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ECE Resources for Parents Narrow Results

educational tips and recommended resources for parents of preschoolers

  • Adventist Resource
    Pacific Union Early Childhood Education and Care Resources Preschool-Grade 2
    The Pacific Union Conference Office of Education has developed an Early Childhood Education and Care Division. Website information is specifically targeted for Seventh-day Adventist early childhood programs and professionals. Resources include: Enrichment...

  • Adventist Resource
    Adventist Family Traditions to Bless Your Heart and Home Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Adventist family traditions are unique and special. This collection of family traditions shares customs from around the world. Some may seem very familiar, and others may be completely new. Each one comes from a warm memory of family togetherness. This book...

  • Adventist Resource
    Adventist Parenting e-newsletter Preschool-Grade 12
    The Adventist Parenting free e-newsletter addresses issues of family faith and offers pratical advice by age category to help parents/teachers/caregivers raise confident, God-centered kids. It lists resources to help answer parent questions about topics...

  • Adventist Resource
    Are You Shaping Your Child Into an Insecure Person for the Future? 0-2 years-Lifelong
    Self-confidence is not an innate quality possessed by some people. Rather, it is a consequence of the level of self-esteem achieved. What factors does self-esteem depend on in a child or adolescent? How can parents increase their children's level of self-esteem?

  • Adventist Resource
    Child Guidance Kindergarten-Lifelong
    These enduring writings cover the essentials of parenting with chapters on specific building blocks of character such as purity, cheerfulness, self-control, reverence, respect, honest, cleanliness, and courtesy. Includes guidance on how to reach self-denial,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Connecting Children With God Through Prayer and Worship Kindergarten-Grade 9
    Donna Habenicht and Larry Burton share ideas on how teachers can teach children how to pray. Discussed is the relationship between prayer and worship, the nature of prayer, stages in the development of prayer, the nature of worship, helping children pray and...

  • Adventist Resource
    ECE Be Like Jesus Companion 0-2 years-Kindergarten
    This web resource has printable lesson plans, videos, stories, and activity suggestions for parents or teachers. Topics include Honesty, Love, Acceptance, Obedience, Respect, Trust, Giving, Joy/Happiness, Perseverance, Responsibility, Caring, and Sharing....

  • Christian Resource
    Focus on the Family - Parenting Preschool-Grade 12
    Encouragement and inspiration for Christian parents today on topics such as effective biblical discipline, protecting your family, spiritual growth for kids, sexuality, children at each age and stage, adoptive families, parenting challenges and roles, etc.

  • Christian Resource
    Golden Rules - The Ten Ethical Values Parents Need to Teach Their Children Kindergarten-Lifelong
    What and how we teach our children is fundamental, but how we model what we teach is critical. Children watch, listen, and learn from our example. Wayne Dosick provides parents with the ten golden rules that teach their children respect, honesty, fairness,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Help I'm a Parent 0-2 years-Lifelong
    Developed by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Family Ministries, this parenting curriculum will encourage and inspire parents to raise their children in a positive way. The website has many additional resources. The DVD and book can be...

  • Adventist Resource
    Helping Preschool Children Become Readers: Tips for Parents Preschool-Grade 1
    This article presents twelve things parents can do to lay the foundation for good reading skills before children enter school. These include: daily conversations, lots of print/writing materials in the home, reading/writing space available to child, parent...

  • Adventist Resource
    Helping Young Children Develop Spiritually Preschool-Grade 8
    The early years are critical for the development of a conscience and character. This 2012 Nad Teachers Convetnion presentation demonstrates how to support TAG (Time Alone with God) at a young age, develop a working knowledge of Bible stories, and use lessons...

  • Adventist Resource
    Home and Center Association - Early Childhood Education 0-2 years-Preschool
    Published by the Southern Union Conference, this handbook explains the why and how of a home and center association in an early childhood setting. "Education leaders, pastors, church officers, senior citizens, singles and all church members should be...

  • Adventist Resource
    Hope-despair, Family Functioning and Healthy Lifestyle in an Intergenerational Study 0-2 years-Lifelong
    Certain behaviors related to food and other habits are investigated as healthy habits that define a "healthy lifestyle."

  • Adventist Resource
    Hugs from Jesus Preschool-Grade 2
    In this collection of pre-school devotionals, Sally Dillon shares simple object lessons that will arouse your child's imagination with a wide variety of hands-on experiences, most of them involving easy five-minute craft projects that engage all the senses,...

  • Christian Resource
    Keep Connected Preschool-Grade 12
    This Search Institute resource for parents "offers free quizzes, discussion starters, family activities, and other ideas to help families explore and strengthen their relationships and help children and teens grow up responsibly."

  • Adventist Resource
    Let Children Enjoy Their Childhood Preschool-Grade 1
    A one page essay on the benefits of starting school later rather than earlier.

  • Adventist Resource
    Little Hearts for Jesus Devotional Preschool-Grade 2
    This early childhood devotional is suitable for classroom and home worship use. Each reading includes a game, activity, craft, or a charming and original lyric sung to a well-known tune that will entice your child to delight in our awesome God.

  • Adventist Resource
    Love Letters from Jesus Preschool-Grade 2
    This is one of a new series of interactive devotional books which will help you engage your preschooler in activities designed to reinforce character building concepts. Your child will not merely hear the lessons, but act them, touch them, chew them, pray...

  • Adventist Resource
    Mind, Brain, and Early Childhood Preschool-Grade 1
    Western society currently promotes formal preschool training. This article addresses claims that this is important and presents a perspective of the parent-child relationship and the essential nature of the growth a child experiences while being nurtured at...

  • Adventist Resource
    My Best Friend Jesus Preschool-Grade 2
    Cheryl Woolsey makes it easy to bring your preschool children to Jesus every day with 180 short, simple devotionals. These well crafted devotionals build on Jesus' action-based style of teaching and explore Jesus’ life through the book of Matthew....

  • Adventist Resource
    Play Group Ministry Mommy and Me at PMC 0-2 years-Preschool
    Mommy and Me is a play group ministry that operates at the Pioneer Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church. This resource gives basic information about how this play group ministry operates. Many churches have moms with young children who could use some extra...

  • Christian Resource
    Plugged In - Christian Media Reviews Preschool-Lifelong
    Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to equip parents, youth leaders, ministers and teens with essential tools to understand, navigate and impact the culture in which they live.

  • Christian Resource
    Precious in His Site & Reaching the Heart of Your Children Grade 11-Lifelong
    In America much time and money is spent training the minds and bodies of children. Yet the heart is most important to God. How can you reach the heart of kids? This 2006 NAD Teachers Convention workshop draws teachers beyond assignments and grades to offer...

  • Adventist Resource
    Promoting Healthful Habits and Food Preferences in Young Children 0-2 years-Kindergarten
    My Little Friends Director Rocio Velzaquez explains techniques that have been successful in helping children and their families develop a taste for vegetarian food and healthful eating in their childcare center at Montemorelos University in Mexico.

  • Adventist Resource
    Safeliz - Lifestyle Books Grade 9-Lifelong
    A range of books on lifestyle, personal and spiritual development, including titles such as Enjoy It!, Less Stress!, Healthy Foods, Free from Drugs & Additions, Heart to Heart: the Art of Communication, To Adolescents and Parents, For Raising Your Child,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Samuel - God’s Helper 0-2 years-Kindergarten
    "The purpose of this unit is to introduce the young child to Jesus Christ, the Divine Son of our Heavenly Father through the loving and caring relationships formed with parents, primary early childhood professionals and peers." It includes separate...

  • Adventist Resource
    Skills for School Readiness and Life Preschool-Grade 1
    The attitudes and behaviors children most need for school readiness are independence, compassion, trust, creativity, self-control, and perseverance. This article suggests various ways teachers can encourage these traits in children. Reprinted with permission...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Importance of Imagination and Play - A Neuro-Cognitive Perspective Preschool-Grade 1
    This article presents the topic of imagination and play from a neuro-cognitive perspective. Encouraging a child's imagination and free play may be essential in proper brain development and meaning construction. However, there is a need for balance, as too...

  • Christian Resource
    Totally Tots Blog Preschool-Grade 3
    While this blog is named to focus on early childhood education, it includes sections that teachers can use for all elementary classrooms. Sign up for an e-mail notice to get weekly ideas, or check out the “Crafty Corner” or “Simply Made”...

  • Adventist Resource
    Walking with God - Genesis 5:22 Grade 4-Lifelong
    "There is in Genesis 5: 22 a phrase I like very much: 'Enoch walked with God.' Would you tell me, in practical terms, the meaning of that phrase?"

  • Adventist Resource
    Welcome Baby Project Preschool
    The Welcome Baby Project seeks to facilitate gentle interaction between caring church members and parents of a newborn by welcoming the new arrival with a Welcome Baby Greeting Card, and a monthly Welcome Baby Newsletter. The Welcome...

  • Adventist Resource
    When I Became a Mother - An Early Childhood Professionals Paradigm Shift Preschool
    This reflective opinion paper poignantly shares the experiential learning of a professional early childhood educator who becomes a mother. The resultant paradigm shift is insightful to anyone involved in early childhood education.