ECE Administration Narrow Results
tools, forms, guidelines and checksheets to direct an Adventist early childhood education center
Pacific Union Conference ECEC Directors' Guide 0-2 years-Preschool"The purpose of this guidebook is to provide a resource that will assist Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) program directors in meeting their responsibilities as educational leaders in a Seventh-day Adventist early childhood program. This guidebook... -
Pacific Union Early Childhood Education and Care Resources Preschool-Grade 2The Pacific Union Conference Office of Education has developed an Early Childhood Education and Care Division. Website information is specifically targeted for Seventh-day Adventist early childhood programs and professionals. Resources include: Enrichment... -
A Philosophical, Educational and Organizational Model for Seventh-day Adventist Early Childhood Education and Care Centers Kindergarten-Grade 12"Early childhood programs operating within Seventh-day Adventist church or school settings have a very special role to play in the education and training of young children. The opportunity to care for another's child provides a sacred opportunity to build... -
Adventist Early Childhood Education Preschool-Grade 1This article presents some empirical backing for traditional Adventist thought on early childhood education as well as a Christ-centered, Spirit-of-Prophecy-endorsed method of child guidance. -
Blind Spots - Why We Sometimes Can't See Problems With Our Facility Preschool-LifelongWhile this article discusses church facilities, many ideas apply to Adventist church school maintenance, how to set priorities, how to evaluate the impression the condition of facilities is creating for students and their parents. Practical insights worth... -
Building Enrollment in the Early Childhood Program Preschool-KindergartenEnrollment is the life blood of an early childhood program. These 2012 NAD presentation handouts include a call log for prospective parents, census sheets, classroom evaluation forms, and a parent preschool evaulation form. -
Child Development Center Quarterly Inspection Form - Atlantic Union 0-2 years-PreschoolUse this comprehensive safety inspection form from the Atlantic Union Conference as a reference while creating your own resource. -
Child Development Center Quarterly Safety Inspection Form - Southern Union 0-2 years-PreschoolUse this comprehensive safety inspection form from the Southern Union Conference as a reference while creating your own resource. -
Columbia Union School-based Pre-K Program Guidelines Preschool-KindergartenProgram and curriculum guidelines for developmentally appropriate formal pre-school education aligned with the philosophy of Adventist education in the North American Columbia Union. -
Critical Reflection - Impact and Implementation Considerations in Early Childhood Education and Care 0-2 years-Preschool“This paper reports on a research study that explored the impact and implementation of critical reflection as part of the National Quality Standard (NQS) in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). This research identified that critical reflection... -
Early Childhood Education Center Board Manual - Southern Union 0-2 years-PreschoolThis 34-page manual contains information on the function and roles of a center's operating board members, as well as center administration. -
Early Childhood Education Programs - Southern Union Education Code 0-2 years-PreschoolThis 18-page document is the portion of the Southern Union's Education Code relevant to early childhood education programs. -
ECE Annual Safety Report 0-2 years-PreschoolFor use in early childhood education programs, this comprehensive annual report form is provided by the Pacific Union Conference. -
ECE Sample Bylaws and Constitution 0-2 years-PreschoolFrom the Pacific Union Conference, this is an example of bylaws and a constitution for an early childhood education program. -
ECEC Professional Performance Evaluation Sample 0-2 years-PreschoolThis sample evaluation tool covers the ability of the childcare provider in a variety of situation. -
Home and Center Association - Early Childhood Education 0-2 years-PreschoolPublished by the Southern Union Conference, this handbook explains the why and how of a home and center association in an early childhood setting. "Education leaders, pastors, church officers, senior citizens, singles and all church members should be... -
Institutional Self-diagnosis Preschool-LifelongThe process of self-diagnosis in each of the schools involves an administrative practice of analyzing each of the signs and symptoms of the institution in order to recognize its strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats, since we believe that an education... -
Interviewing Workers for Early Childhood Education & Care - Southern Union 0-2 years-PreschoolThis helpful collection covers tips on finding candidates, writing a clear job description, telephone pre-screen, interviewing best practices, hiring do's and don'ts, candidate evaluation, lawful and unlawful interviewing guidelines, and helpful questions. -
Mainstreaming at the Preschool Level Preschool-Grade 1This 2006 NAD Teachers Convention presentation is an introduction to the world of Inclusion, incorporating special needs children into a typical needs preschool classroom. The PowerPoint provides an understanding of the importance of inclusion practices at... -
Opening an ECE Program - Pacific Union Conference Preschool-Grade 2Find steps for opening an early childhood education center, California application booklet, business plan outline, and feasibility study resources. -
Pacific Union ECE Policy Manual Preschool-Kindergarten"The Policy Manual is a compilation of policies and provisions relating to the establishment, organization, administration, operation and maintenance of the early childhood education (ECE) programs, which are presently operating and/or contemplating... -
So You Want to Start a Childcare Center Preschool-Grade 1Experienced early child educator Marilyn Beach practically presents steps to take when starting an Adventist childcare center: Commit to Operating a Quality Center, Decide Who the Center Will Hire, Write a Mission Statement, Contact the Local Licensing Agency,... -
Southern Union Early Childhood Education Preschool-KindergartenVisit the NAD Southern Union Conference's Early Childhood Education and Care webpages for guidelines, policies and procedures regarding health, safety and risk management, administrative operations, home and center associations, teacher certification, program... -
Southern Union Employee Handbook for Child Development Center Preschool-Grade 2The Southern Union Employee Handbook for Child Development Centers is a model for use in developing a handbook of employment policies for local hire staff and volunteers in an early childhood education and care center or school. This manual outlines policy... -
Southern Union School-based Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines Preschool-Grade 2Guidelines for opening and operating school based pre-kindergarten/kindergarten (combination K1 - K2) classrooms within the Southern Union. -
The Place of Child-Development Centers in Adventist Education Preschool-Grade 3The author argues the case for more high quality Adventist Child Development Centers due to the increasing presence of both parents in the work-place and the lack of Adventist CDCs to care for the youngest members of God's family. She also outlines several... -
Welcome Baby Project PreschoolThe Welcome Baby Project seeks to facilitate gentle interaction between caring church members and parents of a newborn by welcoming the new arrival with a Welcome Baby Greeting Card, and a monthly Welcome Baby Newsletter. The Welcome... -
When I Became a Mother - An Early Childhood Professionals Paradigm Shift PreschoolThis reflective opinion paper poignantly shares the experiential learning of a professional early childhood educator who becomes a mother. The resultant paradigm shift is insightful to anyone involved in early childhood education.