Christian Church History Narrow Results
resources regarding the history of the Christian religion and church from Christ to contemporary times
10 Basic Points to Consider in the Interpretation of Daniel 11 Grade 8-LifelongWhen interpreting unfulfilled prophecies, where history is not yet written, the student should present his exposition without too much dogmatism so that he does not find himself lost in the realm of fantasy. There are those who think more about future truth... -
A New Perspective Concerning Place, Reconciliation, and Judgment via a Consideration of the Nexus between Christianity and Indigenous Spirituality Tertiary-Lifelong"The paper first offers a brief overview of some key concepts of Native Title, inclusive of key dates and events significant to the current native title issues in Australia. It then proffers a new perspective concerning three key issues relevant to the... -
A Study of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 Grade 8-LifelongIn the cathedral of Strasbourg there is an enormous clock that, at 12 o'clock, makes the twelve apostles parade in front of the Lord. On the base of such a clock appear in four parts the four ferocious animals of Daniel 7, with the inscription: Babylon, Medo-Persia,... -
Ahead of Their Time? The 15th Century Reformation in Russia Tertiary-LifelongZhigankov talks about the Russian Reformation and how their courageous example still challenges contemporary Christians. -
American Society of Church History Tertiary-LifelongThe central purpose of the American Society of Church History, founded in 1888, is the scholarly study of the history of Christianity and its relationship to surrounding cultures in all periods, locations and contexts. Through publications conferences, awards,... -
Anzacs Were Secular but . . . Soldiers Steeped in Biblically-Informed Worldview had Passive Belief in Diffusive Christianity Tertiary-Lifelong"It’s always tempting to see the past in terms of the present, to deny the past its difference. In Australia, perhaps that temptation has been hardest to resist when it comes to Anzac history. In popular imagination and representation, the Anzacs... -
Christian Classics Ethereal Library Tertiary-LifelongDownloadable Christian classic books; search by title or author. Early church (first 800 years), commentaries on the Bible, and other less-well known works. Good for church history research. CD Rom available as well. -
Christian Educators of the 20th Century Tertiary-Lifelong"Welcome to the Christian Educators of the 20th Century database. This project covers approximately 215 Protestant, Roman Catholic and Orthodox educators who have helped shape Christian religious education since the founding of the Religious Education... -
Christians in a Pluralistic Society - Papyrus Evidence from the Roman Empire Tertiary-Lifelong"Christian sources allow readers to gain the impression that the Christians were especially sensitive to, or even exaggerated for apologetic purposes, the Roman government’s hostility towards them. However, by using the often neglected papyrus documents... -
Church History Grade 5-LifelongThe Adventist Book Center has many books about the history of the Adventist Church, notable figures in Adventism, and general church history books that may include, but are not limited to, the following titles: 1844 Made Simple; John Harvey Kellogg; A Brief... -
Dialogue Editorial: The Enduring Legacy of the Protestant Reformation Tertiary-Lifelong"This issue of Dialogue commemorates the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses onto the door of the church at Wittenberg on October 31, 1517, which in effect launched the Protestant Reformation that changed the world and... -
Discipleship - Going beyond Baptism Tertiary-Lifelong"When the risen Jesus commanded His disciples to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19, NIV), He was issuing a global commission for a worldwide mission. Since then, evangelism, reaching the unreached, church planting, and... -
Ecumenism in the New Millennium Tertiary-Lifelong"Seventy-five years ago, William Temple, then archbishop of Canterbury, called the ecumenical movement 'the great new fact of our era.' However, with the passing of time, ecumenism has not only become no longer new, but less original and vital."... -
Ellen White's Portrait of Martin Luther Tertiary-Lifelong"Luther and Ellen White highlighted the ultimate authority of Scripture for faith and practice, the importance of Scripture as its own interpreter, the close relationship between the Old and New Testaments, and the central role of Jesus Christ. They strongly... -
Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists Grade 7-LifelongThis global church project aims to complete approximately 8,500 articles with accompanying photographs, media, and original documents. Project goals: Supply reliable and authoritative information on Adventist history, crucial events and themes,... -
Enlightenment and the Christian Worldview - One's Perspective Makes All the Difference Tertiary"Many theological pitfalls in the Christian community might be avoided if we understood the worldview in which they are rooted." -
Freedom of Conscience, Religious Freedom, Freedom of Worship Tolerance in the Context of Human Rights - Historical-biblical Perspective TertiaryThe history of humanity in the conquest of human rights and, among them, the respect for the freedom of religious conscience and worship, is written in some luminous and some dark and atrocious pages. Although from classical antiquity to post-modernity there... -
Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers - You Will See Your Lord a-Coming - Daily Lesson Guide and Trade Book Grade 8NAD Pathways Grade 8 selection for Theme 4: Walking with God. Perhaps you've heard the stories of the Adventist pioneers. However these are the stories that are not often told. The stories that bring out the human nature of each one. Heartwarming stories will... -
HESBAN 07: Hellenistic & Roman Strata - A Study of the Stratigraphy of Tell Hesban from the 2nd Century B.C. to the 4th Century A.D. Tertiary-Lifelong"This volume details the Intertestamental, New Testament, and Early Church cultures at Tell Hesban. A description of the political and religious history of the region includes treatments of the culture, roads/transportation, commerce, and trade. 92 photos,... -
Historical Development of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Adventist Church Grade 9-LifelongThere is no doubt that the Adventist Church was led by God to proclaim the present truth, the three angels' messages. But that new discovery of eternal truths was not instantaneous. It took decades for our church to establish its doctrinal scaffolding. The... -
How Science Separated from Theology - Musings of a Theologian Tertiary-Lifelong"What scholastics used as fodder for debate has today become a watershed issue between biblical religion and science as now practiced. In this dilemma, what is the plight of the believer?" -
How the Church Works Podcast Grade 11-LifelongThese podcasts take "a deep dive into the Inner-Workings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and why you should care. Each podcast episode explores the forgotten context and history of one aspect of the church - including beliefs, church structure, tithe,... -
Internet Christian Library Grade 9-LifelongA guide to Christian resources on the internet such as Christian literature, Bible study aids, and Bible collections. This includes links to guides to early church history, commentaries on Bible prophets, and the works of writers such as Augustine, Thomas... -
Is Religion a Cause for Violence? Tertiary-Lifelong“Seldom does a religion teach the use of violence to carry out its message, although some extreme proponents of a religion may indulge in violence as a means of its propagation or justification. We, as Christians, must be the first to acknowledge that.” -
Luther - From Fear to Faith Grade 4-Grade 12Bring the story of reformer Martin Luther to life using this reader's theater. Prop ideas and stage settings are also provided, making this a great option to perform in the community. -
Overcoming Tribal Violence - A Challenge for Contemporary Christianity Tertiary-Lifelong"From a selected survey of some recent scientific findings from archaeology and ancient history, the paper draws two main conclusions. First, we who now know enough to follow the Bible story back from Roman Palestine into prehistory can see humanity’s... -
Pathways of the Pioneers Grade 1-Lifelong117 captivating stories cover the exciting, troublesome, and difficult early years of the Seventh-day Adventist church from William Miller's ministry through the death of Ellen G. White. Valuable for classroom, home or church use for all ages. Listen freely... -
Paul, the Prophet Grade 5-LifelongThe Holy Scriptures present their characters with their strengths, weaknesses and deep convictions that made them heroes or villains. Among the heroes we find the apostle Paul. A man endowed with superior intellectual and spiritual faculties, educated by great... -
Sabbatarianism in the 16th Century - A Page in the History of the Radical Reformation Lifelong"A follow up to his 1988 book Andreas Fischer and the Sabbatarian Anabaptists, Liechty examines an almost unknown phase of Reformation history. He considers two distinct Sabbatarian groups: the radical wing of Anabaptism, and a radical wing of Unitarianism... -
Seeking Wisdom from the Past in Church History Tertiary-LifelongCiaverella looks at history to see how we can learn from the past. Some criteria is also given on how we can learn from the past. This paper was presented at the 31st Institute of Christian Teaching. -
Sensus Divinitatis and the Mission of the Church Tertiary-LifelongThe belief about being sensitive to the presence of God is not uncommon, although such discussions may not affirm a faith relationship to a personal Creator God who has an abiding interest in one’s life. But a Christian cannot speak of sensus divinitatis... -
Sharing the Gospel in a Postmodern World - Challenges and Opportunities Tertiary-Lifelong"Humility in sharing the truth requires a personal testimony that is genuine and authentic. Sharing what has worked for you has an incredible power, but it requires that people see that it has really worked for you." -
Sola Scriptura - A Comparison of Luther and the Adventist Understanding Tertiary-Lifelong"Sola scriptura means the Word of God is the ultimate standard and norm, as well as the proper touchstone and final authority for faith and practice. All other authorities must be judged and evaluated in the light of Scripture. The Word of God... -
Stories - Adventist Book Center Recommended Books Kindergarten-LifelongThe Adventist Book Center sells books and DVD's containing stories and biographies. -
TEACH Editorial Vol 11 Issue 2: Celebrate Reformation Kindergarten-TertiaryFive hundred years later, we still celebrate Martin Luther’s initiation of the Reformation. Perry points out that God used Luther despite his failure to completely reform himself. In the same way, Christian teachers should be conscious of their own sinful... -
The Bible, The Creation and The Reformation Grade 11-LifelongFocusing on two of Martin Luther's 95 Theses, Standish reflects on how "the creation was a fundamental pillar of the Reformation because it is a fundamental theme of Scripture and fundamental to the Gospel...Because the creation is true and necessary,... -
The Christian Church and Society - Some Functions, Dysfunctions, Conflict, and Interactions Tertiary-LifelongThe purpose of this paper is to provide, from a sociological perspective, a broad overview of the historical and current interaction between the Christian Church and Society; with an inclusion of the specific contributions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. -
The Da Vinci Code - Fact or Fiction? Tertiary-Lifelong"Although Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, has enjoyed great popularity, its claims of fact about early church beliefs and the nature of Christ are easy to refute, but require a foundation in early church history and knowledge of Greek,... -
The French Wars of Religion and the Problem of Teaching Confessionally Partisan History Grade 9-Grade 12"How should Seventh-day Adventist scholars and teachers treat the historical events of a period of warfare, violence, and cruelty in the name of religion, such as the French Wars of Religion, when most of the violence and viciousness seems to come from... -
The Galileo Incident - What Today's Christian Can Learn Tertiary"We know that those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history are often condemned to repeat them. Nowhere is this more applicable than in the case of the 450 year old heliostatic challenge posed by the Polish monk, Copernicus. This new paradigm... -
The Papacy in Retrospect Grade 9-LifelongIn this study I use the word retrospective to indicate that something is described from its end, looking backward, and the word prospective to indicate the opposite, something is described from its beginning, looking forward, following the normal course of... -
The Prophecy of the Man Clothed in White Raiment - Daniel 12:5-13 Grade 10-LifelongOne of the most intriguing messages in the book of Daniel is the prophecy of Daniel 12:5-13. This section is the epilogue of the book of Daniel and contains a prophecy of the "man clothed in linen." It presents a warning and a promise for God's people... -
The Synagogue and the Church Tertiary-LifelongDoukham talks about the common ground between Judaism and Christianity as well as what each faith could learn from the other. Also included is the ten points of Seelisberg. -
Times of the Reformation WebQuest Grade 7-Grade 10In this WebQuest, "take a look at the Protestant Reformation through the eyes of these different individuals: Martin Luther, Pope Leo X, King Henry VIII, John Calvin." You will then create a multi-media presentation comparing and contrasting each... -
To Church or Not to Church? Tertiary-Lifelong"Church is about our need to stick together, to learn to get along while still here on earth, and it is about service to the world around us." -
Understanding History - Seventh-day Adventists and their Perspectives Kindergarten-Lifelong"A knowledge of a Seventh-day Adventist understanding of history explains a great deal about the church and touches on many of the key conflicts and controversies that have affected, and currently affect, the church. Hence, it is topical for the... -
When Did Herod the Great Die? Grade 7-LifelongThe well-known figure of Herod, known in history as Herod the Great, has recently received a boost in the media because of the discovery of Herod's possible tomb in Herodium. However, the Bible does not present a positive enough picture to remember him as...