World Mission Narrow Results
resources regarding the study of missions and preparation for mission service
A Descriptive Study of the Personality, Attitudes, and Overseas Experience of Seventh-day Adventist College Students Who Served as Short-Term Volunteer Missionaries TertiaryProblem: During the last ten years there has been a surge of interest among college students in short-term volunteer missionary service. It was the purpose of the present study to describe the personality, attitudes, and overseas experience of a group... -
A Song From Poland Tertiary-Lifelong"We student missionaries came to the conclusion that our role as witnesses and missionaries is to be like the sower in the parable (see Matthew 13:3-8). We are simply witnesses--people who tell what they have heard and seen and give their personal testimony.... -
Amistad - Helping Women and Children Around the World Grade 8-LifelongThis is an interview between Karen Hanson Kotoske and Jeff Boyd about the way God has lead Karen in helping others around the world. -
Asian Aid Grade 1-LifelongThis is a way for your students to be involved in the mission field, sharing Jesus and helping those in need. For over 50 years, Asian Aid has aimed "to strengthen the capacity of families and communities to protect, nurture and support their children... -
Barnabas International - Pastoral Care for Missionaries & Their Families Tertiary-LifelongThis ministry provides images, articles, resources and information to encourage and strengthen missionaries, missionary kids, global servants and their families. -
Christians Versus Culture Tertiary"We are in the world, a world that God loves, and a world in which we have a mission. And yet we are not of this world, and we should guard against falling in love with this world...."In a broad sense, culture may be defined as the beliefs, values,... -
Contextualizing the Gospel Message in Asia - An Adventist Approach Tertiary-LifelongTan discusses "the problem of contextualizing the gospel message in Asia." He "attempts to present a proposal on contextualizing the gospel message in Asia from an Adventist approach." This paper was presented at the 11th Institute of Christian... -
Education Information for Christian Mission Workers Kindergarten-Grade 12OSCAR provides information about Christian education services in Britain and online, for parents working overseas, with third culture (TCK) or missionary kids (MK). Schools in many countries are listed with contact information, as well as education resources... -
Global Mission Grade 5-LifelongGlobal Mission supports local initiatives for frontline ministry in unentered areas, and and helps involve all church departments in this task. -
Global Mission Religious Study Centers Grade 5-Lifelong"The Office of Adventist Mission operates six Global Mission Centers in key locations around the world." Find information on the following: Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations, World Jewish-Adventist Friendship Center, Center for East Asian... -
God's Power at Russia's Frontier Grade 11-LifelongGina McHenry served in Russia as a volunteer teacher. She tells her story of how God used her to impact the lives of many Russians. -
Heroes with a Mission Unit Kindergarten-Grade 8"The Pathways theme of this unit is Heroes. The concept that we have chosen to emphasize is being a hero at home and abroad. The students will define and gain an understanding of what it means to be a hero, how they can recognize everyday heroes around... -
International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention Grade 9-LifelongThe International Mission Board (formerly Foreign Mission Board) is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest evangelical denomination, claiming more than 40,000 churches with nearly 16 million members. The board's main... -
Is There Hope for the Unevangelized? Tertiary-Lifelong"I believe that God usually saves people through human messengers sharing His good news. I also believe that God is fair and loving, and not limited by our failure to give the message. He reads the hearts of people and judges accordingly. While Jesus... -
Joseph Wolff - Missionary Extraordinaire Tertiary-LifelongMaxwell recounts Joseph Wolff's missionary journey. Joseph Wolff’s astonishing career is in itself fascinating, but for Seventh-day Adventists it holds unique interest, for in all his dangerous journeying he announced the second coming of Christ on the... -
Mission Kindergarten-LifelongThe Adventist Book Center sells books on the subject of missions including: Best Ever Mission Stories; Bridges 101; Child of the Crossfire; Escape from Saigon; Flight 122; For This Purpose; Here I am, Lord - Send Someone Else; Islam in the Post 9/11 World;... -
Mission in Madagascar TertiaryDr. Toledo tells his incredible story of how he became a missionary in Madagascar. When it comes to missions, you may ask the same question he often does - What does God expect of me in this world? -
Missionary Moppets Lesson Plan Grade 1-Grade 4Activities designed to foster the missionary spirit in each student, as well as to provide opportunities for students to engage in missionary activities (service). -
Outpost Centers International Grade 9-LifelongYour connection to missions worldwide, Outpost Centers International links you with opportunities to train or work with over 60 Adventist supporting ministries worldwide in education, health, publishing, and restaurants. -
Restore a Child Grade 1-LifelongHere is an opportunity for your students to learn generosity and help others who are in need as they raise money for this organization. "Restore a Child is a Christian organization that provides the basic needs for protection, nutrition, education and... -
The 10/40 Window - New mission opportunities Tertiary-LifelongPat Gustin talks about the window of opportunity in sharing the gospel around the world and what we as Christians can do. -
The Church - Knowing and Living Its Purpose Tertiary-Lifelong"The purpose of the church is to reveal God to the world, to be a classroom of discipleship training, to demonstrate how redeemed people live in community, and to partner with God in His mission." -
The Gospel as Holistic Mission - The Challenges of Contextualizing Relief and Development Lifelong"Contextualization of the gospel means that the gospel has not only been communicated but has also been understood, lived out, and has transformed individuals, and communities, as well as their culture. If we are to communicate the gospel message to other... -
The Stranger Within Your Gates - Muslim Students in Adventist Schools and Islam in the Curriculum Kindergarten-LifelongWhat do Adventist educational administrators and teachers need to know to deal with Muslim students in Adventist schools and Islam in the curriculum? Topics discussed: God and Allah; Jesus and Mohammed; the Bible, the Koran, and the Hadiths; sin and forgetfulness;... -
The Student Missionary Experience and Its Impact on Young Adults Tertiary-LifelongThis qualitative study aims to find out how and in what aspect a year of Student Missionary (SM) experience impacts the college students who serve. Former SMs from four Adventist colleges and universities were interviewed. The Christian Spiritual Participation... -
Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles Grade 5-LifelongLooking for a tool to broaden your mission awareness and compassion for unreached peoples around the globe? Use this comprehensive index of people groups yet unreached by the Gospel, produced by Bethany World Prayer Center, to rapidly locate thousands of specific... -
Validation of goals for pre-departure missionary orientation Kindergarten-LifelongProblem: Cross-cultural orientation programs facilitate missionary preparedness. Orientation is more effective if driven by valid and suitable goals determined before methods are selected and programs implemented. This study attempted to identify valid... -
World Christian Database Tertiary-Lifelong"The World Christian Database provides comprehensive statistical information on world religions, Christian denominations, and people groups. Extensive data are available on 9,000 Christian denominations, 13,000 ethnolinguistic peoples, as well as data...