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Boards of Education Narrow Results

resources of value to board members of Seventh-day Adventist schools, colleges and universities

  • Adventist Resource
    Adventist Professionals' Network Lifelong
    Have you registered yet? The Adventist Professionals' Network (APN) is a global registry of Seventh-day Adventist professionals in any field. Housed at the world headquarters of the Church, APN will help locate candidates for positions, consultants with expertise,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Philosophy of Adventist Education - GC Working Policy 2003 Preschool-Lifelong
    The Seventh-day Adventist Philosophy of Education statement serves as a guideline for Adventist educational institutions world-wide. This includes sections entitled: Premises; Rationale; Aims and Mission; Agencies of Education (home, local and world church,...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Board Member's Guide to Financial Statements Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article can assist board members in the enormous task of ensuring that schools use their financial resources wisely so as to achieve their mission. It is their responsibility to adequately monitor the financial records of the school. Questions that board...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Board’s Duty of Care in Financial Oversight - How to Avoid the Question “Where Was the Board?” Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "Being a member of an institution’s board, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, carries significant responsibilities, including three important fiduciary duties: the duty of care; the duty of loyalty; and the duty of obedience."

  • Adventist Resource
    A College President and Her Board - Reflection on the Journey Tertiary
    After unexpectedly becoming a college president, the author gained experience working with the board of education. Read her detailed best-practice tips and advice to current and future college and university presidents.

  • Adventist Resource
    A Guide for School Board Success Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "The purpose of this manual is to assist individuals to become effective school board members and provide boards with the tools to operate successfully. Conference superintendents of schools and local administrators are encouraged to use this manual for...

  • Adventist Resource
    A Look at the Board of One Adventist University Tertiary-Lifelong
    Lawrence Geraty, the President of La Sierra University, shares the similarities and differences of Adventist university and college board of trustees from the perspective of his university.

  • Adventist Resource
    A New Framework of Governance Kindergarten-Lifelong
    "This article presents a new framework for the governance of Christian Schools—a Community Governance Framework that centres on the key roles and relationships contained within that community. Relationships are central to the Community Governance...

  • Adventist Resource
    An Inquiry of Governance Training , Perceptions of Board Members Qualifications , and Board Assessments of Day Academies in the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Purpose of study: The purpose of the study was to investigate the school boards of non-boarding secondary schools in the Southern Union regarding their governance training programs, the perceptions of the board members regarding their qualifications,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Board Book Checklist - SSD Sample Grade 1-Tertiary
    A checklist of items to include in the suggested 'Board Book' prepared by principal and board chair, for board members to reference during meetings.

  • Adventist Resource
    Board Members' Guidebook East-Central Africa Division 2008 Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This East-Central Africa Division handbook contains excerpts of presentations made during the Board members' seminar organized and conducted by the ECD Leadership and Education Department. This guide was compiled to assist in fostering an understanding of...

  • Adventist Resource
    Board of Education Checklist - SSD Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This one-page document, prepared by the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD), consists of a list of documents and necessary information that should be easily available for board members to make decisions. Documents include agendas; minutes; financial, accreditation,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Board, Faculty, Community - Structure to Results Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This 2015 ASDASA presentation relating to school boards and a successful school business model gives "a fast paced overview of structural thinking leading to behavior change that leads to results. How do you define your WHY? How does that get you results?"...

  • Adventist Resource
    Boardmanship 101 Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Is your school under managed and over led? In this 2018 NAD convention presentation, "discover the difference between managing and leading. What is the board's role in school improvement? Learn an alternative manner in presenting the fiscal health of...

  • Adventist Resource
    Boardsmanship 101 Kindergarten-Grade 12
    A comprehensive discussion on the role of a board member and trustee in the successful governance and operation of educational Seventh-day Adventist institutions. Some topics include: Why is Boardsmanship Important?; Roles and Responsibilities; Board Members...

  • Adventist Resource
    Budgets and Boards Kindergarten-Lifelong
    A schools budget plan reflects is commitment to education in monetary terms. The combined efforts of staff, school organizations, constituency members, and the board, in preparing the budget, will help schools become more accountable to those they serve. Topics...

  • Adventist Resource
    Building Your Fundraising Team - Avoiding the Solo Performance Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "It’s vital to develop a functional and professional team of volunteers, board members, colleagues, and others who participate in the fundraising process. This 2012 NAD session PPT and handout provides suggestions and materials for building a successful fundraising team."

  • Adventist Resource
    Can Adventist College Boards Pass the Test? Tertiary-Lifelong
    With higher education facing serious financial, enrollment, and identity challenges, college boards are the object of considerable discussion and controversy. During this year following the General Conference Session most of the Adventist colleges and universities...

  • Adventist Resource
    Challenging the Status Quo - The Journey from a So-So School to an Effective One Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article from the special JAE issue on staff development discusses the process that the school board at South Bend Junior Academy (Indiana) went through to address the two major problems: declining enrollment and nonpayment of tuition. This report shares...

  • Adventist Resource
    Communicating Financial Matters - Expectations of the School Business Officer Kindergarten-Lifelong
    To be an effective team member, the school business officer must be acutely aware of the expectations of the office and skillfully craft his or her responses to the different audiences served.... The most important responsibility of the school business officer...

  • Adventist Resource
    CUC Recommended Elements of a K-12 System - Governance Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This document outlines the roles of a superintendent or vice president of education, the conference K-12 Board of Education, the conference office of education's personnel, financial and administrative functions, and their relationship with school and other...

  • Adventist Resource
    CUC Sample School Constitutions Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Found on the Columbia Union Conference's website, this document contains three sample school constitutions for the K-12 and academy levels.

  • Adventist Resource
    Early Childhood Education Center Board Manual - Southern Union 0-2 years-Preschool
    This 34-page manual contains information on the function and roles of a center's operating board members, as well as center administration.

  • Adventist Resource
    Effective Governance - The Legal and Fiduciary Duties of Boards Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "How should a board function in order to effectively fulfill its legal and fiduciary obligations? This article examines these obligations and will suggest best practices that will empower boards to function effectively, and enable individual board members...

  • Adventist Resource
    Effective School Boards PowerPoint - Columbia Union Preschool-Grade 12
    This PowerPoint complements the Columbia Union Conference School Board Manual.

  • Adventist Resource
    Eight Pet Peeves of Adventist College and University Board Members Tertiary-Lifelong
    Richard Osborn addresses the challenges of serving on college and university boards by identifying 8 complaints/concerns board members often share. He offers solutions for each one, and suggests that implementing the solutions will enable boards, collectively...

  • Adventist Resource
    Eine Grundsatzerklarung zur Erziehungsphilosophie Preschool-Lifelong
    The Philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist Education statement serves as a guideline for Adventist educational institutions world-wide. This includes sections entitled: Premises; Rationale; Aims and Mission; Agencies of Education (home, local and world church,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Ethical Issues for College / University Boards of Trustees Tertiary-Lifelong
    The authors of this article conducted in-depth interviews with eight board chairpersons or secretaries of Adventist colleges and universities in the North American and Southern Asia-Pacific divisions in order to identify issues relating to ethics at the board...

  • Adventist Resource
    Governing Board Autonomy, Independence, and Accountability in Colleges and Universities - Guidelines Tertiary
    This document was designed to assist trustees and governors in understanding how the board functions and demonstrates accountability to all concerned parties. It recognizes that while denominational colleges and universities function in widely differing political,...

  • Adventist Resource
    Hawaii Conference Model K-8 School Bylaws Kindergarten-Grade 8
    A sample K-8 Adventist school bylaws shared by the Hawaii Conference superintendent of education.

  • Adventist Resource
    Hawaii Conference Model K-8 School Constitution Kindergarten-Grade 8
    A model Adventist K-8 school constitution shared by the Hawaii Conference superintendent of education.

  • Adventist Resource
    Help Wanted: College and University Trustees Tertiary-Lifelong
    This article looks at the qualifications college and university trustees, who serve as a vital link in the governance process of Adventist higher education, should have.

  • Adventist Resource
    How to Deal With Difficult Parents and Board Members Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Guidelines to help teachers deal with parents and board members. These include learning school rules, adapting personal style, enhancing communication, curriculum crises, professional growth, keeping parents informed, discussing classroom rules with students,...

  • Adventist Resource
    IAD School Board Manual for Secondary Schools Grade 9-Grade 12
    This School Board Manual for Secondary Schools covers school constituencies, school operating boards, general school policies and practices, personnel, finance, and curriculum. FAQ, school board members' qualifications, code of ethics, and philosophy of education...

  • Adventist Resource
    Information essential for accountability and planning as identified by board chairs and principals of Seventh-day Adventist secondary schools Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Problem: Particularly during the 1980s and 1990s, Seventh-day Adventist secondary schools have been facing problems with enrollments and finances. The purpose of this research was to identify those elements of information and data that the board chairs...

  • Adventist Resource
    Is My School Board Effective? Grade 1-Grade 12
    This 2006 NAD Teachers Convention presentation will make you aware of a governance model for running a school board. It shows the proper relationship between the faculty, staff and the board.

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: Professional Trustees Must Demonstrate Leadership Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Guest editor Ed Boyatt previews articles, listed below, in the third issue on Boardmanship for K-12 and college/university board members or trustees. Articles in this issue include: ...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: Called to Lead in Tumultuous Times Kindergarten-Tertiary
    In this guest editorial, the author discusses the substantial amount of tumult the world of education has seen in recent decades and the opportunities these challenges can provide. Additional titles in this issue include: Ten...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: Choosing to Stand Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Dulan prompts readers to consider the impact of not speaking up on committees or boards. When members of committees and boards choose not to share their own ideas or rightly speak out regarding the perspectives of those they represent, their participation...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: School Boards - A Key Role Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Administration and leadership in Adventist education is the focus of this special issue. Rasi notes that an educational institution's stability, continuity, and success are risk without the support of its board. This editorial outlines and summarizes the role...

  • Adventist Resource
    JAE Editorial: The Stewardship of Boardsmanship Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Osborn shares six biblical principles of members of school boards or trustees of higher education. Articles included in this issue: Principals and Boards: A Team The...

  • Adventist Resource
    K-12 Adventist School Boards - Leading Now and Into the Future Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "The role and responsibility of the Seventh-day Adventist school boards require more learning about visioning and governance as we move further into the 21st century. To maintain their central position in educational governance, boards must be future-ready...

  • Adventist Resource
    Legal Responsibilites of Board Members Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Charles McKinstry examines the legal responsibilities of school boards and its individual members. He also discusses areas of particular concern for Adventist school boards. Topics include: Conflict of Interest; Protection of Students; Protection of Employees;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Legal Responsibilities of School Board Members Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This article provides an overview of the primary legal responsibilities of a school board and its members. Conflict of interest, protection of students and employees, finances, insurance, and confidentiality and defamation are topics discussed in this reprint...

  • Adventist Resource
    Memorandum to a Trustee Kindergarten-Lifelong
    A college/university faculty member outlines seven things they need trustees to do: 1. Understand the nature and scope of our educational enterprise 2. Be a cheerleader for the work my colleagues and I are trying to do 3. Respect me professionally...

  • Adventist Resource
    NAD Manual for School Boards - Member Guidelines Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "The purpose of this handbook is to provide a resource that will assist school board members in meeting their responsibilities in the Seventh-day Adventist (Adventist) school system. Conference superintendents are encouraged to use this manual for...

  • Adventist Resource
    Path to Successful Hiring - Helpful Hints Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This thorough document considers steps to take before, during, and after the interview process while hiring educational personnel.

  • Adventist Resource
    Prayer Breakfast Grade 1-Grade 12
    Suggested program for a breakfast with the purpose of bonding home, church and school, identifying and encouraging support of key players and prayers.

  • Adventist Resource
    Preparing to Serve on the Local K-12 School Board Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Congratulations! You have just accepted the invitation to serve on the local K-12 school board. Now what? Our schools are sacred—consecrated to God; each institution is an important link in a global network dedicated to educating children in Christ."

  • Adventist Resource
    Preserving the Identity of the Governance Process Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Issues that impede higher education boards from managing and governing Adventist colleges/universities effectively are discussed, including: 1) members who are unfamiliar with the process of governance, 2) mixed identity or divided loyalties, and 3) the approval...

  • Adventist Resource
    Principals and Boards - A Team Kindergarten-Grade 12
    What is the purpose of the governing board of an Adventist school? The author presents the results of his observations as a participant on a number of boards. He posits that boards can effectively serve three major functions: policy making and enforcement;...

  • Adventist Resource
    Professional Learning for Teachers and Board Members - The School Board’s Responsibility Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Educational experts agree that the quality of an educational program is primarily dependent on the quality of the teaching, and that ongoing professional training for teachers is the critical element in improving that quality."

  • Adventist Resource
    Sample K-12 School Constitution Kindergarten-Grade 12
    A sample constitution for an Adventist K-12 school in the North American Division. This document includes a preamble, articles of constitutions and bylaws. The constitution articles include name and location, philosophy and purposes, objectives, non-discriminatory...

  • Adventist Resource
    Sample School Constitution and Bylaws Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This sample includes sections on constituency sessions, school board, constituent churches, home and school, parliamentary procedure, and indemnification.

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Conflict of Interest Statement Sample - Pacific Union Conference Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This model conflict of interest statement can be edited and used for your school board members.

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Governance Training - Myth or Must? Grade 9-Grade 12
    This article discusses the responses of a questionnaire given to school board members of Adventist day academies in the Southern Union Conference concerning board governance training. Member role definition, legal responsibilities, and accountability were...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Manual - NAD Columbia Union Preschool-Grade 12
    Download this practical guide to best practices and policies for governing boards of education in the North American Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventist schools.

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Manual - NAD Southern Union Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This Southern Union School Board Manual contains major policies, plans, and procedures recommended for the administration of conference schools. The materials in this manual are in harmony with the information and policies of the North American Division and...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Manual - NAD Southwestern Union K-10 Kindergarten-Grade 10
    This Southwestern Union School Board Manual K-10 contains major policies, plans, and procedures recommended for the administration of conference schools. This manual is designed to effect a caring, involved application of principles that will lead to more...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Member Handbook - NAD Mid-America Union Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Created for Adventist school board members in the NAD Mid-America Union Conference, this handbook includes 8 chapters titled: organization and functions, effective board membership, effective board meetings, effective leadership, financial management, curriculum...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Board Member Quick Start Guide Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "This Quick Start Guide for School Board Members is full of important information to help you fulfill your responsibilities to the church school. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful...

  • Adventist Resource
    School Boards Can Improve Kindergarten-Grade 12
    This ASDASA 2015 session distinguishes between leading and managing as it clarifies the roles and responsibilities of effective boards. It prioritizes the importance of strategic planning and assessing the success of your school. Documents in the...

  • Adventist Resource
    Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Governing Boards - A Snapshot Kindergarten-Lifelong
    Canosa shares findings from a survey of trustees of four NAD college/university governing boards. Trustees' perceptions about the extent to which their respective boards employed preferred group practices and behaviors identified in "The Effective Board...

  • Adventist Resource
    Some Legal Considerations for Operating Boards in Adventist Schools K-12 Kindergarten-Grade 12
    “This article will identify some aspects of the law that may impact the decision-making process for board members of Seventh-day Adventist schools. It will focus on raising awareness rather than providing deep legal analysis.” Specific areas covered...

  • Adventist Resource
    Statements on Theology and Academic Freedom and Accountability Tertiary-Lifelong
    The 1987 Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee voted this official position paper regarding theological freedom and accountability. This paper was presented at the 8th Institute of Christian Teaching.

  • Adventist Resource
    Streamlining the Adventist School Board Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This article explores one school's attempt to cure board dysfunction through an ongoing experiment in restructuring its board. The background of the experiment, advantages of small group governance, maintaining representation while vesting power in a small...

  • Adventist Resource
    Substantial Change in Program Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Download the NAD Policy for Schools Substantially Changing Educational Program during a voted accreditation term.

  • Adventist Resource
    Teachers Look At Their School Boards Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Results of a survey conducted to examine the school board's impact on the life of the church employee. Discussion on attitudes and perceptions of teachers and principals toward board members is also presented. Topics include: Identified Problems; Poor Communication...

  • Adventist Resource
    Technology Planning - A Guide for School Boards Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Every Adventist school needs to have a technology plan that is supported by its governing board, administration, and teaching staff. To ensure successful use of technology in the classroom, school boards should follow five basic steps: Visioning, Planning, Modeling, Funding, and Training.

  • Adventist Resource
    Ten Mandates for Today’s Education Board Chair Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Today’s board chairs are tested more than ever. The realities impacting educational institutions and challenging their boards are different from those of the past several decades and continue to change, sometimes at rapid rates."

  • Adventist Resource
    The Blessings of Serving on a Small School Board Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Working with school boards in small schools can be a tremendously rewarding experience if one is willing to work with the community, listen carefully, gather support, and appreciate God's blessing. Topics in this article include: School board is like a family;...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Board's Role In Teacher Employment Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Who has the official authority to hire and fire certificated teachers in the Seventh-day Adventist school system? This article examines the role of local school boards and conference offices of education in the process of employing quality teachers. Topics...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Case Against Committees Kindergarten-Lifelong
    "Why not form a committee?" is often the clarion cry of many a school or operating board. According to Furst, "Committees can slow progress, strangle innovation, promote mediocrity and discourage initiative." His article addresses the effectiveness...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Challenge of Maintaining Impartiality on Adventist K-12 School Boards Kindergarten-Grade 12
    "Promoting and maintaining impartiality is one of the most essential functions of an effective school board. This article examines some of the threats to impartiality that undermine effective decision-making by school boards and suggests ways to identify...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Challenge to Lead Kindergarten-Lifelong
    When boards govern, are they leading or managing? This article addresses the concern that many Adventist K-21 school boards over-manage and under-lead, by exploring key distinctions between leading and managing. Both skills are essential to perform four roles:...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Challenging World of a Board Chair Kindergarten-Lifelong
    An experienced school board chair shares thoughts on what to expect from board chairs in this challenging time for Adventist education. Five diverse groups that continuously interact are named. Seven suggestions on how board chairs can function most effectively...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Firing of Mary Mediocre - The Case for Due Process at the School Board Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This article outlines how to put due process into practice within the biblical perspective of Adventist education. "Due process is a legal concept embedded in the United States constitution, as well as the laws of many other nations. It is based on the...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Future of Adventist Higher Education Tertiary-Lifelong
    A board chairman's perspective on the future of Adventist higher education. Issues to be addressed for Adventist education to survive along its chartered lines include: communicating the importance of Christian education, information sharing, enhancing the secondary school relationship, addressing financial dilemmas, cutting operating costs, too many colleges, salaries, and institutional board responsibilities.

  • Adventist Resource
    The Perceptions of Governing Board Performance Held By Trustees of Four Adventist Colleges - Select Group Practices and Behaviors in Six Competencies Tertiary
    Higher education board governance has, in recent years, garnered growing attention among authors and researchers, particularly in light of a confluence of social, political, and economic factors affecting the viability of private and independent colleges....

  • Adventist Resource
    The Principal as Board Officer Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Effective school boards fulfill four essential roles and the principal has a key involvement in each. A school board's success depends on the teamwork and collaboration of its members. The principal, as executive secretary, fills the most important position...

  • Adventist Resource
    The Role and Responsibilities of Andrews University Trustees as Perceived by Themselves Tertiary
    Problem: The university board of trustees is the single most important group of the university to guide an institution in fulfilling its goals and objectives. While it may seem that trustees have a grasp of their responsibilities to the institution...

  • Adventist Resource
    The School Board: If You Build It, They Will Come! Kindergarten-Grade 12
    Seely outlines the process of building an effective school board.

  • Adventist Resource
    Trustee and trusteeship of selected private universities and colleges in the United States of America and Canada Tertiary
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the demographics, responsibilities and role perceptions of board members in all Universities and Colleges of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada and the United States of America. The study dealt...

  • Adventist Resource
    When a School Board Member Goes Rogue Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "Although Seventh-day Adventist school boards have significant power to influence the schools under their care, they are not independent entities."

  • Adventist Resource
    Who's In Charge? Observations on Governance In Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education Tertiary-Lifelong
    Adventist historian Greenleaf shares keypoints in Adventist education history regarding issues of governance, and the relationship between church and school administration. The article strives to answer the question, "Will the weight of circumstances...

  • Adventist Resource
    Why Ex Officio Board Members and Invitees are Essential Kindergarten-Lifelong
    This article outlines how to help ex officio board members and invitees be as effective as possible. It includes advice to both boards and to ex officio board members and invitees.

  • Adventist Resource
    ​Building a Working Relationship Between Institutional Boards and Accrediting and Chartering Authorities Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "Ultimately, boards must develop strong negotiating skills based on the purpose and mission of their institution, and use a Christian ethical stance when engaging with these agencies and organizations. A healthy prayer life, team spirit, and ongoing orientation...

  • Adventist Resource
    ​Governance and Spirituality - The Profound Impact of Board Members’ Spiritual Health on the Institutions They Govern Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "A single person moved by the Holy Spirit can be a channel of blessings and make a substantial difference in Seventh-day Adventist educational institutions. Conversely, a board member who is disconnected from the Spirit, even for a short time, can cause...

  • Adventist Resource
    ​The Moral Work of School Boards Kindergarten-Tertiary
    "Ethics and moral growth, in individuals and communities, are facilitated through complex interactions related to cognitive development, cultural development, emotional intelligence, spiritual maturity, and social influence."