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Valuegenesis Studies Narrow Results

reports and publications regarding the Adventist youth faith maturity research in several waves and replicated studies

  • Adventist Resource
    A Comparison of Faith Maturity and Denominational Loyalty in Seventh-Day Adventist Students at Public and Parochial High Schools in the Mid-America Union Based on the Valuegenesis Study Tertiary-Lifelong
    This quantitative study replicated and validated the Valuegenesis study in the Mid America Union from 1990. Results showed that Adventist students who feel positive about their home and church do not show a significant difference in their faith maturity and...

  • Adventist Resource
    Announcing Valuegenesis 3 Grade 6-Grade 12
    Gillespie introduces the third ValueGenesis study, which will continue to research faith, values and commitment of Adventist youth. This third wave will survey students in grades 6 through 12 attending Adventist churches and schools. Key findings from ValueGenesis...

  • Adventist Resource
    How Does Adventist Education Affect Youth Attitudes? Initial Report of an NAD Study - VG1 Grade 7-Lifelong
    This article reviews findings from the first year of the Valuegenesis study and reveals observations relevant to Adventist education. It highlights educational backgrounds, attitudes toward schools and teachers, spiritual experiences, role models, how students...

  • Adventist Resource
    Indicators of commitment to the church - A longitudinal study of church-affiliated youth Grade 9-Tertiary
    In an attempt to discover the factors that determine which late adolescents drop out of the church and which remain committed to it, a broad sample of Seventh-day Adventist youth was surveyed. These youth were part of a ten-year study which originally involved...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: Is the Dream Still Alive? Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Reflecting on the dream to educate Adventist youth to proclaim the three-angels message, the author comments on the role of the Valuegenesis studies in helping educators assess what is happening is schools, churches, and homes. Also in this issue:

  • Adventist Resource
    Key Factors of Faith Development : The Relationship Between Family and Church Factors and Faith Development of Adolescents and Young Adults in German-speaking Europe Grade 9-Lifelong
    Problem: The church is losing its children. Research revealed that more than two thirds of the next generation leave their congregations during their teens and early 20s. Without these adolescents and young adults the church has no viable future. While the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Portrait of Adventist Educators Tertiary
    A survey of recent research concerning the attitudes, perceptions, motivations, and characteristics of teachers and administrators in Adventist schools. Valuegenesis is one of the research projects. Topics covered are quality of Adventist schools, teachers...

  • Adventist Resource
    Religiosity and Risk - The Influence of Adolescent Faith on Behavior Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This study examined the relationship between various measures of religiosity, including intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientation, vertical and horizontal faith maturity, Christian orthodoxy, and religious practice, and the adolescent risk behaviors of...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Chaplaincy Is Effective but Could It Be Better? Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Analysis of the data collected in the Valuegenesis II study of 3263 students in Seventh-day Adventist schools, indicates that 63% consider the school chaplain has influenced their development of faith. Further, school chaplaincy is associated with statistically...

  • Adventist Resource
    South Pacific Island Nations Valuegenesis Study 1 Core Report - A Study of Faith Development and Values Formation in Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents and Youth Aged 12-18 Years Grade 6-Grade 12
    The Seventh-day Adventist Church cares deeply about its young people and for this reason it invests heavily in schools, youth ministry programs and supplies support for the families these young people come from. The schools established by the church are widely...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Adventist School System and Values Transmission Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "In 2011 Valuegenesis, a major survey of beliefs and values and how they are generated was undertaken for a second time twenty years after it was completed in 1992. It revealed the strength of the concert between the home, the church and the school...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Impact of Adventist Schools on Students Tertiary-Lifelong
    This paper combines 18 published and unpublished research studies or reports using 12 data sets to assess the extent to which Adventist schools are accomplishing the core goals of Adventist education. It was presented at the 4th Symposium on the Bible and...

  • Adventist Resource
    Valuegenesis Europe - Why Will Some Adventist Teens Remain in Church as Adults? Tertiary
    This early report provides an initial overview of key findings in the Valuegenesis Europe study involving 6,000 active Adventist 14-25 year olds in 17 European countries.

  • Adventist Resource
    Valuegenesis Study 1 Core Report - Australia and New Zealand Tertiary
    "The South Pacific Division Valuegenesis project arose from a desire to understand more clearly the relationship between Adventist homes, churches and schools and the young people whose needs they serve. The objectives of the SPD Valuegenesis study closely...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG Europe: Survey Questions Young Adventists on Family, Church, Society Grade 7-Lifelong
    "What do young people in the Seventh-day Adventist church need to grow and maintain a close relationship with Christ? Adventists in Europe are hoping to find the answer through an extensive study that will mine the thoughts of young Adventists living...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 A megastudy of faith maturity and its relationship to variables within the home, school, and church Grade 6-Grade 12
    Concern with declining enrollment and commitment in Seventh-day Adventist schools in the United States and Canada led to one of the largest studies ever undertaken by any church group. The research involved nearly 11,000 6th through 12th grade youth and another...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 A synopsis of the Valuegenesis Study of faith maturity and denominational commitment Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Concern with declining enrollment and commitment in Seventh-day Adventist schools in the United States and Canada led to one of the largest studies ever undertaken by any church group. Searth Institute, a non-denominational Minneapolis research firm, was commissioned...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Attitudes and Support of Adventist Ministers Towards Denominational K-12 Schools Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Purpose: This study examines the attitudes of Seventh-day Adventist ministers regarding the importance of denominational elementary and secondary schools and self-perceived levels of support. The study also compares identified demographic variables...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Faith Maturity Scale: A reply to Jerome Thayer Kindergarten-Grade 12
    A response to Thayer's proposal of a short-form of the Faith-Maturity Scale used in Valuegenesis I

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Good Adventist Schools Making a Difference Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article looks to the Valuegenesis research to show how Adventist schools can make a difference for the students who attend. It provides suggestions on encouraging academic excellence, strong relationships, school climate, ways that administration can...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 If You Can't Measure It, It Didn't Happen! Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Do our students have a rich, growing faith? Does the climate in our schools nurture faith? These and other questions are addressed in this article on how educational institutions measure the spiritual growth and development of their students. In addition,...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Measuring faith maturity: Reassessing valuegenesis and development of a denomination-specific scale Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The Valuegenesis Faith-Maturity Scale and two related short-form scales developed for mainline Protestant use were evaluated for validity for Seventh-day Adventists. Inappropriate items were identified using statistical procedures and results from a survey...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Measuring Quality in Adventist Schools - A Review of Valuegenesis Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This is a report of the Valuegenesis study of Adventist school students in Grades 6-12 which focused on school quality. In addition to an interpretation and overview of the results, the authors present good news, mixed news, and bad news, from positive perceptions...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Perspectives on Values - A Project Affirmation Publication Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This book contains essays from distinguished educators and ministers on values. Find out how values are formed, how they are changed, and how they form a vital foundation to a Christ-centered life.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Report - Where Do We Go From Here? Kindergarten-Lifelong
    The third report focuses on areas of improvement the North America Division is planning based on Valuegenesis I research. These include: 1) Educating boards on the realities faced by church school teachers; 2) Acknowledging the renewed interest teachers are...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Researching faith maturity questions on methods and findings of valuegenesis Grade 6-Grade 12
    Kijai interviews Donahue regarding the methodology of the Valuegenesis I study of students attending Grades 6-12 in North American Adventist schools

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Shall We Dance - Rediscovering Christ-Centered Standards Grade 7-Tertiary
    Recommended reading for anyone discipling Christian youth and young adults in home, church or school settings. Findings from the Valuegenesis 1 study provide the platform for discussion of standards re dance, music, movies or film viewing, sex, alcohol and...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG1 Teaching Values Tertiary-Lifelong
    This book is designed for anyone working towards the faith development of young people, drawing on the first North American Valuegenesis study. Filled with specific suggestions for hours of classroom activities, using a careful and complete approach to learning...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Adventist Schools Do Make a Difference! A Report on Valuegenesis Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Do Adventist schools make a difference? V. Bailey Gillespie shares results from the first and second Valuegenesis studies on faith, values, and commitment in Adventist schools. Over 30,000 respondents from across North America participated in this two-phase...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Boys and Girls Growing Toward God Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "We know a great deal about how boys' and girls' brains develop and the implications for educational theory, and so by abstraction, we can make some assumptions about growth in faith as well." This article reviews valuegenesis findings in light of...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Once Upon a Time: What Valuegenesis says about the quality of Adventist schools Kindergarten-Lifelong
    The NAD second wave of faith maturity research provided interesting insights of students into the positive attributes of Adventist schools. These center on the themes of quality teaching, Adventist values, and school climate influences.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Ten Years Later - A Study of Two Generations Grade 7-Tertiary
    What are the "big" things discovered in research about Adventist youth? This books shares topics such as: Focusing on Teens; Valuegenesis and the Journey of Faith; Loyalty and the Content of Faith; Personal Piety and the Quest for Spiritual Life;...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 The relationship between faith maturity, intrinsic and extrinsic orientations to religion and youth ministry involvement Grade 6-Grade 12
    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between faith maturity, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and youth ministry involvement. We used data from Valuegenesis II, a North American national survey of youths attending Seventh-day Adventist...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 01: Faith Maturity Index, Prosocial Behavior Concerns Grade 7-Tertiary
    Volume 1 of Update!, the monthly newsletter of the Valuegenesis 2 research. In this issue: a Faith Maturity Index update, pro-social behavior concerns, a reflection of God's guidance in Valuegenesis1 vs. Valuegenesis2, and information about the first...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 02: Personal Relationship with God Grade 7-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter shares findings regarding personal faith and relationship with God, and more about personal piety.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 03: Grace vs Works Orientations: What Makes A Difference? Grade 7-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter focuses on why grace orientation is crucial, what the grace scale teaches us, more about grace and works, attitudes about God's law, and do we still have a works orientation.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 04: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Religious Experience, and School Attitudes Grade 7-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 research report looks at the importance of schools in the faith experience of Grade 6-12 students. Find out what teachers and schools can do to help the development of intrinsic vs. extrinsic religious experience and healthy school attitudes.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 05: Family Religious Life, Family Worship Practices, Parents and Faith-Talk Grade 7-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 research provides interesting and helpful insights into the influence of family life and practices on growing a rich and mature faith. Family worship practics, parent and faith talk are reported on, with tables showing the effects of mothers...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 06: Thinking about the Church, Factors influencing leaving, Youth Ministry and the Church Grade 7-Tertiary
    This report focuses on the impact of the church in the lives of children. Factors for leaving the church, and perceptions of adult leaders and teachers in the local church are analyzed with graphs and data summaries.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 07: Family Importance Grade 7-Lifelong
    This Valuegenesis 2 report addresses various factors in shaping values such as family role, religiousness of parents, and limits and climate in the home. Read this issue to discover the family's role in shaping children's understanding of redemption.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 08: School vs Church Grade 7-Lifelong
    This Valuegenesis 2 update contrasts the attitudes students in grades 9-12 have toward church and school as places of warmth, spiritual growth, and fellowship. Read what the church and school can do to become positive places for teens to grow in faith.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 09: Importance of Values Grade 7-Lifelong
    This Valuegenesis 2 report focuses on attitudes students in grades 6-12 have toward materialism, altruism, and morality. Read this issue to find out how factors such as school religion programs, peer religiousness, quality of family worship, and the frequency...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 10: How At-Risk are our Kids? Kindergarten-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter reports on the attitudes of students in grades 6-12 toward at-risk behaviors such as tobacco and marijuana use, and alcohol consumption. The instrument in this Valuegenesis 2 report addressed students' understanding of church...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 11: How Important is Youth Ministry? Kindergarten-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter examines the impact of youth ministry on the attitudes young people have toward their church, based on the Valuegenesis 2 report. In collaboration with Barry Gane of the Theological Seminary at Andrews University, the authors...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 12: Families and Faith Grade 9-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter shares a report on the relationship between family faith and family style and type. The research shows that the family is the most important factor in religious training and early faith formation.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 13: Positive Family Influences Grade 9-Tertiary
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter shares 19 positive influences that target family and home life as it relates to intrinsic faith, faith maturity, denominational loyalty, and commitment to God. Additional influences that target church and school are also shared,...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 14: New Year, New Look Grade 9-Lifelong
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter introduces Ten Years Later: A Study of Two Generations, the first in a series of books on Valuegenesis 2. Topics include: Focusing on Teens; Valuegenesis and the Journey of Faith; Loyalty and the Content of Faith; Personal...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 15: What Builds a Mature Faith? Grade 7-Lifelong
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter includes some little known facts about Adventist youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, their concerns about their church, and helps us understand more about their attitudes toward God. Shared here are their perceptions of...

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 16: Adolescence and Peer Pressure Grade 9-Grade 12
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter focuses on peer pressure, the power of friends, effective strategies for coping with peer pressure, and what parents, church members, and school personnel can do about it.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Update 17: At-Risk Behavior and Our Youth Grade 9-Grade 12
    This Valuegenesis 2 newsletter reports on the incidence of at-risk behavior in Adventist youth, the percentage of Adventist youth involved in at-risk behaviors, and the influence of supportive and effective environments.

  • Adventist Resource
    VG2 Youth Ministry and Beliefs and Values Among 10 to 19 Year Old Students in the Seventh-day Adventist School System in North America Grade 5-Grade 12
    Problem. A survey of the literature revealed that there was little by way of empirical study on the relationship between youth ministry and attitudes, beliefs, and values held by young people. We empirically tested the anecdotal evidence that youth...