid notes that "the Bible teacher's to enhance spiritual growth while introducing new data and insights that may displace previous views. If properly introduced, the new concepts should provide a better grasp of what it means to serve... -
Christ and Christians TertiaryThis article seeks to demonstrate the internal contradictions of postlapsarian theory. Besides the questions related to the unique identity and mission of Jesus Christ, which make Him absolutely separate from our sinful nature, the author deals at length... -
Christ's Human Nature Grade 3-Lifelong"Does the church have a position on the human nature of Christ? For decades Adventists have been debating the question of Jesus’ human nature without resolving the diversity of views that characterize the debate....The church has officially addressed... -
Christian Book Distributors Website has a huge selection of Christian music, children's books, graduation and holiday gifts, homeschooling curriculum and much more. -
Christians and Bioethics - Can the Bible Help? Tertiary-LifelongWinslow discusses the questions "Can we develop a distinctively Christian approach to issues of bioethics? Can this approach honestly be based on the Bible?" He notes that "such questions demand serious attention by Seventh-day Adventists, with... -
Creationism in the Media Tertiary"This article studies the approach adopted by the media in the last years concerning the origins. By analyzing printed and virtual materials, the article reveals the prevailing prejudice against the creationist theory and the intelligent design, demonstrating... -
CSS Vol 1 Editorial: Miracles and Science TertiaryThis editorial discusses various ways the Christian church tends to relate to miracles. Also included are student responses when asked about miracles. -
CSS Vol 3 Editorial: The Science Religion Conflict Tertiary"The present conflict between science and religion impacts on many areas of our lives. What do we do when the Bible (for instance) tells us one story of human origins and dignity, while science provides a completely different account? What is the scientist... -
Divorce and Remarriage in Matthew 19 TertiaryThis article deals with the issue of marriage and divorce. The author, after indicating Jesus' consistent emphasis on the indissolubility of marriage, since divorce contradicts the divine intention expressed in the created order, dedicates theological and... -
Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament - A New Analysis of Deuteronomy 24:1-4 TertiaryThis study aims to take a fresh look at the most influential text on divorce and remarriage in the Old Testament: Deuteronomy 24:1-4. The importance of this passage is due to the scope of its implications for understanding New Testament verses on marriage... -
Doctrinal Unity and Growth of the Adventist Church in the Post-1888 Period TertiaryTaking as his starting point the 1888 crisis, the author analyzes the profiles and motivations of the main characters involved and presents a historical overview of the crises related to this event: (1) climate of church division; (2) theological unpreparedness... -
Does the Religion Teacher in Adventist Schools Have a Primary Role? Grade 1-LifelongAs a former student and current teacher of Religious Education in an Adventist school, I have continually faced criticism from students and parents who maintain a hostile position to the teaching of Religion in our schools and high schools. Moreover, on more... -
Ellen G. White and the Understanding of the Trinity TertiaryThis article examines Ellen G. White's participation in the process of developing the doctrine of the Trinity among Seventh-day Adventists. The author presents evidence in support of four hypotheses: (1) that Ellen White was a "Trinitarian Monotheist"... -
Emotional Intelligence - A Biblical Understanding Tertiary"Those who are ultimately successful will not only tell each other the truth, but they will also be telling themselves the truth." -
Exegetical Study of Isaiah 65:13-25 Grade 7-LifelongThis research is based on Isaiah 65:13-25, which is a divine declaration to create new heavens and a new earth and has as its central theme a promise of regeneration for God's people. The problem underlying the statement has to do with the appearance of contrasting... -
Fear and Fear of God - A Homiletical Study on the Relationship with the Divine in Scripture TertiaryThis article consists of a brief study on the meaning of the expression "the fear of the Lord", which appears frequently throughout the sacred text, but text, but especially in the poetic and wisdom writings. It deals first with the question of... -
GRISDA Newsletters, Journals and Reports Grade 7-LifelongPublished by the Geoscience Research Institute, "Origins is a peer-reviewed journal that addresses both scientific and theological issues relating to origins." -
How Evolution Replaced Creation to Explain the Origin of Life TertiaryBetween the 16th and 17th centuries, some philosophers, such as Galileo Galilei and Francis Bacon, proposed that science is a knowledge alien to culture and social events, not subject to any limitations. They claimed that scientific knowledge possesses... -
How Sunday Became a Popular Day of Worship - Part 1 TertiaryThis first part of the article deals with the biblical and historical evidence supporting the claim that the Sabbath was the day of worship and rest for the Christians of the first centuries. This same evidence also undermines any attempt to place Sunday... -
Human Perfection? A Linguistic Analysis of Matthew 5:48 TertiaryThis article presents an exegetical analysis of Matthew 5:48, seeking to understand what Jesus Christ had in mind when he said the words, "Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." In an opposite direction to the thesis that the verse... -
Infidelity in the Light of the Bible and the Church Manual TertiaryThis article deals with issues involved in the breaking of the marriage vow. After reflecting on the permanence of marriage as a divine institution dissolved only in the presence of death of one of the spouses or by adultery of one of the parties, the author... -
Issues of the Sabbath Grade 1-TertiaryWhat is the rest mentioned in Hebrews 4:1 to 11, and how does it relate to the Sabbath? Hebrews 4:1 to 11 has been used, on the one hand, to support the fact that Christians should observe the Sabbath commandment; and, on the other hand, as evidence of the... -
Jesus in the Archives Tertiary-Lifelong"The Incarnation provides value and interest to our study and research. As we do with the Incarnation, we can know some things, but our knowledge is limited. We keep seeking and also accept that we need humility and scholarship in our work because we... -
Jesus, Divorce and Remarriage in Matthew 19 TertiaryThis article deals with the issue of marriage and divorce. The author, after indicating Jesus' consistent emphasis on the indissolubility of marriage, since divorce contradicts the divine intention expressed in the created order, devotes theological and exegetical... -
Learning to Teach Adults - Principles of Adult Education in the Writings of Ellen White Tertiary"This paper examines the writings of Ellen White for the presence and application of several key adult education principles as identified by Malcolm Knowles. The practical application of these principles is then examined in the teaching of college English... -
Lessons From the Apostle Paul Grade 5-LifelongThe Scriptures present Paul as an apostle chosen by God and endowed with privileges that few have had. In his last days he hastily requested: "Timothy, the time of my departure has come. Many have left me. Come to me and bring my scrolls" (2 Timothy... -
Letters in the Bible - A Textual Genre Analysis TertiaryThis paper analyzes the linguistic structure of letters present in the context of the Jewish community of biblical times. The goal is to verify whether the letters in the Bible present a content characteristic of colloquial and intimate utterances. To this... -
Lingering in the Word - Author's Take on How Daily Bible Reading Can Change Lives Tertiary-LifelongIn addition to being the Adventist Identity Officer for Adventist Schools Australia, Nina Atcheson is an author. Here she answers questions about her new book, As Light Lingers, and how our lives can be changed by spending time with the Bible. -
Living With Simplicity and Complexity - From Social Comment and Scientific Epistemology to Christian Understanding Tertiary-LifelongAuthor Kevin de Berg examines the distinction between simple and complex causality models and their role in the social, natural, and spiritual dimensions of life. Simple modelling has a very important role in establishing a pattern for understanding which... -
LLT Productions Grade 9-LifelongLLT Productions produces Christian video and audio tapes and printed materials, confirming the authenticity of Scripture through history. -
Marriage Reaffirmation Grade 10-Tertiary"Marriage issues can only be appreciated in their true dimension when viewed in the context of the divine ideal for marriage. God established marriage in Eden, and Jesus Christ affirmed its monogamous and heterosexual character, defining it as a lifelong... -
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage - Conflicting Positions TertiaryThis article deals with the four basic positions taken by different Christian interpretations regarding divorce and remarriage: 1) No divorce, no remarriage; 2) Divorce but no remarriage; 3) Divorce and remarriage only for adultery; and 4) Divorce and remarriage... -
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Writings of Ellen G. White TertiaryThe discussion among Adventists about divorce and remarriage goes back to the beginning of the history of the Adventist church, at the time of the organization of its first association. However, a position of the institution on the issue has only been defined... -
Mission and Growth - Challenges to the Adventist Movement TertiaryThis article describes the experience of the Adventist Church in the early days of the movement, comparing the understanding of a theology of mission with the historical growth of the church. The author argues that an incomplete emphasis within the theological... -
Modern Antitrinitarian Hermeneutics - Methodological Analysis TertiaryThis paper critically analyzes modern Adventist antitrinitarian hermeneutics. Special attention is given to the way in which this hermeneutic (1) uses misdirection of focus; (2) does historical re-readings; (3) suggests a post-1855 Adventist doctrinal stagnation;... -
Perceptions of the Role of the Bible Class in Four Christian Liberal Arts Colleges - Considered in the Context of Conflicting Rationales TertiaryProblem: The four Seventh-day Adventist senior colleges in Inter-America aim at training Christian professionals who will serve the church either directly on its payroll or indirectly as devoted Christian professional laymen. The colleges are doubly... -
Prepare to meet your God Grade 5-LifelongDivine counsel encourages us to search the Scriptures, to pray fervently, to preach the good news of salvation and to fight against sin with the power of Christ and obtain holiness. In this way we will be prepared for our encounter with Him. -
Prophecies Fulfilled Part 1 Kindergarten-LifelongIn this article, you will not find prophecies to be fulfilled, but prophecies already fulfilled. -
Prophecies Fulfilled Part 2 Kindergarten-LifelongEdom, Tyre and Nineveh are the next stops on this tour through a series of prophecies whose fulfillment demonstrates the reliability of God's Word. -
Prophecies Fulfilled Part 3 Kindergarten-LifelongBabylon is the last stop on this tour through a series of prophecies whose fulfillment demonstrates the reliability of the Word of God. -
Protology and Eschatology of the Sabbath - The Sabbath in Eden and in the End-time Conflict Grade 8-LifelongThe research exposes the protological aspects of the Edenic institution of the Sabbath, as well as evaluating its function as a seal of God in contrast to the mark of the beast in the context of the great end-time conflict, as presented in the book of Revelation. -
Religious Instruction in Brazilian Public Schools TertiaryThe present article addresses a common problem in the relationship between religion and the State: the presence of the subject of Religious Education in the curriculum of public schools. in the curricula of public schools. At the same time that the current... -
Science and Religion - Friends or Foes Tertiary"This paper describes core ideas behind science and religion and outlines the differences and common features. Four models describing the relationship between science and religion are briefly outlined. It is proposed that the interaction model is likely... -
Science and Religion - Interpreting the Data Tertiary-LifelongKennedy discusses data and interpretation in science. Science and Religion have a difficult time understanding the other. Science ignores the supernatural realm, but religion expects harmony because God is the Creator and the one who set up all the natural... -
Secularization and the Disappearance of the Holy Tertiary-Lifelong“God invites us to be a holy nation, a holy people. He doesn’t browbeat us into it. We are invited, and we must in turn be invitational to others.” -
Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Training - Toward an Integrated Whole Tertiary-LifelongThis study looks at answering the following questions: "How to keep the balance? How to work in theological education on the 'whole person' that is being prepared for the 'whole ministry'?" This paper was presented at the 10th Institute of... -
Solo Time with God Grade 8-Grade 12This conversational letter writing activity allows students the opportunity to be still and know God. -
Spectrum Magazine Tertiary-Lifelong"Our goal is to foster community through conversation. This website is the online companion to Spectrum, a quarterly journal established in 1969 to encourage Seventh-day Adventist participation in the discussion of contemporary issues from a Christian... -
Sumer and the Extra-Biblical Testimonies of Genesis 1-11 Tertiary"For centuries, the historicity of chapters 1 - 11 of Genesis remained unchallenged. However, from the 19th century on, new theological trends started to offer another interpretation for this text, considering it a mere tale created by the Jews or... -
Symbolization in Miniature and the 'Day-Year' Principle of Prophetic Interpretation TertiaryThis article suggests that the concept of "miniature symbolization" can be used as a basic criterion for distinguishing between periods of prophetic time prophetic time periods to which the dia-ano principle should be applied and the periods to... -
The Adventist Debate on the Trinity TertiaryThis article describes the development of the Adventist understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity over more than a century and a half of history. The author divides this development into six periods, in which the most significant literary contributions... -
The Beast of Revelation 17 - A Suggestion TertiaryThis article focuses on a theological and structural study of Revelation 17, a section of biblical literature considered a theological crux. Precisely because of its enigmatic character and language, the beast described here has suggested an enormous variety... -
The Bible and Astronomy Tertiary-LifelongDe Groot proposes "a scientific and a biblical model of origins," explores "how these can be brought into harmony with each other," and "shows that the differences between the statements made by these two disciplines are largely a... -
The Bible and Media Literacy Tertiary-LifelongSteyn looks at teaching media literacy and how that relates to the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of education. The goal is not to make a list of do's and don'ts in regards to what people should watch. -
The Bible and Pedagogy Tertiary-LifelongLuxton "seeks to identify and explore some of the pedagogical principles practiced in the Bible. To limit the extent of the discussion, the four “ideals” of pedagogy identified by the National Research Council were used as a framework for... -
The Bible and Physics Tertiary-LifelongMundy looks not only at "The Bible and Physics" but also the converse; "the physics in the Bible." "I use both of the phrases loosely to discuss the consistency of science and Scripture, implications and constraints revelation suggests... -
The Bible and Radio Communication Tertiary"This article [portrays] the importance of the radio as media capable of accomplishing the mission of spreading the message of Jesus’ coming. This media that in the not so distant past has already been in the limelight, seems to have resisted... -
The Bible Story Audio CDs Grade 3-Grade 6Ten volumes of stories on 40 discs covering the entire Bible from Creation to the Second Coming. Print versions are available from other sources. -
The Bible, Law, and Freedom - Biblical Insights into Natural Law and Human Freedoms Tertiary-Lifelong"The Bible has strongly influenced the foundation and framework of the development of the Western legal system over the last two thousand years. Several key ideas that are critical to the legal frameworks of liberal democracies are deeply imbedded in... -
The Challenge of Origins Tertiary"In 2009, the advocates of the evolutionist theory celebrated the two hundred years of Charles Darwin´s birth and the one hundred and fifty years of his book The Origin of Species. In Brazil, part of this celebration was dedicated to promoting... -
The Divine Timetable - Daniel Chapters 8 and 9 Grade 9-LifelongApproximately 10 years had passed since Daniel had received the vision of the 2,300 evenings and mornings recorded in chapter 8. Although an angel told him, "You keep the vision for it is for many days" (Dan. 8:26), he longed to know the meaning... -
The God Delusion Delusion Grade 9-LifelongIn this TEACH journal book review, Leo looks at Richard Dawkin's book, The God Delusion. Dawkins offers four key arguments against religion: it's infantile; it's irrational; God can't be proved to exist; and religion produces violence. Leo responds... -
The Heavens, the Gap and the Week of Creation Tertiary"Accepting the literalness of Genesis 1 not only allows us to recognize God as a powerful and eternal Being, who reveals Himself by means of His creation, but also provides us with a suitable context to interpret the rest of the Scripture. In the... -
The Holy Spirit in Ellen G. White's Eschatology TertiaryThis article analyzes Ellen G. White's eschatological understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the last days of church history. The author, in a first step, discusses the textual evidence that demonstrates that Ellen G. White believed in... -
The Home, the Scriptures and the Moral Formation of the Children 0-2 years-Grade 8At what age does education begin? Children who from their earliest infancy receive from their parents or guardians the precious teachings of the Scriptures in the healthy and spontaneous atmosphere of the home, by precept and by example, by prescription and... -
The Incarnation and the 'Son of Man' TertiaryThis article deals with the theme of the incarnation of Jesus Christ. The author investigates the meaning of the expression "Son of Man" used by Jesus in reference to himself, then considers the nature and purpose of the divine-human union in... -
The Most Extraordinary Chronology- 70 weeks and 2300 days Grade 9-LifelongBefore going into the very subject of the chronology of the 70 weeks and 2300 days, it will be useful to take a quick look at the history of some calendars. -
The Nature of Christ: - The Soteriological Question TertiaryThe present article deals with the nature of Christ in light of the doctrine of salvation. The author assesses the soteriological connections involved in the Christian church's rejection of some of the main christological heresies of the first centuries.... -
The Omega of the Apostasy - In the Image and Likeness of the Alpha TertiaryThis article compares the current apostasy related to the rejection of the biblical doctrine of the Trinity with the serious apostasy related to pantheism in the Adventist church at the beginning of the last century, which Ellen G. White called the alpha apostasy.... -
The Papacy in Retrospect Grade 9-LifelongIn this study I use the word retrospective to indicate that something is described from its end, looking backward, and the word prospective to indicate the opposite, something is described from its beginning, looking forward, following the normal course of... -
The Pauline Privilege - Remarriage After Abandonment by an Unbelieving Spouse TertiaryThis article deals with the misinterpretation that some people make of I Corinthians 7:15. For these, the verse allows the abandoned spouse to be released from the marriage vow. The author, however, makes it clear that this is not a case contemplated in Christ's... -
The Power of Weakness Tertiary-Lifelong“In our brokenness, we must begin to exhibit the magnetism of selflessness. As we model authenticity in our relationships, our lives will become a pleasing aroma to those around us.” -
The Sealing of the 144,000 Tertiary"This article consists in a biblical study about the sealing of the 144 thousand and includes its relation with the Sabbath sign and with the seal of the Holy Spirit. It shows the importance and usefulness of the seals in human history and analyses... -
The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Ecumenism TertiaryGlobalization is a phenomenon that has forced many to deal with religions that before they only read in books or heard on television. Today, it is possible for Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, and Spiritist families can live on the same street. From this more... -
The Significance of the Minneapolis Message for 21st Century Adventists TertiaryThe author presents the main aspects of the message of justification by faith of 1888, as as expounded by E. J. Waggoner and summarized by Ellen G. White in Testimonies for for Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 91-93. Waggoner emphasized (1) God's initiative... -
The Singularities of Ellen G. White - Socio-cultural Reflections on a Remarkable American Woman, with Emphasis on the 1888 Crisis TertiaryDrawing from various scholars, such as Walter D. Mignolo Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, the author composes a comparative theoretical framework between modern social theories and the cultural context experienced by Ellen G.... -
The Spirit-Parakletos in the Fourth Gospel TertiaryThis article deals with the Greek title parákletos in the fourth gospel, attributed, as is biblically and historically evident, to the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. The author emphasizes that, although the parakletos is the gift of the... -
The Study of Religion in Graduate Degree Programs - Opportunities and Structural Issues TertiaryCafferky examines benefits and challenges of several options for integrating a religion component in a post-graduate curriculum plan, including: offer a course in religion offered by a religion professor; offering a course in religion tailored to the issues... -
The Tension Between Imminence and Delay of Jesus' Coming Tertiary"This article studies the tension between the imminence and tardiness of Jesus’ coming. The first part analyses the theme according to what is presented in 2 Peter 3:3-12. It later considers various aspects related with the topic proposed as... -
The Trinity in the Scriptures TertiaryThis paper provides an investigation of the biblical evidence supporting the doctrine of the Trinity. Several references from both the Old and New Testaments are considered in their respective Hebrew and/or Greek linguistic contexts. The author also points... -
Theological Research TertiaryThis book describes each of the parts of a field investigation. It will guide you step by step in the process so that the student can complete their own research. With it you can guide yourself to write research articles, books and theses in the field of... -
Thirdspace Engenders Theological Education Tertiary"Clergy women in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church speak for the first time of their theological training at a private Christian tertiary institution in Australia. A phenomenological design is used to capture and analyse Clergy women's collective lived... -
Twelve Realities Related to Justification by Faith in the Context of the Minneapolis Assembly TertiarySeventh-day Adventists are sometimes accused of officially defending a more Catholic than Protestant position on of the doctrine of justification by faith. In response to this allegation, the author systematizes in "twelve realities" the biblical... -
Virtual Cheating, Porn, and Remarriage TertiaryThe present article addresses the issue of virtual sex over the internet. This is a recent activity that has caused pain and suffering to its victims. Unfortunately, the problem has affected some members of the Adventist church. The situation raises intricate... -
War of the Ages Audio Recording Grade 5-Grade 12An exciting way for kids 10-14 to learn about Christian history and the fundamentals of their faith, The War of the Ages series has been brought to life in... -
Wellbeing Notebook - King's Kids - Nurturing Children's Spiritual Life During COVID-19 Preschool-Grade 4Seeing a need as churches physically shut down, Abide Family Ministries created an online children's program with Christian content. Five series of King's Kids are now available. -
What Does God Require? - A Critical Analysis of ‘Last Generation’ Theology TertiaryThis article critically analyzes the "last generation" theology, according to which Christ will return only when God's people reach the condition of sinless perfection. The author argues that Ellen White understood "perfection" not as... -
What Does the Bible Teach About Our Relationship to the Environment 0-2 years-LifelongIn this article, Humburto M. Rasi addresses humans and their relationship to the environment. The writer starts by bringing up beliefs widely held by Christians that seem to run in opposition to environmentalism. After this, the writer then address two important... -
What Human Nature Did Jesus Assume? Not Fallen TertiaryThis article provides an argumentation for the defense that Jesus assumed in his incarnation a morally and spiritually impeccable human nature, although He became similar to other men in the physical point of view. The author also explains why these conditions... -
Why the Study of Religion Belongs in Adventist Graduate Programs TertiaryThis article calls for a change to make religion courses a requirement for graduate students in Adventist schools. Currently many graduate programs do not require religion credits. In Loma Linda University, a proposal passed that requires graduate students... -
Will There Be Marriages on the New Earth? TertiaryThis article addresses the question of the lifestyle of the redeemed after the resurrection. Throughout history there have been divergent teachings on this subject. While some hold to Christ's teaching that the saved, like angels, will not marry or be given... -
Will Wonders Never Cease? The Place of Miracles in the Christian Faith Tertiary"In the eighteenth century miracles were appealed to as a major proof of the authenticity of Christianity. The advancement of science in the next century reversed that and forced Christian apologists to defend the very possibility of miracles themselves.... -
Zondervan Publishing Company Kindergarten-LifelongComprehensive website of the Zondervan Publishing Company. Includes major links to Zonderkidz, Academic books, the Christian Internet Portal, and other rich internet Christian resources. -
‘Let Us Go On to Perfection’ - The Bible’s Teaching on Sanctification and Perfection TertiaryThe author presents, in a constructive rather than apologetic manner, the biblical doctrine of Christian perfection as spiritual maturity and genuine love for God and neighbor. He argues that Scripture never equate "perfection" with the sinless...