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Time Utilization Narrow Results

resources regarding strategies for best allocation of educational time in Adventist schools and colleges

  • Adventist Resource
    A Tight Budget Approach to Gifted Education Kindergarten-Grade 10
    Meeting the needs of gifted students may seem challenging to teachers, administrators, and parents if the school's tight budget prevents acquisition of programs necessary to insure student success. This article presents alternatives to the common practice...

  • Adventist Resource
    Block Schedule Lesson Plan Form Preschool-Tertiary
    Because writing lesson plans for a block schedule requires flexibility for time requirements and the number of classes to be taught, this form provides a busy teacher with a handy tool. You can add teacher names to the Teacher drop down list control and Class...

  • Adventist Resource
    Do Your Students Have a Time Deficit? A Survey of Boarding Academies Grade 9-Grade 12
    Eugene Rau shares a recent study on time scheduling in Adventist boarding academies. Approximately 55 administrators and 2000 students in grades 10-12 were surveyed in the areas of homework, leisure time, sleep, health, and religious experiences. Possible...

  • Adventist Resource
    Journey to Excellence Overview Text - J2E Kindergarten-Grade 12
    The Journey to Excellence initiative provided a framework guiding Adventist education in North America into the 21st century. The outcomes are worth considering still in strategic planning. A pdf version is also available.

  • Adventist Resource
    Let's Teach Organization - Finding Time and Getting Things Done Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This article argues that organization skills must be taught to students if they are to overcome disorganization and learn time management. Included are specific practical suggestions for teaching organization including modeling organization in the classroom,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Making Every Minute Count Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Time management is of particular concern to multigrade teachers. Topics discussed are planning preparedness, seizing the moment, making lists, involving students, minimizing paperwork, individualizing instruction, making every moment count, defining goals...

  • Adventist Resource
    Organizing Your Life Kindergarten-Grade 8
    This article contains a wealth of practical ideas from an experienced multi-grade teacher on finding ways to utilize time better and possibly reduce stress. The ideas are grouped in the following general topics: plan; simplify; organize; delegate; keep a balance.

  • Adventist Resource
    Preliminary Study on Burnout Syndrome and Coping Strategies in Intensive Care Unit Nurses Tertiary
    Given that nursing is considered a highly stressful profession and prone to burnout syndrome, the objectives of this study were to measure the level of burnout in nurses in intensive care units, since professionals working in these units are a high-risk group...

  • Adventist Resource
    Stewardship of Our Time Grade 5-Grade 10
    This unit on stewardship is comprised of five lessons and a culminating project. The key thread is how we are responsible for how we use our time. Each lesson is divided into four major sections: the Attention Grabber, Bible Exploration, Treasure Chest Activity...

  • Adventist Resource
    Tips about Time Kindergarten-Lifelong
    We all have the same amount of time in a day, but we don't all use it the same way. Self-management begins with knowing what really counts and then getting rid of time wasters. Learn the difference between the urgent and the important. The article includes...

  • Adventist Resource
    Tips for Balancing School and Family Life Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Learn how to balance work and family life by establishing appropriate boundaries, using these eight guidelines: differentiate between the urgent and the important; accomplish what you have been called to do; and select others to hold you accountable; set limits...