Narrow Results

CognitiveGenesis Studies Narrow Results

links to reports and research procedures for the North American Division K-12 cognitive genesis research

  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis Grade 1-Grade 12
    The CognitiveGenesis Research Study was an assessment of Adventist academic achievement at the elementary and high school level by Center for Research on Adventist Education at La Sierra University (CRAE).

  • Adventist Resource
    A factor analysis of CognitiveGenesis that identifies the characteristics of the components of Adventist holistic education Grade 3-Grade 11
    The Seventh-day Adventist educational system, as a Christian private school organization, has advocated the theory of the holistic development of the physical, mental, spiritual, and social factors since its beginning in 1872. Using the CognitiveGenesis research...

  • Adventist Resource
    Adventist Education in North America - How Do We Measure Up Academically? Kindergarten-Grade 12
    How do Adventist elementary and secondary schools measure up academically to their private and public school counterparts? CognitiveGenesis seeks to answer the question, 'What impact does Adventist education have on the academic performance of students?'...

  • Adventist Resource
    Assessing Adventist Academics - A Mid-Point Update on CognitiveGenesis Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article provides an interim overview of results of a 4 year study of academic achievement for grade 3-9 and 11 student attending Adventist schools in North America. Results indicate that "students in NAD schools are both achieving above the national...

  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis (CG) - Assessing Academic Achievement and Cognitive Ability in Adventist Schools Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "CognitiveGenesis collected achievement and ability test data from 2006–2009 for all students in Seventh-day Adventist schools in North America. Students were above average in achievement compared to national norms and achieved above that predicted...

  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis - Assessing Adventist Academics Grade 1-Grade 12
    This 2006 NAD Teachers Convention presentation introduces the North American Division Cognitive Genesis research project, coordinated by La Sierra University.

  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis - Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Factors Contributing to Academic Success in Adventist Education Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Key findings of the 2006-2009 CognitiveGenesis project were presented at the 2016 LEAD Conference. Here is a summary of the presentation.

  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis - Quality Adventist Academics Video Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Dick Duerksen provides research results in an understandable and positive way, outlining the quality of Adventist education. Citing recent Cognitive Genesis research findings, Duerksen hones in on high academic achievement, and life transforming potential...

  • Adventist Resource
    CognitiveGenesis Articles, Reports & Newsletters Grade 3-Grade 12
    Link to articles published, yearly reports, and newsletters disseminating findings from the four-year Cognitive Genesis study of North American Division Seventh-day Adventist elementary and secondary school students and their parents.

  • Adventist Resource
    Effective Teaching in a Multi-grade Classroom Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This 2012 NAD presentation explores teaching strategies in a multi-grade classroom. The presentation also contains research-based findings about multi-grade teaching.

  • Christian Resource
    For Real Education Reform, Take a Cue from the Adventists Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This report outlines highlights from the CognitiveGenesis study. Kido proposes that Adventist holistic curriculum is the key to greater student achievement. Link to this article on your school website, alert parents, pastors, and other stakeholders to this...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: CognitiveGenesis Study Identifies Predictors of Superior Academic Achievement Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Beardsley notes key findings in the multi-year multi-grade NAD Cognitive Genesis research. Notably, findings affirm Adventist education’s emphasis on a healthy, balanced lifestyle and its historic commitment to educating the whole person, and show the...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: Superior Ccademic Performance Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This editorial briefly describes how the Cognitive Genesis study is demonstrating the superiority of Adventist education; the importance of interacting with nature; science from a divine perspective; and finally the arts as an expression that allows for holistic...

  • Adventist Resource
    Learning Portfolio Tertiary
    The learning portfolio is a flexible, evidence-based tool that introduces students to a process of continuous reflection and collaborative analysis of their learning and educational project. It focuses on intentionally and collaboratively selected reflections...

  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Education Research: CognitiveGenesis 2006-2009 Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This first newsletter explains a comprehensive study assessing Adventist academics in the North American Division, to be conducted through all elementary and secondary schools in the region over three years.

  • Adventist Resource
    Small Schools - How Effective Are the Academics? Kindergarten-Grade 10
    Results of the CognitiveGenesis project show that developmental standard score growth per year is higher in smaller schools. A graph shows specific findings. Other educational research confirms the CognitiveGenesis analysis that multigrade classes, small classes,...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Cognitive Genesis Study Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Taking place from 2006-2009, this massive study "was designed to show how well students are doing in the Adventist school system and how their academic achievement compares to the achievement of students in other school systems. Standardized Iowa achievement...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Impact of Adventist Schools on Students Tertiary-Lifelong
    This paper combines 18 published and unpublished research studies or reports using 12 data sets to assess the extent to which Adventist schools are accomplishing the core goals of Adventist education. It was presented at the 4th Symposium on the Bible and...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Relationship Between Expenditure and Student Achievement in Seventh-day Adventist K-8 Schools in the United States Kindergarten-Grade 8
    "School finance literature is replete with studies that investigate the relationship between spending and student achievement. Some researchers have found positive relationships between the two variables while others found spending to have no effect on...