New Testament Narrow Results
resources for the study of the last 27 books of the Bible
A Sower Went Out to Sow Tertiary-Lifelong"The parable of the sower and the seed is a call for self-diagnosis: What is the condition of my heart? Can the seeds of God’s Word survive and bear fruit in my life?" -
Allegory in C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - A Window to the Gospel of John Grade 9-Grade 12Higgens suggests using C.S. Lewis' book as an allegorical bridge into the book of John. This paper was presented at the 14th Institute of Christian Teaching. -
Allusions to the Sabbath in Revelation 12 to 14 TertiaryThe Seventh-day Adventist Church has been criticized for its belief that the final persecution of the antichrist will be because of the Sabbath or the Ten Commandments. Also, that our interpretation of Revelation 13 and 14 regarding the Sabbath and the mark... -
An Analysis of Romans 14:5-6 via the New Perspective on Paul Tertiary-Lifelong"The Apostle Paul has often been held responsible for transforming the teachings of Jesus the Jew into an anti-Semitic religion of hate. The recent emphasis on Paul’s essential Jewishness and his positive attitude to the Law has given a more historically... -
Biblical Research Institute Grade 9-LifelongThe Biblical Research Institute promotes the study and practice of Adventist theology and lifestyle as understood by the Seventh-day Adventist world church. The different functions of the Biblical Research Institute can be grouped under three main headings:... -
Can We Believe in Miracles? Tertiary-LifelongThis article is responses to a reader's question about rectifying his spiritual beliefs with what he's learning as a science student. -
Catching a Fisherman Tertiary-Lifelong"There is no one too disinterested, too distracted, too confident, too discouraged or so sinful that through an encounter with the power of God in Jesus cannot be redeemed and transformed." -
Christ as the Mercy Seat (Hilasterion) in Romans 3:25-26 Tertiary-LifelongThe various ‘translations’ of the word ‘hilasterion’ in the different versions of the Bible reveal that Christianity in general accepts the idea that ‘hilasterion’ refers to the cross, to Christ’s death. The question... -
Crazy, Grace-filled God Moments Grade 9-Lifelong"Prefacing her poem, the author writes “Today was a series of crazy, grace-filled ‘God moments’ so profound in their combined healing effect that I had to put my feelings to pen.” -
Dialogue Editorial: Saints -Their Identity, Address, Calling Tertiary-Lifelong"Among the varied introductions Paul employed in writing his Epistles, one has meant a lot to me: 'to the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus' (Ephesians 1:1, NKJV). This salutation gives me as a follower of Jesus my identity, my address,... -
Distractions Can Lead to Destruction - Lessons from Martha and Mary Tertiary-Lifelong"Between Martha’s anxiety over caring for her guests—good in itself—and Mary’s choice of sitting at the Master’s feet, Jesus showed the priority that should govern our choices in life." -
Every Town Needs a Carpenter Tertiary-Lifelong"Nazareth was lucky to have had in its midst a great Carpenter — one who shaped raw wood into beautiful furniture. But that Carpenter was so unique that He was able to turn the human heart from sin to righteousness, from folly to holiness,... -
God With Tertiary-Lifelong“'God with' is known both in the Old and New Testaments. The idea of 'God with' is applied to Jesus as Immanuel, and Jesus also uses it when speaking of the Holy Spirit.'" -
He is Risen Indeed! Tertiary-Lifelong"Historians do not force the evidence to fit a preconceived conclusion, but permit it to speak for itself. Here we examine the nature of the sources, the evidence for the death of Jesus, and the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus." -
How reliable is the Bible? Tertiary-Lifelong"Christianity derives its authority from the Word of God. Christ and His apostles regarded the Scriptures as a revelation of God, with an undergirding unity among its various teachings (see Matthew 5:17-20; Luke 24:27, 44, 45-48; John 5:39). Many church... -
How Sunday Became a Popular Day of Worship - Part 1 TertiaryThis first part of the article deals with the biblical and historical evidence supporting the claim that the Sabbath was the day of worship and rest for the Christians of the first centuries. This same evidence also undermines any attempt to place Sunday... -
In the Footsteps of Jesus - How One Teacher’s Experience Impacted Students’ Learning Grade 7-LifelongA religious studies teacher describes her experiences on a Holy Land tour. She was deliberate about what she wanted to accomplish, and the impact it would have on her students. -
In the Power Game, Love Wins Tertiary-Lifelong"Love and knowledge are partners. Knowledge without love is arrogance. Love without knowledge is sentimentalism." -
Injustice to One, Justice for All Tertiary-Lifelong"The greater the injustice suffered by Jesus, the greater His love for us shines through. The darker the night, the brighter His light...This paper will examine the violations of Hebrew and Roman law that culminated in the murder of Jesus." -
Is the God of the Old Testament Different from the One in the New Testament? Grade 9-Lifelong"The Bible’s portrayal of God is unified and consistent that God is a God of love in both the Old Testament and the New." -
Is There a Connection Between the Holocaust and the New Testament? TertiaryIn the recent debate about the possible historical and ideological connections between the Holocaust and the New Testament, a group of Jews and Christians have argued that there is a direct relationship between the New Testament, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.... -
Jesus - A Man for All People Tertiary-Lifelong"Four unmatched insights into the mind and values of Jesus, the matchless Man for all people." -
Jesus Calls Ordinary People to Do an Extra-Ordinary Work Tertiary-Lifelong"Which of the 12 disciples are you? Jesus chose each of His disciples in spite of knowing their weaknesses and potential for failure." -
Jesus Christ - Myth or History? Lifelong"Is the Jesus of faith the same as the Jesus of history? Or is Jesus only a creation of faith? If so, should we reject the historical Jesus as a myth created by later Christians?" -
Jesus Gives Freedom Grade 9-Lifelong"He respects our 'yes,' but also our 'no.' He gives freedom. He invites us: 'Come and follow me. Be my beloved friend.'” -
Justification by Faith, More than Concept - A Person Tertiary-LifelongAuthor C.S. Baldwin seeks to communicate that Jesus, not a great 'truth', is the definitive reality of the gospel story. This text purports that the irreducible minimum of the gospel is the person of Jesus as our righteousness before God. Jesus Christ... -
Keys to the Code - How to Study the Book of Revelation Without Losing Your Mind Grade 9-Lifelong"The Book of Revelation has both delighted and frustrated readers ever since it was written. Contradictory and often bizarre interpretations of the book abound. In this unique audio series, however, Jon Paulien guides the listener to an approach that... -
Life, a Journey. God, the Guide. Tertiary-Lifelong"With God shaping your life into a magnificent journey, you can make that journey one of courage, beauty, dignity, and love." -
Living Real - Lessons from Nicodemus Grade 11-Lifelong"Really living begins with a spiritual rebirth and continues with a constant total surrender to the divine Person and power of God’s Spirit." -
Living the Christian Life in an Alien Culture Grade 11-Lifelong"As alien in a strange land, we as Christians are called upon to live honorable and morally upright lives so that people will glorify God, and so that we will fulfill our mission to those around us." -
Lost and Found Grade 9-Lifelong"When I wrapped my arms around my poor little sheep, it felt like my heart would burst – from anguish because of the pain that she was suffering, and from joy because the search had not been in vain." -
Military Service and the New Testament - Should Adventists Serve in the Military? Tertiary-LifelongThe author argues "that the New Testament calls the Christians to prioritize their identity as citizens of the kingdom of God over their allegiance to the kingdoms of this world. The Christian is never called to lay down his or her life for the state,... -
New Testament Grade 8-LifelongThe Adventist Book Center sells books and other material on the topic of the New Testament including the following titles: The Joy of the Gospel; Caught Between Two Worlds; Christ's Object Lessons; Exploring Hebrews: A Devotional Commentary; God Cares; In... -
Of Storms and the Endtime Hope Tertiary-Lifelong"The gospel of the second coming of Jesus is the raison d’être of our existence as Seventh-day Adventists. It is at the very heart of the unparalleled messages that God has given us to proclaim in this heightened moment in history." -
Pablo - From Exclusivist to Inclusionist Grade 3-Lifelong"Take Mark, and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for the ministry" (2 Timothy: 4: 11). -
Parables - A Synthesis of Thought Grade 8-LifelongKarlow explores how science can often be expressed through parables that are constructed after the manner of Christ. This paper was presented at the 1st Institute of Christian Teaching. -
Peter - Lessons from the Man and His First Message Grade 11-Lifelong"In his first sermon —'This Jesus'—Peter introduced to the world a great mystery, a great wonder. Both the mystery and the wonder have become not only the central core of Christian proclamation, but also the only hope for meaning in life." -
Prophecy - Connecting People to Jesus Tertiary-Lifelong“Through the prophetic word, God connects with us on a deep and personal level. Even though God is high above us and is beyond our comprehension, He still comes close to us through the working of the Holy Spirit, who can catch our attention and touch... -
Psychology of Postmodern Society - An Eschatological Perspective Tertiary-LifelongLuke records six signs pointing to end times. Adventist eschatology has traced the first three's fulfillment. This article deals with the second set of signs involving human life as it approaches the end of time. -
Purposive Learning - Lessons from Apollos TertiaryApollos, who probably was a student of Philo, knew well Hellenistic philosophy as well as the Old Testament. He had gone through both academic and religious education. From the little we know of him in the book of Acts, he was a successful debater, establishing... -
Revelation of Jesus Christ - Commentary on the Book of Revelation Tertiary-Lifelong"Intended for both scholar and layperson, this verse-by-verse commentary outlines the thematic architecture of the Apocalypse to illuminate the unified message of the book. Providing both scholarly notes and lay-oriented exposition, this landmark work... -
Sexuality And Gender - A Biblical Perspective (1) Kindergarten-Grade 12"The Bible values the characteristics of both sexes, and teaches that the genders should not be inappropriately muddled or mixed." -
Should Women Remain Silent In Church? Tertiary-Lifelong"Why did Paul single out women? Possibly because some of them had become the target of false teachers and their instructions (2 Timothy 3:6). As a result, they were bringing controversies into the church. Paul forbids this type of controversial and divisive... -
That's What Jesus Did for Me! Tertiary-Lifelong"Jesus was like God in every way. But He did not hold on to being like God. He gave it up freely and became like a slave. He became a man in this world and shared the life of human beings (Philippians 2: 6, 7). He became like me in order to share my life... -
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier Series Grade 7-LifelongTake the time to explore God's precious Word like never before with The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier. You won't find the Bible Amplifier either boring or over your head. Instead, you'll delight in this refreshing way to unlock the meaning of God's Word. Titles... -
The Attitude of Jesus toward Women Tertiary-LifelongThis article briefly reviews the attitude of Jesus toward women in his teaching and ministry contracted with the status of women in first-century Jewish society. -
The Bible Narrated by Alexander Scourby Grade 5-LifelongBoth the Old and New testaments of the King James Version are narrated by Alexander Scourby. The most popular narration on the market, over 20,000,000 copies have been sold since the first recording. -
The Book of Luke - Daily Lesson Guide Grade 8NAD Pathways Grade 8 selection for Theme 9: Social Issues & Culture. "The Book of Luke is the third Gospel account of the life of Jesus, most likely written after Matthew, Mark, and John. The focus is a well-researched, chronological account that... -
The Da Vinci Code - Fact or Fiction? Tertiary-Lifelong"Although Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, has enjoyed great popularity, its claims of fact about early church beliefs and the nature of Christ are easy to refute, but require a foundation in early church history and knowledge of Greek,... -
The empirical development of a college curriculum of the Epistle to the Galatians TertiaryProblem: Seventh-day Adventist adolescents need a clear understanding of the gospel which provides the assurance of salvation. Since in Seventh-day Adventist colleges there is no curriculum for the Epistle to the Galatians, this study was intended to... -
The First Stone Tertiary-Lifelong"Only a sinless being could throw the first stone. Jesus is the only one with that qualification. Yet, where is His stone? His hands are empty and covered in dust. His heart is filled with love and grace. His hands are forever extended to forgive and... -
The Greatest Gift - A Play about Jesus Grade 4-Grade 12In a play about the life of Jesus using Scripture as dialogue whenever possible, Trudy Wright provides a resource that students can experience as a reader's theater or perform for the school and community. Prop and costume ideas and stage settings are also... -
The Needle and the Camel Grade 7-Tertiary"What did Jesus mean when He said that 'it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God' (Matthew 19:24, NKJV)?" -
The New Testament and Culture Grade 7-TertiaryAn understanding of culture can aid the study of the New Testament. It helps us interpret Scripture, create an interest in Scripture, and implement the principles of Scripture as we struggle to live out the gospel in our own cultural situation. Examples of... -
The Parable of the Inclusive Samaritan, Part 1 Grade 5-Lifelong"But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, Who is my neighbor?" (Luke 10: 29). -
The Parable of the Inclusive Samaritan, Part 2 Grade 5-Lifelong"But a Samaritan, as he was on his way, came near him, and when he saw him, he was moved with compassion" (Luke 10: 33). -
The Pedagogy of Jesus - Lessons for Teaching in Luke 24:13-43 Kindergarten-Tertiary“Educators working in Adventist institutions can learn much from the Master Teacher and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. After reviewing the passage in Luke 24:13 to 43 and analyzing some of the main characteristics of Jesus’ teaching approach... -
The Touch of Faith, the Savior’s Reach Tertiary-Lifelong"When humanity is connected with divinity, a miracle takes place. When we reach out and touch the robe of Christ’s righteousness, we are changed into His likeness. Here’s the story of a woman who reached out to touch." -
The Writings of Ellen G White Tertiary-LifelongDenis Fortin's lecture outlines and presentations for an Andrews University Seminary course are available for anyone wishing to study the topics. -
This Year Also Tertiary“What should be our reaction to the suffering of others and to news of disasters? Should we end our addiction to doomscrolling and follow Jesus to a deeper truth?” -
Three Angels for Kids Preschool-Grade 12This session from the 2021 virtual teachers' convention for educators in Canada presents "the new, integrated curriculum that will draw your students closer to Jesus and make them better readers, writers, and critical thinkers! Discover lessons that are... -
To Church or Not to Church? Tertiary-Lifelong"Church is about our need to stick together, to learn to get along while still here on earth, and it is about service to the world around us." -
To See Him in Order to Follow Him - The Lesson from Bartimaeus Tertiary-Lifelong"For Bartimaeus, Jesus became his eyes: that he may see again. Bartimaeus does not simply want to see. He wants to see Him, because he wants to follow Him." -
Unlocking Bible Prophecies 2.0 Grade 7-LifelongPresented by Cami Oetman, vice president of Adventist World Radio, this 15 part series is a master class in Bible study and Bible prophecy. "By looking at Revelation and Daniel, as well as other books of the Bible, you’ll find that the Bible itself... -
Visual Bible Movies - Matthew, John & Acts Grade 1-LifelongDid you ever wish that the bible could be presented as a movie without any additions, deletions or editorial commentary? Now it is! The entire Visual Bible's collection of products is built on the vision of bringing the Scriptures to life . . . word for word.... -
Who Do You Say That I Am? Tertiary-Lifelong"By addressing the question of all time to the disciples, Jesus wanted to draw out from us the redemptive answer He sought: a confession that was crucial to discipleship." -
Work out Your Own Salvation Tertiary-Lifelong"Far from any reference to salvation by works, Paul’s appeal is for a life and a lifestyle consistent with the demands of faith."