Leadership Narrow Results
resources that outline the responsibilities, styles, methods, and purposes of Christian educational leadership
Pacific Union Conference Education Department Preschool-LifelongThe Pacific Union Conference Office of Education (NAD) provides an online statement of vision and purpose, as well as a variety of educational resources. -
Spiritual Master Plan Guidebook for Higher Education TertiaryTitled Faith by Design: A Guide for Creating and Implementing a Spiritual Master Plan for Seventh-day Adventist Colleges and Universities, this guidebook can be used "in the endeavor to create and implement institution-wide spiritual programs that... -
A Comparison of Values of Board Chairmen and Educational Administrators in Seventh-day Adventist Residential Academies Colleges and Universities in the United States of America and Canada Kindergarten-LifelongProblem: An important concern of administrators is assessing the role of values in education. A high degree of values congruency between board chairmen and educational administrators seems essential for educational institutions to function effectively.... -
A narrative case study describing the support culture for the change process in a small parochial, boarding secondary school Grade 8-Grade 12Problem: History acknowledges that change in education is difficult. Literature suggests that the educational system plays a critical role in individual school-change initiatives. Educators need to seek for better understanding of the influence that... -
A Study of the Expectations of Treasurers as Chief Financial Officers in Local Conferences in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists – Perceptions of Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships Tertiary-LifelongThe purpose of this study was to describe the perceived roles, responsibilities, and relationships of the treasurer from the perceptions of presidents, treasurers, and board members in the local conferences in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.... -
A Total Quality Approach to Adventist Education Tertiary-Lifelong"The total quality approach constantly examines the way things are done and looks for ways to improve processes and systems in order to obtain better results." Maguad explores "the possibility of integrating faith and learning in the classroom... -
Addressing the Needs of the Non-Traditional Learner LifelongNontraditional learner needs must be addressed by colleges and universities. Higher education has changed due to the fewer students between the ages of 18-22 and the rapidly changing job market, which requires retraining and advanced training. Institutions... -
Adventist Education in Northern Asia - Challenges and Opportunities for Leadership in the AI Age Kindergarten-Tertiary"We live in a world impacted by constant transformation, which demands new leadership models, especially in the educational field. In challenging times, the importance of well-prepared and resilient leaders becomes even more evident." -
Adventist Elementary Education - Our Fathers Plan for No Child Left Behind Kindergarten-Grade 12This devotional takes a fresh look at what God's plan is for No Child Left Behind in our Adventist Elementary education. -
American Association of Christian Schools - AACS Kindergarten-Grade 12Established in 1972, the American Association of Christian Schools is one of the leading Christian school organizations in the country, as well as the oldest national voice for Christian school education. AACS provides over thirty programs and services to... -
An Evaluation of Performance as it Relates to the Adventist Community Services Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program in the United States Tertiary-LifelongThe purpose of this study was to understand the effectiveness of the Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program (NLCP) by examining the relationship between an individual’s completion of the program and their individual performance growth in leadership... -
An Exploratory, Correlational, Self-Rater Study on Authentic Leadership Values of Adventist Local Conference Chief Financial Officers in the United States Tertiary-LifelongSeventh-day Adventist (SDA) local conference treasurers, or Chief Financial Officers, are trusted by church members to manage the finances of the church and provide financial leadership, yet the denomination does not know how treasurers develop their values... -
Andrews Academy: An Exemplary Private School Grade 9-Grade 12Andrews Academy was selected by the Council for American Private Education (C.A.P.E.) as one of 65 exemplary private schools in America in June 1985. Former U.S. Secretary of Education Terrell Bell developed the project in response to the "Nation at Risk"... -
Andrews University Archived Webinars Kindergarten-TertiaryFind archived webinars for principals, beginning in 2011, shared by the Leadership Department at Andrews University. Topics include budgets, ethical and spiritual leading, team building, technology, marketing and recruiting, collaboration, and more. -
Andrews University School of Leadership Tertiary-LifelongAndrews University's School of Leadership offers a certificate program or graduate degrees, as well as leadership as a minor. Andrews believes "that leaders are individuals who know how and when to wield their strengths. Whether it's mastering a new skill... -
Apply the Book Education in the 21st Century Kindergarten-Grade 12How can we apply the principles found in the book Education today? And what does a school look like that did this? This presentation will show a process to convert an Adventist school into an Education education. It will also show actual artifacts... -
Audacity Personified - Leading With Hope, Searching for Truth(s) Tertiary-Lifelong"This article examines the theme of hope within the context of my own spiritual positionality and my philosophical journey during a graduate course in Philosophy of Education—a course that I was completing as Barack Obama transitioned from presidential... -
Authoritative Education - The Recommended Practice for Educators Kindergarten-Grade 12"Educators must be intentional in making decisions that will help cultivate an environment where growth takes place. The goal of this article is to inspire Christian teachers and administrators to view an authoritative style as the recommended practice... -
Becoming the Best Christian Workplace We Can Be Kindergarten-Lifelong"Adventist educators need to ask themselves: Is our school the best Christian workplace it can be? If not, there are opportunities for God's grace to be manifested and for Christ's model of leadership to be followed more closely. Christian organizations... -
Better Vision in the Body of Christ Grade 9-LifelongThe church benefits from eyes that are young, old, and different shaped and colored, to creatively respond to the near, the culturally specific, and the contemporary issues of our day. Like corrective lenses, vision is further sharpened by sound theology that... -
Boardsmanship 101 Kindergarten-Grade 12A comprehensive discussion on the role of a board member and trustee in the successful governance and operation of educational Seventh-day Adventist institutions. Some topics include: Why is Boardsmanship Important?; Roles and Responsibilities; Board Members... -
Budgets and Boards Kindergarten-LifelongA schools budget plan reflects is commitment to education in monetary terms. The combined efforts of staff, school organizations, constituency members, and the board, in preparing the budget, will help schools become more accountable to those they serve. Topics... -
Building a Culture of Trust - An Imperative for Effective School Leadership Kindergarten-Grade 12Research has shown that “institutions with high levels of trust have more productive workforces, better employee morale, and lower employee turnover.” This article covers best practices for building a culture of trust, which is necessary for faculty,... -
Capacity Building for International Development Practitioners Through an Off-Campus Graduate Education Program Tertiary-LifelongThis study aimed to determine the perceptions of the graduates of the off-campus Master of International Development Administration of Andrews University of experiencing individual capacity building and transference of learning to the organizations that employ... -
Celebrating Paradoxes in Christian Leadership Grade 12-LifelongThis article explores fundamental paradoxes of leadership. -
Challenging the Status Quo - The Journey from a So-So School to an Effective One Kindergarten-Grade 12This article from the special JAE issue on staff development discusses the process that the school board at South Bend Junior Academy (Indiana) went through to address the two major problems: declining enrollment and nonpayment of tuition. This report shares... -
Characteristics of Pastoral Leadership Based on the Book of Nehemiah and the Involvement of Church Leaders in Mission Fulfillment in the Eastern Dominican Association Grade 6-LifelongTo what extent does the implementation of leadership characteristics based on the book of Nehemiah by pastors explain the participation of church leaders in mission fulfillment in the Eastern Dominican Association during 2011? -
Christian Leadership Center Tertiary-LifelongThe Christian Leadership Center (CLC) is an interdisciplinary organization of Andrews University providing inspiration, on-going leadership development, coaching, consultation, and research for a network of church and community leadership throughout the world.... -
Control - Ellen White Study Kindergarten-LifelongEmbark on a study about the control that Christ has, we have, and Satan has with this compilation of Ellen White quotes.[For a complete list of Ellen White publication abbreviations visit the White Estate.] -
Courageous Leadership - Field-Tested Strategy for the 360° Leader Grade 9-LifelongWhen the spiritual gift of leadership comes alive in churches everywhere, the church will become the hope of the world and a most influential force for good. This is far more than another book on leadership strategies and techniques. -
Covenant Leadership - A Biblical Model for Marketing without Marketing Kindergarten-Grade 12McKenzie presents a Biblical model for marketing without marketing. This presentation was part of the 2005 Marketing Our Mission Summit. -
Covenant Leadership - A Service Strategy for Marketing Without Marketing Kindergarten-Grade 12McKenzie suggests that a educational leadership is ready for a paradigm shift. He explores the nature of covenant leadership and the levels of service. This presentation was part of the 2005 NAD Marketing Our Mission Summit. -
COVID-19 Impact on School Principal Leadership - Lessons Lived and Lessons Learned Kindergarten-Grade 12“During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, principals encountered challenges such as teacher burnout, the need to play academic catch-up, student/teacher apathy, lack of health-related support, technology problems, and insurmountable financial issues.... -
Creating a Culture for African American Young Adults in Seventh-day Adventist Church Leadership in San Bernardino County Tertiary-Lifelong"The history of youth ministry in the African American church in the U.S. has always had young adults leading and taking action. In San Bernardino African American churches, that is not the case. Reasons such as fear, pressure, and lack of peer group... -
Creating an Environment for Excellence Kindergarten-LifelongTeachers' attitudes and perceptions about workplace climate and job-related tasks are important elements in creating an environment of excellence. Using a framework for teaching and learning in K-12 classrooms, the author examines factors that lead to teacher... -
Creating and Managing Successful Teams Kindergarten-Grade 12A presentation for NAD school principals, available in 5 video parts. -
Customer Service Kindergarten-Grade 12McKenzie shares that effective customer service is not accidental, but intentional. He provides examples from several companies and offers suggestions for Adventist education. -
Daniel - Ellen White study Kindergarten-LifelongIn Star Trek, whenever conditions deteriorated, the characters could remove themselves from the situation by saying, "Beam me up, Scotty." By contract, Daniel and his friends never never asked to be removed from a situation. Rather they asked... -
Descending into Greatness Grade 9-LifelongIn a society where "upward mobility" is the highest goal, Bill Hybels asks a tough question: Do Christians place God's desires first-or their own? In Descending into Greatness, Hybels and writer Rob Wilkins take the example of Christ's downward journey... -
Developing the Leader Within You Tertiary-LifelongJohn Maxwell examines the differences between leadership styles, outlines principles for inspiring, motivating, and influencing others. These principles can be used in any organization to foster integrity and self-discipline and bring a positive change. The... -
Dialogue Editorial: Do You Want to Be A Church Leader? Tertiary-LifelongIn response to this question, the author considers characteristics such as "a personal experience with Jesus; being a witness to the resurrection; being of good repute; and being filled with the Spirit, wisdom, and faith." -
Does Adventist Education Still Have a Niche? Kindergarten-Grade 12McKenzie discusses the Nude, Nudge, and Niche Factors in marketing Adventist education. He encourages administrators to face the bare facts, find solutions, and focus on the unique mission of Adventist education. This presentation was part of the 2005 NAD... -
Educational Administrators - Leaders or Managers? Kindergarten-LifelongIn this TEACH Journal article, the author asks: "What is the difference between leadership and management? What is the role and function of leaders and managers and how does each group cope with change?" Readers are challenged to consider a solution... -
Educational Leadership in the 21st Century: Challenges and Expectations Kindergarten-LifelongA summary of major issues facing school leadership in the 21st century, this article posits that a clear understanding of the issues will enable Adventist educational administrators and teachers to prepare for the future. Topics include: Modeling Leadership;... -
Educational Leadership Resource List Kindergarten-Grade 12This list links to leadership resources useful for teachers, principals, and administrators. -
Eight Pet Peeves of Adventist College and University Board Members Tertiary-LifelongRichard Osborn addresses the challenges of serving on college and university boards by identifying 8 complaints/concerns board members often share. He offers solutions for each one, and suggests that implementing the solutions will enable boards, collectively... -
Essential Skills and Attitudes for Principals in Developing Countries Tertiary-LifelongThis article discusses the characteristics required by those working in an educational administration role in a developing country. -
Establishing Personal Ethics - Modelling Principles of Spiritual Leadership for a Christian Educator Kindergarten-Tertiary"The most important aspect of being a spiritual leader is not perfection in everything one does, but consistency in one’s life and attitude, in public and in private. As an educator, it is especially important to lead by example." -
Exploring the Fundamental Paradox of Being an Organizational Leader Grade 12-LifelongThis paper, written by a Seventh-day Adventist business scholar, explores a fundamental, universally experienced leadership tension of caring for the needs of the individual and caring for the needs of the organization. The paper draws a distinction between... -
Exploring the Relationship Between Adventist Hospital Board Chair Leadership Behaviors and Effectiveness Tertiary-LifelongThe purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between hospital chair leadership behaviors and effectiveness, and the relationship of effective chairs to effective hospitals. Results based on the online survey on 333 board members serving 34 Adventist... -
Future Leadership of Schools in Australia - Employee Perceptions of Taking on the Challenge Kindergarten-Grade 12"Educational systems are experiencing a global leadership crisis...there is a lack of willingness from classroom teachers to take on school leadership roles. Anecdotal evidence would suggest this is also the case within Adventist Schools Australia (ASA),... -
Getting Down to Business - Thinking Strategically about Adventist Education Kindergarten-LifelongConsider Inter-American Division plans focusing on improving Adventist education system across all levels in their region. -
GRIP -- Growing Relationships Involves People Kindergarten-Grade 12How's your grip? This 2006 NAD Teachers Convention presentation explores core issues concerning principals and leadership issues, from staffing to parents and the community. It focuses on understanding school climate as it relates to relationships and successful... -
Guiding Principles for Cultivating Sustainable Christian School Cultures in an Era of Change Kindergarten-Grade 12"This article presents a selection of findings arising from a recent study that analysed and investigated how sustainable Christian school cultures can be cultivated during changing times. The inquiry was positioned within the contextually bounded system... -
How Educational Leaders Can Use Counseling Principles and Skills Grade 9-LifelongWhat counseling skills would help administrators and leaders better address the needs of those they serve? -
How to Deal With Difficult People Kindergarten-LifelongJanet Mallery shares principles for managing conflict with difficult parents, colleagues, principals, school staff, students, and others. Principles discussed in this article include: confine the conflict, know how many people are involved, be suspicious of... -
Indicators of Effective Leadership Kindergarten-Grade 12A list of indicators of an effective leader as described by surveyed educators. -
Ingredients of an Effective Adventist School Kindergarten-Grade 12Richard Osborn conducted research identifying the ingredients of the most successful elementary, secondary, and K-12 schools in the North American Division, comparing those results with general effective school research. Grade your own school compared to the... -
Institutional Grace - An Oxymoron? Kindergarten-LifelongGordon Bietz asks the question "Is it possible to communicate a loving, warm, accepting God in an institutional setting?" as he addresses the issue of institutional grace. This article shares insights on the laws of grace in the early Christian church,... -
JAE Editorial: A Renewed College Commitment Tertiary-LifelongFrom 1975 to 1984, the percentage of Seventh-day Adventist students attending Seventh-day Adventist colleges decreased. Between 1984 and 1990, the percentage went up. The editorial suggests that one reason for the increase might be an emphasis on hiring more... -
JAE Editorial: What If...? Kindergarten-LifelongWhat if there were no church schools? No Christian education? Calvin Rock poses that if there were no church schools, Adventism, as we know it, would cease to exist. He also poses the opposing questions, What if all pastors, administrators, teachers, parents,... -
JAE Editorial: "Come, Follow Me" Kindergarten-Tertiary“The call of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee echoes through time to each one of us today. In a world with so many voices clamoring for our attention, may we hear clearly the One who calls, find confidence in His promise, and be about His mission.” Additional... -
JAE Editorial: Adventist Education Leadership - Conversations About the Past, Present, and Future, Part 1 Kindergarten-Tertiary“Celebrations are vital to the collective human experience. This year, the School of Leadership at Andrews University celebrates both its 30th anniversary and the university's 150th anniversary. Articles in this issue celebrate these milestones.”... -
JAE Editorial: An Ethic for Teachers Kindergarten-LifelongJohn M. Fowler discusses servanthood as the foundational principle in a Christian educational ethic. Using the shepherd/sheep metaphor, he suggests that a teacher or administrator desiring to be a successful shepherd of his or her students or organization,... -
JAE Editorial: Are You Drawing Pictures? Tertiary-LifelongSome young people believe higher education to be irrelevant, time-consuming, and costly. These are short-sighted views colored by the desire for instant success and the freedom to order one's life according to personal wishes. The classroom teacher can support... -
JAE Editorial: Choosing to Stand Kindergarten-LifelongDulan prompts readers to consider the impact of not speaking up on committees or boards. When members of committees and boards choose not to share their own ideas or rightly speak out regarding the perspectives of those they represent, their participation... -
JAE Editorial: Finding Equality at the Foot of the Cross Kindergarten-LifelongCiting current statistics on inequality of access to education and employment advancement, Simmons calls for action through Christian education. "Adventist education must be available to all of our children and youth, and genuine revival and reformation... -
JAE Editorial: In Focus Kindergarten-LifelongIn the light of disorientation or the condition being experienced by both Adventist and Christian denominations, leadership seems paralyzed to act decisively. Based on the Bible and the principles of Ellen G. White, the Journal of Adventist Education continues... -
JAE Editorial: Introducing the New Team and Game Plan Kindergarten-LifelongBeardsley introduces the new Seventh-day Adventist General Conference education leadership team, including four newly appointed members and six continuing members. She briefly outlines a four-point game plan for the new quinquennium, which focuses on 1) Adventist... -
JAE Editorial: Reading, 'Riting, and Recruiting Kindergarten-LifelongGene Edelbach's editorial addresses current enrollment concerns in Adventist elementary schools, academies, colleges and universities throughout the North American Division, and states that the goal and challenge for educators should be to double the number... -
JAE Editorial: The Adventist School Principal - From Listening to Leadership Grade 1-LifelongThis JAE editorial features the team who make this publication a success. Articles in this issue include:Leading From the Sanctified Heart The... -
JAE Editorial: The Risk and the Promise: A Moment of Truth Kindergarten-LifelongGordon Madgwick writes about the challenges facing Adventist education on the cusp of the 1990s. He outlines the establishment of Project Affirmation as a means of addressing change. Articles in this issue include: Reclaiming... -
Joshua - Model in Leadership Tertiary-Lifelong"By his trust and confidence in God, Joshua left for all posterity a never-to-be-forgotten lesson: Victory in life over every conceivable obstacle, situation, or enemy is not to be found in human strength but in placing oneself in God’s everlasting... -
Lead Management vs. Boss Management - Quality or Coercion? Kindergarten-LifelongBoss, lead and laissez-faire management styles are compared in the context of educational leadership. Six leadership characteristics are discussed: loving, listening, leveling, learning, leading, and limiting. Research and experience on management is shared,... -
Lead versus Boss Management Kindergarten-Grade 12Watch a 2009 presentation to NAD school principals on leadership styles and educational administration, in six 10-15 minute segments. -
Leadership - Acting Responsibly and Ethically - Lessons from the Life of Saul Kindergarten-Lifelong"The life of Saul is preserved in Scripture, not for us to decide his eternal destiny but for us to learn how to face life’s challenges. Saul’s life as a leader illustrates some of the most common ethical mistakes of leadership." -
Leadership - The Key Dimension in Adventist Tertiary Educational Administration Tertiary-LifelongBirkenstock discusses Christian leadership, it's context in educational administration, different leadership concepts and definitions, and it's chief elements. He also points out aspects of Christian leadership that should be considered in developing educational... -
Leadership and religiosity - A study of Seventh-day Adventist K-12 school leaders Kindergarten-Grade 12Procedure: This study investigated (a) the primary leadership orientations of school leaders in relation to Bolman and Deal's (1997) four-part framework of leadership, (b) the relationships between leadership and religiosity (Batson, et al, 1993), and... -
Leadership in a Digital World - Navigating Technology in Adventist Education Kindergarten-Tertiary"In a world where technology is changing at lightning speed and resources for Seventh-day Adventist education are stretched thin, it is ever more critical that school leaders make good decisions related to technological resources." -
Leadership in Adventist Higher Education Series - A Conversation With Andrea Luxton, PhD TertiaryLuxton reflects on her experiences as an Adventist higher education leader in three different countries. -
Leadership in Adventist Higher Education Series - A Conversation With Delbert Baker, PhD Tertiary“A visionary leader, [Baker] spearheaded several development and advancement initiatives throughout his years of service, from physical plant development to academic upgrades that stimulated enrollment growth. A veteran minister, administrator, educator,... -
Leadership in Adventist Higher Education Series - A Conversation With Loren Agrey, PhD TertiaryAgrey “reflects on his experiences while serving as president of Asia-Pacific International University and shares insights on what it means to be an educational leader in Adventist higher education.” -
Leadership in Adventist Higher Education Series - Adventist College and University Presidents Reflect on Their Tenure TertiaryThis short introduction describes a special section. "Through candid conversations, the interviewer aimed to capture the rich experiences of former Adventist college and university presidents, preserving their wisdom and insights gained through experience... -
Leadership Strategies and Strategic Planning for Times of Crisis and Beyond Kindergarten-Grade 12"Implementing strategic leadership is the most reliable way to ensure educational renewal and effectiveness in contemporary Adventist education. Leaders should possess the ability and also commitment to create the values, skills, and attitudes that will... -
Leadership Style and Learner Outcome in Adventist Secondary Schools Grade 9-Lifelong"To become a productive instructional leader the Adventist principal must translate the wealth of research on school excellence into an on-going school based staff development program that will help teachers deliver classroom instruction that increases... -
Leadership Style, School Climate, and the Institutional Commitment of Teachers Grade 8-Grade 12"This study explored the relationships among principals' leadership style, school climate, and the organizational commitment of teachers in Seventh-day Adventist secondary schools in the Philippines. The organizational commitment model developed by Steers... -
Leading a Character Driven School Kindergarten-LifelongThis article outlines six principles that will help leaders to successfully implement a character development program. They are a vision, modeling, professional development, integrated teaching, balanced assessment, financing for service learning. The article... -
Leading from the Heart Kindergarten-LifelongThe world values money, power, and status; God values humility, compassion, and transparency. Many leaders’ behavior demonstrates that their values are the world’s. Leading from the heart, as explained in this 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation,... -
Leading the Journey - an eNewsletter on Excellence in Leadership Preschool-Grade 12Each newsletter includes concise, practical articles for Adventist school principals. Published monthly online, each issue references current research from a Christian perspective, inspiring principals to lead in sphere of influence. -
Leading Up - Practicing Leadership at Any Level Kindergarten-LifelongThis 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation demonstrates that educators must employ many leadership skills, yet many are not in top or designated power positions. If they are successful, they provide leadership in the truest sense–leadership that... -
M.I.N.T.S. - Masterful Ideas Needed to Survive Kindergarten-Grade 12Seven ideas to help teachers and leaders survive and be successful in their work and interactions with others. -
Management - A Christian Perspective Tertiary-LifelongFor the Christian manager managerial techniques "are not as critical as the framework in which management is practiced. The challenge is to reflect the Christian faith in managing people and resources. This essay explores the underlying currents in many... -
Management - A Faith-based Perspective Grade 12-LifelongThis text explores management issues through a faith-based perspective. By presenting the biblical record on major management issues and contemporary management scholarship findings, it encourages the integration of a perspective founded on the values and... -
Managing Change - Concepts and Approaches Tertiary"The difficult challenge that always confronts higher education institutions in their efforts to innovate programs, policies, structure, culture, and the whole educational system as needed, prompted leaders and teachers to understand the basic concept... -
Mission Enablers Preschool-Grade 12Note: Mission Enablers is no longer active, but archived articles are accessible. Mission Enablers consults primarily with Christian schools to create and implement plans that enhance their mission, build their capacity to serve, and improve their... -
Missional Educational Leadership in Urban Settings Kindergarten-Tertiary“Missionally minded educators are called to engage students, parents, and community members in a shared commitment to change…[which requires]: vision, contextualized behaviors, empowerment of students and others, intentional transformation, and God-honored commitment.” -
Moses Kindergarten-Grade 12Study the life of Moses through a series of Ellen White quotations interspersed with additional thoughts from the author.[For a complete list of Ellen White publication abbreviations visit the White Estate.] -
NAD Adventist Education K-12 Leadership and Teacher Standards Kindergarten-Grade 12"The purpose of the Teacher and Leadership Standards … is to serve as a resource for Adventist teachers, educational leaders, and teacher education programs to guide and align professional practice in relation to the development of policies and... -
Not So with You! A Biblical Paradigm for Leadership Kindergarten-Lifelong"The notion of a close link between leadership and influence is very important in the Bible. This article examines a passage from Deuteronomy, which is often referred to as the 'Law of the King' (Deuteronomy 17:14-20), and deduces some basic points related... -
Nurturing the Mind of the Christian Professional Lifelong"The Christian professional must be a thinking being, whose thoughts are grounded in the conception of eternity and an understanding of God. Some secular authors suggest that Christians aren’t good at thinking. This paper argues that Christians... -
Organizational Development - Faith Integrated Curriculum and Lesson Plan Tertiary-Lifelong"This is a lesson plan to teach one three hour session on Christian Organizational Development, from a curriculum for the graduate students preparing to serve as administrators, leaders, and pastors in India." This document is a graduate class project. -
Organizational Leadership : A Study of the Perceptions of Servant Leadership Practices and Beliefs and its Implications for a Private Christian Institution of Higher Education in Brazil TertiaryPurpose: This study verified the perceptions of the workers of Brazil Adventist University, (UNASP) regarding the beliefs and practices of servant leadership by using data collected online through the instrument called the Organizational Leadership... -
Our Journey to Spirituality in School Kindergarten-Grade 12Incorporating spirituality into a school is not a black and white issue, but by being intentional and emphasizing the roles of both teachers and students, schools can increase the feeling of spiritual intentionality in their halls. Livingstone Adventist Academy... -
Pastors and Schools - A Dream Team Kindergarten-Grade 12This article shares testimonies and tributes to pastors who invest themselves in church schools. The insights inspire and hopefully spark ideas for healthy partnerships between church and school in the ministry of Christian education of all God's children. -
Pathways to School Leadership - Perceptions of Australian Faith-based Education System Employees Kindergarten-Grade 12"This article discusses school leadership pathways and recognises the important role that clearly communicated pathways can have on school leader development. It adopts an Australian faith-based education system case study to explore classroom teacher... -
Perceptions of Seventh-day Adventist Church Elders in Ghana and the United States on Servant Leadership and Culture – A Correlational Study Tertiary-LifelongThis study aimed to 1. investigate the differences in the perceptions of elders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ghana and the U.S. on four servant leadership attributes (Agapao Love, Empowerment, Vision, and Humility), and 2. investigate the relationship... -
Perceptions pertaining to actual and prepared participation of teachers in decision making in North Philippine Academies - a comparative study Kindergarten-Grade 12Shared decision making, focusing on faculty involvement and participation in decision making at the local school level, has been identified as an essential element in successful educational reform. The purpose guiding this study was to examine and compare... -
Practical Public Relations Kindergarten-LifelongDespite limited financial resources, schools can do much to create positive perceptions and build relationships with the community, parents, prospective students, and the media. This article gives practical and creative examples of building relationships with... -
Predictors of Job Satisfaction in the Teaching Staff of Linda Vista University and Its Mérida and Tuxtlas Gutiérrez Campuses TertiaryResearchers consider job satisfaction as an important dependent variable. This research aimed to find out which are the predictors of job satisfaction. The study was exploratory, descriptive and correlational. The unit of observation was teachers working... -
Principals leadership styles and teacher empowerment as perceived by teachers in Seventh-day Adventist High Schools in South India Kindergarten-Grade 12The major purpose guiding this study was to provide insights to educational leaders regarding the relationships between leadership styles and teacher empowerment. Linked to this purpose were certain corollary intents: to determine the extent to which the teachers... -
Professional Ethics for Educational Administrators Kindergarten-LifelongAdventist educational administrators need to develop and adopt a code of ethics founded upon Christian principles and tailored to the specifics of their culture and local situation. A tentative list of ethical principles are integrity, professional competence,... -
Putting the Team in Teamwork Lifelong"This papers deals with the concepts related to teams and teamwork. Different types of teams are discussed with special emphasis given to participative intervention teams. The importance of teams as an agent for synergy and collaboration benefits not... -
Relationship Between Leadership Practices of Seventh-day Adventist Administrators and Teacher Job Satisfaction of Seventh-day Adventist Teachers in India Kindergarten-LifelongPurpose: This study investigated the relationship between the leadership practices of Seventh-day Adventist administrators and teacher job satisfaction as experienced and reported by teachers in Seventh-day Adventist schools of the Central India Union... -
School Leader Identification - Perceptions of Australian Faith-Based Education System Employees Kindergarten-Grade 12“This article aims to contribute to the literature on school leadership identification. It adopts an Australian faith-based education system case study to explore classroom teacher and school-based administrator perceptions of both current and future... -
School Leader Preparation and Development Programs - What Teachers Want Kindergarten-Grade 12This article seeks to contribute to the literature on school leader preparation and development programs by “identifying and discussing elements that current faith-based education system teachers would like to see embedded in the creation of aspirant... -
School Leadership Aspiration - Differences in Perception of Drivers and Barriers across Hierarchical Levels Kindergarten-TertiaryWhy are fewer educators wishing to become school leaders? Using research, this article "describes the perceptions of respondents from three hierarchical levels within a faith-based education system as to the factors influencing their willingness or... -
Scriptural Foundations for Management Grade 12-LifelongThis monograph introduces the reader to Biblical ideas regarding business management. -
Servant Leadership - Fulfilling the Biblical Paradigm Grade 6-TertiaryDiscover what it means to be a good leader. The author proposes six key elements are shared by servant leaders: they provide leadership, value people, develop people, share leadership, build community, and serve others. Servant leaders shift from answering... -
Servant Leadership -- A New Paradigm for Successful Administration Tertiary-LifelongThis article provides a definition, characteristics and implications of servant leadership. It also shows that this type of leadership is found in both the Old and New Testaments, and exemplified in the life of Christ. -
Servant Leadership and Principalship Kindergarten-TertiaryThis 2012 Teachers Convention presentation will provide a brief overview of leadership theories, biblical basis for servant leadership, and Spears 10 characteristics of servant leadership. Additionally, it will provide a practical guide and application for... -
Serving and Leading in Schools - A Discussion of Leadership Models and How Australian School Communities Can Benefit Kindergarten-Grade 8"History portrays leaders as people of great power, charisma and prestige. Winston Churchill or George Washington could easily exemplify these types of traits. Servants, on the other hand, are portrayed as obsequious, obedient and lacking in... -
Short and Snappy - Strategic Planning for Dummies Kindergarten-Grade 12One of the best ways to build constituent and employee support for Adventist schools is to create short and snappy strategic plans. Because the process seems so complex, many principals and superintendents simply put it on the "back burner" wondering... -
Should Adventist Colleges and Universities Differ from One Another? Tertiary-LifelongThe college and university demographic continues to change as students from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Central America, Eastern Europe, and Mexico immigrate to the United States. Atlantic Union College President Lashley posits that each of the church's institutions... -
Spiritual Leadership - Moving People to God's Agenda Kindergarten-Grade 12Spiritual Leadership will equip those called to leadership positions with the tools to move God's people on to His agenda. The authors teach on approaching leadership from a biblical perspective. -
Spirituality and Leadership - Lessons from Acts Kindergarten-Lifelong"When spirituality characterizes leadership, the church and its institutions as a whole shall turn to its main function: proclamation, evangelism, mission, nurture, healing, awaiting." -
Spirituality in Educational Leadership - Engaging with the Research Kindergarten-Grade 12"This article reviews eight research studies from literature that focus on spirituality in educational leadership. The discussion will be of interest to educational leaders across a range of sectors who intentionally value spirituality within their professional... -
Striving for Excellence When Circumstances Work Against It Kindergarten-Grade 12Bradfield addresses popular misconceptions and myths about school improvement. Shared are significant observations about what makes a school successful, even in difficult circumstances, along with the administrators -
Teacher Evaluations - One Size does not Fit All Preschool-LifelongThis 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation explores the differences teachers have regarding evaluation needs. The same standard form-driven evaluation used for all teachers rarely encourages teacher growth. Learn some strategies to differentiate the practice... -
Technology Planning - A Guide for School Boards Kindergarten-Grade 12Every Adventist school needs to have a technology plan that is supported by its governing board, administration, and teaching staff. To ensure successful use of technology in the classroom, school boards should follow five basic steps: Visioning, Planning, Modeling, Funding, and Training. -
The Administrative Adventure Kindergarten-LifelongFinding and identifying your personal philosophy as an administrator is an adventure and takes much soul searching and depth. Topics include: Trust in God; Integrity in All Things; Work Hard; Have Fun; Use Binoculars; Psychology and the Individual Approach;... -
The Ant Model - God’s Framework for Sustainable Institutional and National Development Kindergarten-Lifelong“This paper examined the challenge recorded in the book of Proverbs 6: 6-11 and analyzed the model that God has deposited in the ant for sustainable development. The scope of the paper covers analysis of the model’s framework and its application... -
The Blessings of Serving on a Small School Board Kindergarten-Grade 12Working with school boards in small schools can be a tremendously rewarding experience if one is willing to work with the community, listen carefully, gather support, and appreciate God's blessing. Topics in this article include: School board is like a family;... -
The Case Against Committees Kindergarten-Lifelong"Why not form a committee?" is often the clarion cry of many a school or operating board. According to Furst, "Committees can slow progress, strangle innovation, promote mediocrity and discourage initiative." His article addresses the effectiveness... -
The Case of the Disappearing Diploma...And Its Dramatic Resolution Tertiary-LifelongA former academy principal illustrates the value and power of reconciliation, the two way act of forgiving purposeful or perceived wrongs. He shares the joys of healing and peace that comes as a result of forgiveness. -
The Centered Set - How Adventist Colleges and Universities Can Thrive and Fulfill Their Mission in the 21st Century Tertiary-Lifelong"Does Adventism need another model of higher education? The downward trend in enrollment, the increased numbers of students from other faiths at institutions of higher education all demand the church look at new approaches. The centered set may provide... -
The Challenge of Change Tertiary-LifelongColleges and universities are expected to precipitate change. A college must be unique and yet be interdependent with its sponsoring church in terms of philosophy and mission, enrollment of the youth, and financial support. The challenge of change is addressed... -
The Challenge to Lead Kindergarten-LifelongWhen boards govern, are they leading or managing? This article addresses the concern that many Adventist K-21 school boards over-manage and under-lead, by exploring key distinctions between leading and managing. Both skills are essential to perform four roles:... -
The Contribution of Education, Experience, and Personal Characteristics on the Reflective Judgment of Students Preparing for School Administration Tertiary"Problem: School administrators must use high levels of reasoning to deal with the complexities of today's educational system. Reflective thinking has proven to be an effective administrative tool in problem solving, staff supervision, and school... -
The Influence of K-12 Christian Education on Leadership Development Kindergarten-Grade 12Problem: Christian schools are an environment that intentionally works to bring coherence to a student's moral and ethical development, which is a critical component of leadership development. It is then important to understand how the effect of that educational... -
The Nexus Between Principals’ Leadership Characteristics and Primary Teachers’ Response to Challenges of Change - Teachers Are Functioning on the Outside but How Are They Coping on the Inside? Kindergarten-Grade 8"Significant change is occurring in the education systems in most countries around the world. This article, based on a larger educational change study, examines perceptions of Australian primary teachers employed within the Seventh-day Adventist Church... -
The Ombudsperson's Role in Higher Education Tertiary-LifelongThe role of ombudsperson in Adventist colleges and universities is very recent. An Andrews University's ombudsperson explains the role of the position and its importance in the college and university community. -
The Relationship Between Leaders' Emotional Intelligence and Employees' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job-Related Affective Well-Being at Andrews University Tertiary-LifelongThis study sought to investigate how employee affective well-being and citizenship behaviors are related to Andrews University (AU) leaders’ Emotional Intelligence (EI), with additional consideration given to how the gender of those leaders may affect... -
The Role of Faith in God in Administrative Decision-making - a Descriptive Multiple Case Study of Three African-American Christian Women Administrators of American Higher Education TertiaryProblem: Faith in God is a phenomenon that is difficult to define. Yet, it can be seen as an attitude of complete trust in God. As Proctor (1995) stated, faith in God is believing that there is a purpose and a power (called God) available to each of... -
The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make Tertiary-LifelongIn a light, readable style, Dr. Hans Finzel reveals the 10 most common leadership mistakes. Using case studies, pertinent biblical principles and a collection of leadership lore, he offers an invaluable tool for anyone in a supervisory or leadership role. -
The Unprincipaled Teacher - Being Your Own Administrator Kindergarten-Grade 8This article suggests some strategies for improving the administrative skills of those who must teach and act as principal at the same time. The Small School Survival Guide, published by the North American Division, offers suggestions about fulfilling... -
Thinking Success Kindergarten-Grade 12School administrators with high expectations, positive self-concepts, and specific goals, will greatly improve any school program. Most individuals live up to the expectations others hold for them. School administrators can influence student achievement without... -
Total Quality in the Classroom Kindergarten-LifelongAdventist education achieving continuous improvement through improved quality control is the focus of this article. The author examines Adventist education practices through the lens of quality control principles with topic areas such as Redefining Quality;... -
Trust as a Critical Success Factor in Educational Organizations Kindergarten-TertiaryThis 2012 NAD Teachers Convention presentation shares research literature which suggests that trust components of benevolence, competence, reliability and transparency are critical success factors in education leadership. -
Values and Leadership Characteristics of Seventh-day Adventist Academy Teachers in Michigan Grade 9-Grade 12Problem: Two important aspects in the life and work of teachers are their values and leadership styles. The values they hold affect the influence they exert and the knowledge they impart, and the leadership styles they practice determine in part their... -
W W Prescott - Adventist Educations Renaissance Man TertiaryAdventist institutions are challenged to find qualified leaders for schools. W.W.Prescott's story provides insights into this Adventist pioneer's journey to becoming an educational leader worth noting. -
Working Smarter, Not Harder - Administrative Leadership Styles in Adventist Colleges Tertiary-LifelongThis article shares the results of research conducted at the 1995 General Conference session in Utrecht, Holland, gathered from Adventist college and university presidents throughout the world field and provides a challenge to administrative excellence in...